
蒼南縣新星實驗學校(原溫州新星學校國小部)是縣教育局直屬的一所高規格、高品位、高質量的高端寄宿制實驗學校。學校秉承 “以習慣奠基人生,以文化滋養成長”的辦學理念,緊緊抓住溫州市民辦教育綜合改革的有利契機,精心構建校園陽光文化體系,堅持打造綠色、純淨、公平、廉潔的教育教學環境,全面彰顯優質教育,贏得社會廣泛讚譽。《中國教育電視台》、《浙江教育報》以及其它省、市媒體多次對學校的辦學思想,辦學模式和辦學成績作翔實報導,省、市、縣各級領導更是對新星的辦學實踐給予高度評價和充分肯定。學校先後被評為浙江省民主管理先進集體,溫州市工會工作先進集體,溫州市文明學校,溫州市青少年科技教育先進集體,蒼南縣文明學校,蒼南縣文明單位等多項集體榮譽;辦學至今,學生1000多人次、教師400多人次在縣、市、省、全國各項比賽中獲獎。


  • 中文名:蒼南縣新星實驗學校
  • 英文名:Cangnan Xinxing Experimental School
  • 簡稱:新星實驗
  • 校訓:厚德博學 樂思篤行
  • 創辦時間:1996.9
  • 所屬地區:浙江溫州
  • 類別:縣教育局直屬寄宿制實驗學校
  • 學校類型:九年一貫制
  • 學校屬性:縣教育局直屬寄宿制實驗學校
  • 主要院系:國小部
  • 主要獎項:溫州市小科學家培養基地
  • 現任校長:趙秀娟
蒼南縣新星實驗學校(原溫州新星學校國小部)是縣教育局直屬的一所高規格、高品位、高質量的高端寄宿制實驗學校。學校秉承 “以習慣奠基人生,以文化滋養成長”的辦學理念,緊緊抓住溫州市民辦教育綜合改革的有利契機,精心構建校園陽光文化體系,堅持打造綠色、純淨、公平、廉潔的教育教學環境,全面彰顯優質教育,贏得社會廣泛讚譽。《中國教育電視台》、《浙江教育報》以及其它省、市媒體多次對學校的辦學思想,辦學模式和辦學成績作翔實報導,省、市、縣各級領導更是對新星的辦學實踐給予高度評價和充分肯定。學校先後被評為浙江省民主管理先進集體,溫州市工會工作先進集體,溫州市文明學校,溫州市青少年科技教育先進集體,蒼南縣文明學校,蒼南縣文明單位等多項集體榮譽;辦學至今,學生1000多人次、教師400多人次在縣、市、省、全國各項比賽中獲獎。
Cangnan Xinxing experimental school (the former WenzhouStarPrimary School) is the County Education Bureau directly under a high standard, high grade, high quality high-end boarding experimental school. School adhering to the "foundation of life with habit, cultural nourishment to grow in the" School of philosophy, firmly grasp the favorable opportunity of private education comprehensive reform in Wenzhou City, carefully constructed sunshine culture system in campus, adhere to create green, pure, fair, honest and teaching environment, to demonstrate the quality education, to win the social widespread praise. "Chinese Education TV", "Zhejiangdaily" and other education province, city media repeatedly to the school running idea, the mode of running a school and school performance as informative reports, all levels of province, city, county leadership is the practice of running a school on the star to give a high evaluation and fully affirmed. The school has been rated as Zhejiang Province, democratic management advanced group, advanced collective of Wenzhou City, the work of trade unions, the Wenzhou City School of civilization, advanced youth science and technology education in Wenzhou city group, Cangnan County Cangnan County School of civilization, civilized units and so on a number of collective honor; School students so far, more than 1000 passengers, more than 400 people, teachers in the county, city, province national competitions in the award-winning.
核心理念The core idea.
Theory: with habit based life, and culture to nurture growth
Teaching aims: let students feel the happiness, let the education be full of sunshine
校 訓:厚德博學 樂思篤行
The school motto: Hau erudite music resourceful
Objective: to cultivate educated, has the certain culture and international perspective of young gentleman, young lady
教育策略:培養習慣 呵護個性 快樂成長
Educational strategies: to develop the habit of caring character grow up happily
校 風:和諧 文明 求真 求實
The school harmonious civilization wind: seeking the truth
教 風:敬業 愛生 博學 尚教
Teaching style: professional knowledge still teach love
學 風:樂學 善問 勤思 踐行
Style of study: joy learn good asked Qin thought practice
工作作風:團結 勤奮 奉獻 創新
Style of work: unity and hard work dedication, innovation
Development goals: 3 years to become well-known schools in the Cangnan area, 5 years to become well-known schools in theWenzhouarea, 8 years inZhejiangprovince have a certain visibility, let the school grow into a unique, quality, leading the school teachers and students in the happiness.
優雅環境Elegant environment
The school covers an area of 28000 square meters, construction area of 35000 square meters. The school environment quiet and elegant, style novel, educational and teaching facilities and equipment according to the compulsory education of Zhejiang province standardization school configuration, all kinds of special classrooms, library reading room, plastic stadium, multi-function hall, restaurant and hotel style apartment replete with teachers and students.
薈萃名師Meta teacher
學校教育精英薈萃,師資力量雄厚,擁有一支以“名師”( 市、縣骨幹教師、教壇新秀與名師培養對象占教師總數70%)為龍頭、“新秀”為骨幹、“新苗”為後備力量,業務精良、師德高尚的強大師資隊伍。優質教育資源的拓展,特色品牌學校的創建,為孩子和教師的共同成長搭起了廣闊舞台。
School education elite, strong teachers, in order to have a "teacher" (altar rookie total teachers and teacher training object 70% City, county backbone teacher, teach) as a leader, "rookie" as the backbone, "bud" as a reserve force, service excellent, noble morality of the strong team of teachers. Development of high quality educational resources, to create the characteristics of school brand, set up a broad stage for mutual growth of children and teachers.
特色彰顯Features highlight
Schools to the children good habits as the starting point, with the small class teaching and family education, from the beginning of the first grade offering English course and the information class, scientific and systematic opened literature, small host, chess, martial arts, robot, baking and so on nearly 30 community, is the Wenzhou city "to promote effective learning" little scientists classroom reform pilot school and Wenzhou training base.
多彩校園Colorful campus
School carefully constructed sunshine, happiness culture system, each semester to hold rich and colorful campus activities, a comprehensive display of teacher-student style. "Pay attention to each one, every one," let every child walk tall, natural, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-reliance, enjoy the campus life happy golden childhood, let every child can have a happy, happy.
精心呵護Meticulous care
The school spirit of "foundation for the lifelong well-being of children" principle, pay attention to children's mental health and cultivate their life processing ability. Apartment style dormitory quiet environment, perfect facilities; restaurants to implement scientific diet, day three meals two snacks a fruit color, smell and taste. With in the student apartment life full-time instructors, arrange professional medical personnel, give children take to one's bosom life care, learn to live, learn, learn to strong, learn to coexist independently. The teacher like parents care have add, let every child enjoy the warmth of home.
Into the star, let us grow together; into the star, let we have each other! To have a happy childhood, have a brilliant life!


