蒙哥馬利社區學院(Montgomery Community College,縮寫MCC)位於北卡羅來納州的特洛伊鎮(Troy),是一所公立社區學院,成立於1978年,僅有在校學生8百多人。

- Overall Experience: I think I would choose the same school as I made decision starting my education in here. Since it is community college, it is very much similar to high school enviroment rather than big giant room with hundreds of hundreds people stuck together and professor does not even know if you are exisisting in that class.
- Academic Experience: academics good in my field but counselors not consistant in helping guide
- Campus Quality: The environment everyone comes prepared to work and learn everyday.
- Campus Quality: I think the Professor's really set this school apart from all the rest because of their life experiences and knowledge they can share with us. It's not just textbook material lectures.