


  • 中文名:蓋慶春
  • 畢業院校:曲阜師範大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:教授


  1. 膜技術分離及在廢水處理、海水淡化、食品及藥物中間體濃縮等方面的套用2. 新型膜材料和新能源的開發 


蓋慶春,女,博士,博士生導師,"閩江學者"特聘教授。主要致力於膜科學與工程方面的研究,套用於能源,環境,廢水處理、海水淡化、食品及醫藥科學等領域;主要涉及有機高分子膜,高分子/納米材料混合基質膜,納濾膜,超濾膜,微濾膜,正滲透膜以及各類型膜在能源產品開發,能源持久性發展,廢水處理,海水淡化,食品、藥物中間體分離提純濃縮等各方面的套用。現已在國外著名SCI期刊,如Environ. Sci. Technol.、Water Res.、Chem. Comm.、J. Membr. Sci.等發表多篇論文;申請了3項美國專利,其中2項已授權。


· 化學博士, 新加坡國立大學
· 化學碩士, 南開大學 ·
化學學士, 曲阜師範大學


· 教授,福州大學環境與資源學院,2015.4 - 至今
· 博士後研究員, 新加坡國立大學化學過程與分子生物學, 2009.5 - 2015.3
· 助理研究員, 新加坡國立大學化學系, 2007.7 - 2009.4




  1. PBI材料和PBI-FO膜的研究及其在污水處理中的套用(國家自然科學基金項目,66萬),2017.1-2020.122. 汲取液的研究及在海水淡化中的套用 (福建省自然科學基金項目,4萬),2016.4-2019.43. 膜技術在水處理中的套用 (福建省閩江學者特聘教授項目, 300萬),2015.5-2017.4. 中空纖維耐溶劑納濾膜耐溶劑性能的增強 (10萬),2015.12-2016.12


因在 “膜科學技術在能源和水資源的可持續性,更好的品質生活”方面的貢獻,新加坡工程學會2010年授予“享有盛譽的工程成就獎”.


