1. “DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有)、Toshinori KIMURA(木村俊范)、Naohito SHIMIZU、Shigeru YOSHIZAKI(吉崎繁),Rice Kernel Fissuring during Thick Layer Microwave Drying. Proceedings of THE XIV MEMORIAL CIGR WORLD CONGRESS 2000,November 28-December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan.” 2000年12月獲國際農業工程學會 CIGR獎.
3.“DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有),Yelian MIAO, Chuanping FENG, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE and Shigeru YOSHIZAKI(吉崎繁). Distribution of Radiation Power Density on Drying Bed in Microwave Drying Chamber(微波乾燥室內乾燥床上的微波輻射能分布). Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 1999, March, Vol.61, No.2: 165-170,” 2003年7月獲河南省第八屆自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎(1999-2001)。(河南省人事廳、河南省科技廳、河南省科學技術協會)。證書號:8-2-384-1
7.“董鐵有、木村俊范、吉崎繁、川上友暉. Energy Efficiency in Microwave Drying of Roughand Brown Rice(微波乾燥稻穀和糙米的能量效率). 農業工程學報, 2002年5 Vol.18 No. 5,43-47”2006年7月河南省第九屆自然科學優秀學術論文貳等獎(公示中)
9. “ZHU Wenxue(朱文學)、DONG Tieyou(董鐵有,通訊作者)、曹崇文、李 棟. Fractal Modeling and Simulation of the Developing Process of Stress Cracks in Corn Kernel. Drying Technology 2004, Vol.22(1&2) Ⅰ-Ⅷ, 59-69, SCI, EI收錄:EI,ISI Document Delivery No.: 806TP”2006年7月獲河南省第九屆自然科學優秀學術論文貳等獎(公示中)
10.“劉建學、張玉先、董鐵有、王建華、Wu Shou Yi(吳守一). Establishing the Rice Gel Consistency Prediction model by Near Infrared Spectroscopy. ”2006年7月獲河南省第九屆自然科學優秀學術論文貳等獎(公示中)
1. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有), Yelian MIAO, Chuanping FENG, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE and Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Distribution of Radiation Power Density on Drying Bed in Microwave Drying Chamber. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Vol.61, No.2: 165-170, March 1999
2. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有),Toshinori KIMURA, Tomoteru KAWAKAMI, Naohito SHIMIZU, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Effects of Loading Conditions on the Reflecting Characteristics of Microwave Drying Chamber. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery. p485-486, JAPAN, NIIGATA, April 2000
3. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有), Yelian MIAO, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE, Chuanping FENG, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Distribution of Radiation Power Density in Microwave Drying Chamber. Proceedings of the 1997’s Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Structure. p22-23, JAPAN, TOKYO, Aug. 1997
4. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有),Toshinori KIMURA, Chuanping FENG, Shigeru YOSHIZAK, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE. Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Rough Rice With Concurrent, Counter and Cross Flow Ventilation. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of KANTO Branch of The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery. p55-56, JAPAN, OOMIYA, Aug. 1998
5.DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有), Toshinori KIMURA, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI and Yoshikuni MIYATAKE. Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Brown Rice with Concurrent Flow Ventilation. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery. p163-164, JAPAN, SAGA, April 1999
6.DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有),Toshinori KIMURA, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Factors Influencing the Uniformity of Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Rice with Ventilation. Proceedings of the 1999’s Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Structures. JAPAN, UTSUNOMIYA, Aug. 1999
1. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有),Toshinori KIMURA, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI, Chuanping FENG, Yoshikuni MIYATAKE, Tomoteru KAWAKAMI. Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Rough Rice with Concurrent, Counter and Cross Flow Ventilation. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Vol.62, No.4: 89-101, July 2000
2. 董鐵有,木村俊范,吉崎繁,川上友暉. Energy Efficiency in Microwave Drying of Rough and Brown Rice(微波乾燥稻穀和糙米的能量效率). 農業工程學報, 2002年5 Vol.18 No. 5,p43-47 (ISSN 1002-6819 CN11-2047/S) Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 2002.5, Vol.18 No. 5,p43-47 (ISSN 1002-6819 CN11-2047/S)
7. 董鐵有, 朱文學, 木村俊范, 吉崎繁. 糙米的厚層微波乾燥. 農業工程學報. 2003.3 Vol.19 (No.2),160-162 (ISSN 1002-6819 CN11-2047/S) [DONG, Tieyou, Wenxue ZHU, Toshinori KIMURA, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Brown Rice. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2003(1), 1. Vol. (ISSN 1002-6819 CN11-2047/S) ]
8. 董鐵有,木村俊范,吉崎繁,孫貴,川上友暉. 平鋪載荷下微波乾燥室的反射特性. 農業機械學報. 2003.7, Vol.34,No.4, 71-73 (ISSN 1000-1298 CN11-1964/S) [DONG, Tieyou, Toshinori KIMURA, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI, SUN Gui, Tomoteru KAWAKAMI. Reflecting Characteristic of Microwave Drying Chamber with Uniformly Spread Loads. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2003.7, Vol.34,No.4, 71-73(ISSN 1000-1298 CN11-1964/S)] EI
9. ZHU Wenxue , DONG Tieyou(董鐵有,註:通訊作者), CAO Chongwen and Li Dong. Fractal Modeling and Simulation of the Developing Process of Stress Cracks in Corn Kernel. Drying Technology 2004, Vol.22(1&2) Ⅰ-Ⅷ, 59-69, ISSN 0737-3937 (Electronic. ISSN 1532-2300) SCI, EI收錄EI,ISI Document Delivery No.: 806TP
10. 董鐵有,李素雲,張建龍,朱文學. 微波真空冷凍乾燥的工藝及設備問題. 食品科技(中文核心期刊),ISSN1005-9989 CN11-3511/ TS,2004年10月20日出版,2004,Vol.10,總156, 43-45, 55 [DONG, Tieyou, LI Suyun, ZHANG Jianlong, ZHU Wenxue. Some Technical and Equipment Problems in Microwave Vacuum Freeze-Drying System. Food Science and Technology, ISSN1005-9989 CN11-3511/ TS,2004.10.20,2004,Vol.10,總156, 43-45, 55]
11. 董鐵有,李素雲,朱文學. 典型中華菜餚魚香肉絲的真空冷凍乾燥工藝研究. 乾燥工藝與設備, 2004年11月10日,2004年第4期(總第6期), 2004, Vol.2(4), (Tol.6), 23-27 ISSN1727-3080/CODEN HGDXAZ [Dong Tieyou, Li Suyun, Zhu Wenxue. Vacuum Freeze-Drying of Typical Chinese Food of Yuxiangrousi. Drying Technology & Equipment, 2004, Vol.2(4), 23-27]
12. 李素雲,董鐵有,王春傑,朱文學.魚香肉絲真空冷凍乾燥工藝的研究. 食品科技(中文核心期刊), 2004年11月20日,2004年第11期(總第157期), 2004, Vol. 11 , (Tol.157), 40-43, ISSN1005-9989 CN11-3511/ TS, [LI Suyun, DONG Tieyou, WANG Chunjie, ZHU Wenxue. Study on Vacuum Freeze-Drying of Yuxiangrousi. Food Science and Technology, 2004, Vol.11(Tol.157), 40-43]
16. 劉建學,張玉先,董鐵有, 吳守一. 大米膠稠度近紅外光譜分析數學模型的建立. 農業工程學報. 2004.05 Vol.20 (No.3),176-179 (ISSN 1002-6819 CN11-2047/S) [LIU Jianxue, ZHANG Yuxian, DONG Tieyou, WANG Jianhua, WU Shouyi. Development of mathematical model for predicting rice gel consistency by near infrared spectroscopy. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2003.05, Vol.20 (No.3) 176-179 (ISSN 1002-6819 CN11-2047/S) ]
19. 董鐵有. 典型中華菜餚的真空冷凍乾燥工藝研究. 中國食物與營養,(ISSN1006-9577)(CN11-3716/TS)2005(5) (總第68期)(29~31)2005年5月28日,2005年第5期 (總第68期)(29~31) The Research on the Vacuum Freeze-Drying Process of Typical Chinese Foods. Food and Nutrition in China
20. 董鐵有、洪妍、朱文學. 三槽隔膜式設備製取強酸性水的工藝特性.食品與機械(中國食品科學技術學會會刊,核心期刊、雙月刊)(ISSN1003-5788)(CN43-1183/TS),2005年3月18日,第21卷,第2期 (總第106期),(p46~48) Processing characteristic in preloaration of strong acid water with three-cell electrodialysis stack. Food & Machinery. Vol. 21, No.2 (Serial No.106), March, 2005,(p46~48)
21.洪妍、董鐵有. 三槽隔膜式強酸性水的製備. 現代食品科技, (ISSN1007-2764) (CN44-1620/TS) 2005年6月, 第21卷,第2期(總84)期, (p88~90) Treatment of Strongly Oxidized Water by Three-cell Electrodialysis Stack,Modern Food Science And Technology, Vol.21, No.2 (serial No.84), June, 2005, (p88~90)
