- 中文名:蔡偉
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:材料物理與化學,生物醫學儀器與工程
- 職務:導師
- 形狀記憶材料 NiTi基形狀記憶合金 高溫形狀記憶合金 形狀記憶合金薄膜 磁驅動記憶材料 記憶合金智慧型複合材料
- 生物醫學材料 生物醫用金屬材料 生物醫用金屬材料 藥物控制釋放材料 生物醫用支架材料
- 納米信息功能材料 半導體氧化物納米帶 氮化鎵納米帶 自組裝納米薄膜
- 特殊塗層光纖 金屬塗層光纖 壓電塗層光纖 磁致伸縮塗層光纖
- W. Cai, Y. Murakami, K. Otsuka. Study of R-Phase Transformation in a Ti-50.7at%Ni Alloy by In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Observations. Mater. Sci. & Eng. A, 1999, 273-275:186-189.
- Wei Cai, Kazuhiro Otsuka. Martensite Aging Effect in a Ti50Pd50 High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy. Scripta Mater., 1999, 41:1311-1317.
- Y. F. Zheng, W. Cai, J. X.. Zhang, L. C. Zhao and H. Q. Ye. Microstructural Development inside the Stress Induced Martensite Variant in a Ti-Ni-Nb Shape Memory Alloy. Acta Materialia, 2000, 48:1409-1425.
- M. C. Li, X. K. Chen, W. Cai, J. H. Yin, J. P. Yang, G. Wu, L. C.Zhao. Preparation of Platinum Slicide Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Pulsed Laser Annealing. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2001, 72 (1):85-87.
- Xingke Zhao, Wei Cai, Liancheng Zhao. Corrosion Behavior of Phasphosus Ion-lmplanted Ni50.6Ti49.4 Shape Memory Alloys. Surf. & Coat. Tech., 2002, 155(2-3):236-238.
- W. Cai, J. X. Zhang, Y. F. Zheng and L. C. Zhao. Structure and Mobility of Martensite Variant Interfaces in a CuZnAl shape memory alloy. J. de Phys. IV, 2003(in press).
- 趙連城, 蔡偉, 鄭玉峰. 合金的形狀記憶效應與超彈性. 北京:國防工業出版社, 2002。