《Recent Developments in Forward Osmosis Processes》


1.AUSpatent application was filed by Q. Ge, T.S. Chung, Forward osmosis processes in water treatment using polyelectrolytes as draw solutes, with application No. 61/540,072, 2011.
2.Q. Ge, T.S. Chung, J. Su, Y. Cui, Forward Osmosis System Using Coordination Complexes, 2014. 9,USA,WO 2014/163589 A1.
3.M.M. Ling, T.S. Chung, K.Y. Wang, Q. Ge, J. Su, Forward osmosis process using hydrophilic magnetic nanoparticles as draw solutes. WO 2011/099941.
  1. Q. Ge, L.M. Yang, J. Cai, W. Xu, Q. Chen, M. Liu, Hydroacid magnetic nanoparticles in forward osmosis for seawater desalination and efficient regeneration via integrated magnetic and membrane separations. Journal of Membrane Science 520 (2016), 550-559.2.Q. Ge, G. Han, T.S. Chung, Effective As(III) Removal by A Multi-Charged Hydroacid Complex Draw Solute Facilitated Forward Osmosis-Membrane Distillation (FO-MD) Processes, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2016), 2363-2370.3.Q. Ge, T.S. Chung, Oxalic Acid Complexes: Promising Draw Solutes for Forward Osmosis (FO) in Protein Enrichment, Chemical Communications, 51 (2015), 4854-4857.4.Q. Ge, F.J. Fu, T.S. Chung, Ferric and cobaltous hydroacid complexes for forward osmosis (FO) processes. Water Research 58 (2014), 230-238.5.G. Han, Q. Ge, T.S. Chung, Conceptual demonstration of novel closed-loop pressure retarded osmosis process for sustainable osmotic energy generation using hydroacid complex as draw solution. Applied Energy. 132 (2014), 383-393.6.Y. Cui, Q. Ge, X.Y. Liu, T.S. Chung, Novel forward osmosis process to effectively remove heavy metal ions. Journal of Membrane Science 467 (2014), 188-194.7.Q. Ge, T.S. Chung, Hydroacid complexes: A new class of draw solutes to promote forward osmosis (FO) processes. Chemical Communications 49 (2013), 8471-8473.8.Q. Ge, M.M. Ling, T.S. Chung, Draw solution in forward osmosis process: development, challenge and prospects for the future. Journal of Membrane Science 442 (2013), 225-237.9.Q. Ge, P. Wang, C. Wan, T.S. Chung, G. Amy, Polyelectrolyte-promoted forward osmosis-membrane distillation (FO-MD) hybrid process for dye wastewater treatment. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (2012), 6236–6243.10. Q. Ge, J. Su, G. Amy, T.S. Chung, Exploration of polyelectrolytes as draw solutes in forward osmosis processes. Water Research 46 (2012), 1318–1326.11. Q. Ge, J. Su, T.S. Chung, G. Amy, Hydrophilic superparamagnetic nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and application in forward osmosis processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 50 (2011), 382-388.12. T.S. Chung, X. Li, R.C. Ong, Q. Ge, H. Wang, G. Han, Emerging forward osmosis (FO) technologies and challenges ahead for clean water and clean energy applications. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 1 (2012), 246–257.13. Q. Ge, G.T. Dalton, M.G. Humphrey, M. Samoc, T.S.A. Hor, Structural and Non-Linear Optical Properties of Aligned Heterotrinuclear [RuII-(Spacer)-MII-(Spacer)-RuII] Complexes (M = Pd, Pt; spacer = 4-ethynylpyridine). Chemistry – An Asian Journal 4 (2009), 998-1005.14. Q. Ge, T. C. Corkery, M.G. Humphrey, M. Samoc, T.S.A. Hor, Organobimetallic RuII-ReI 4-Ethynylpyridyl Complexes: Structures & Non-Linear Optical Properties. Dalton Transactions (2009), 6192-6200.15. Q. Ge, T.S.A. Hor, Stepwise assembly of linearly-aligned Ru–M–Ru (M = Pd, Pt) heterotrimetallic complexes with 4-ethynylpyridine spacer. Dalton Transactions (2008), 2929-2936.16. Q. Ge, Y. Guo, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, Kinetics and mechanism of the catalytic dehydration of HCO3− by zinc(II) complexes of tripod ligands. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 36 (2004), 197-203.17. Q. Ge, Y. Guo, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, Stoichiometrical coordination behaviour of hexaza tripodal ligands towards zinc(II), copper(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II). Transition Metal Chemistry (Dordrecht,Netherlands) 28 (2003), 572-578.18. Q. Ge, Y. Guo, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, Kinetics studies on the hydrolysis of NA ester catalyzed by Zinc (II) complexes of 1,3,5-tris (2’, 5’- diazaoctane) benzene. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis 36 (2003), 15-21.19. Q. Ge, Y. Guo, S. Li, H K. Lin, X. Wang, S. Zhu, Y. Chen, Thermodynamic properties of complexes of 1, 3, 5 – tri (n-2, 5-diaminohexaane)-benzene with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis 34 (2001), 13-19.20. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, La(III) complex of phenanthroline bridging polyamine as efficient catalyst for the hydrolysis of ATP. Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry 42A (2003), 1076-1080.21. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, Kinetics and mechanism of promoted hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl acetate by zinc(II)-tripod: different roles of mononuclear and trinuclear species. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 36 (2004), 41-48.22. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, C. Zhou, Multiple interactions in Zn(II) ternary systems of phenanthroline bridging polyaza ligand and adenosine, 5’-triphosphate. Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry 42(A) (2003), 287-291.23. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, C. Zhou, Recognition promoted by Zn2+ between phenanthroline bridging polyaza ligands and nucleotides — Zn2+ acts as ‘messenger’ between the receptor and substrate. Journal of Molecular Recognition 16 (2003), 102-111.24. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, C. Zhou, The different roles of metal ions and water molecules in the recognition and catalyzed hydrolysis of ATP by phenanthroline-containing polyamines. Biophysical Chemistry 105 (2003), 119-131.25. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, H. Lin, The role of copper(II) ion in regulating H-bonding and coulombic interactions in copper(II)/tripod/polyphosphate systems. Transition Metal Chemistry (Dordrecht,Netherlands) 28 (2003), 609-615.26. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, Synthesis, thermodynamic properties and kinetics of the acid-catalyzed dissociation of nickel(II) diamido polyamino complexes. Transition Metal Chemistry (Dordrecht,Netherlands) 28 (2003), 668-675.27. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, The different roles of metal ions and water molecule in the hydrolysis of ATP catalyzed by phenanthroline-based polyamines. Inorganic Chemical Communications 6 (2003), 308-312.28. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, H.K. Lin, S. Zhu, Thermodynamic studies on supramolecular interactions of metal ions with nucleotides/tripods ligands. Polyhedron 21 (2002), 1005-1015.29. Y. Guo, Q. Ge, H. Lin, S. Zhu, C. Zhou, Stability study of novel transition metal complexes containing polyamine ligands of phenanthroline, Journal of Nankai University 35 (2002) 61-67.
  1. Q. Ge, M.M. Ling, G. Amy, T.S. Chung, Polyelectrolytes-promoted forward osmosis processes, Euromembrane 2012, London, UK, Sept. 23-27, 2012.2. M.M. Ling, Q. Ge, T.S. Chung, Molecular design of draw solutions for forward osmosis technology, International Water Association, Busan,Korea, Sept. 16-21, 2012.3. Q. Ge, J. Su, G. Amy, T.S. Chung, Novel draw solution of polyelectrolytes in forward osmosis processes, 22nd Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society, New Orleans, USA, Jun. 9-13, 2012.4. M.M. Ling, Q. Ge, J. Su, G. Amy, T.S. Chung, Molecular designs of novel draw solutes in forward osmosis for desalination, Desalination for the Environment - Clean Water and Energy, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 22-24, 2012.5. Q. Ge, J. Su, T.S. Chung, Hydrophilic superparamagnetic nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and performance in forward osmosis processes, AIChE Annual Meeting 2010, Salt Lake City,USA, Nov. 8-12, 2010.6. Q. Ge, T.S.A. Hor, Use of directional bifunctional spacers to construct µ2,-alkynyl-bridged multinuclear systems, 6th International Symposium by Chinese Inorganic Chemists (ISCIC-6) & 9th International Symposium by Chinese Organic Chemists (ISCOC-9), Singapore, Dec. 17-20, 2006.7. Q. Ge, T.S.A. Hor, Multimetallic assembly of Ru(II) complexes with -4-ethynylpyridine-type spacers, XXXVIth International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 13-18, 2006.8. Q. Ge, T.S.A. Hor, Ru(II)-based heterometallic assembly with 4-ethynylpridine-type spacers, Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec.15-20, 2005.9. Q. Ge, T.S.A. Hor, RuII-based a with 4-pyridylacetylide spacer, Singapore International Chemical Conference 4,Singapore, Dec. 8-10, 2005.10. Q. Ge, T.S.A. Hor, Nitrito-bridged heterodinulear complexes, 5th International Symposium by Chinese Inorganic Chemists (ISCIC-5) & 8th International Symposium by Chinese Organic Chemists (ISCOC-9), Hong Kong, Dec. 19-22, 2004.