22. 董鐵有、洪妍. 三槽型電解槽連續製備強酸性離子水機理. 現代食品科技,(ISSN1007-2764)(CN44-1620/TS)2005年8月,第21卷,第3期(總第85期),(p4~7) Making strong oxidized water with three-cell electrodialysis stack. Modern Food Science & Technology. Vol. 21, No.3 (Serial No.85), Aug., 2005,(p4~7)
23. 洪妍、董鐵有、朱娜. 三槽型批式製取強酸性離子水設備的結構及參數. 河南科技大學學報(自然科學版),(ISSN1672-6871)(CN41-1362/N)2005年10月,第26卷,第5期 (總第96期),(p95~97) Basic Structure and Parameters of Batch Typed Three-cell Electrodialysis Stack for Strong Oxidized Water Making. Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology (Natural Science). Vol. 26, No.5 (Sum No.96), Oct., 2005,(p95~97)
24. 朱文學,董鐵有,張玉先,易軍鵬,溫廣宇,鐘麗娟. 牡丹花真空冷凍乾燥試驗. 農業機械學報. 2005.9, Vol.36,No.9, 68-70,59. (ISSN 1000-1298/CODEN NUYCA3 CN11-1964/S) Zhu Wenxue, DONG, Tieyou, Zhang Yuxian, Yi Junpeng, Wen Guangyu, Zhong Lijuan. Exerimental Study on Vacuum Freeze-drying of Peony Flower. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2005.9, Vol.36, No.9, 68-70, 59, EI Accession number:
25. 朱娜、董鐵有. 影響土壤電動力學修復技術的主要因素. 江蘇環境科技(季刊),(ISSN1004-8642)(CN32-1363/X)2005年9月,第18卷, 第3期 (總第73期),(p33~35) ZHU Na, DONG Tieyou. Main Influencing Factors of Electrokinetic Restoration Techniques of Soil. Jiangsu Enviromental Science and Technology (Quaterly). Vol. 18, No.3 (SN.73), Sept., 2005,(p33~35)
27. 董鐵有、洪妍、胡留現. 強酸性水的產生機理. 食品與機械, (中國食品科學技術學會會刊,核心期刊、雙月刊)(ISSN1003-5788)(CN43-1183/TS)2005年9月18日,第21卷,第5期 (總第109),(p17~19)DONG Tieyou, HONG Yan, HU Liuxian. Mechanism of making strong acid water with three-cell electrodialysis stack. F & M (Food & Machinery) . Vol. 21, No.5 (Serial No.109), Sept, 2005,(p17-19)
29. 劉麗莉、董鐵有、楊協立. 6種乳酸菌降解膽固醇的體外試驗. 河南科技大學學報(自然科學版)(中國科技核心期刊), 2005年12月, Vol.26(6) (No.97), p85~88,(ISSN1672-6871)(CN41-1362/N), LIU Lili, DONG Tieyou, HANG Xieli. Research on LAB Degrading Cholesterol Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology (Natural Science).
30. 洪妍、郭秋梅、董鐵有、韓建國. ORP的測定及數顯ORP標定的原理. 河南科技大學學報(自然科學版)(中國科技核心期刊), 2006年2月, Vol.27(1) (No.98), p18~20,(ISSN1672-6871)(CN41-1362/N) HONG Yan, GUO Qiumei, DONG Tieyou, HAN Jianguo. ORP Measuring Mechanism and Calibration Standards and Principles for Digital ORP Meters. Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology (Natural Science).
31. 朱娜、董鐵有、洪妍. 三槽隔膜式弱鹼性水的製備. 食品研究與開發(中文核心期刊),(ISSN1005-6521)(CN12-1231/TS),2006年3月,第27卷, 第2期 (總第124期),(p74~76) ZHU Na, DONG Tieyou, HONG Yan. Mechanism of alkaline ionized water production by three-cell electrodialysis stack. Food Research and Development. Vol. 27, No.2 (SN.124), March, 2006,(p74~76)
1.DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有),Toshinori KIMURA, Naohito SHIMIZU, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Rice Kernel Fissuring during Thick Layer Microwave Drying. Proceedings of THE XIV MEMORIAL CIGR WORLD CONGRESS 2000,November 28-December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan.
5. ZHU, Wenxue, Tieyou DONG(董鐵有), ZHANG Zhengyong. Experimental Study on Treatment of Immortal Peony Flower. Proceedings of 13th International Drying Symposium. 27-30 August 2002, Beijing, P. R. China (DRYING2002, IDS2002), p1254~1261
6. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有), Toshinori KIMURA, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Brown Rice with Concurrent Flow Ventilation. Proceedings of 13th International Drying Symposium. 27-30 August 2002, Beijing, P. R. China (DRYING2002, IDS2002,), 2002年8月 p917-928
7. 董鐵有,吉崎繁, 木村俊范. 順流通風下糙米的厚層微波乾燥. 中國糧油學會第二屆學術年會(貯藏分卷)、中國糧油學會貯藏分會第五次學術交流會論文集, 2002年6月,成都, p 69-73
9. DUAN, Xu, ZHU Wenxue, DONG Tieyou(董鐵有). Experimental Study on Impinging Steam Drying of Dreg. Proceedings of International Agricultural Engineering Conference (IAEC 2002). November 28-30, 2002, Wuxi, P. R. China,2002.11 (2002年11月), p142~146
10. ZHU. Wenxue, DONG Tieyou(董鐵有), ZHANG Zhengyong. Experimental Study on Treatment of Dry Peony Flower. Proceedings of International Agricultural Engineering Conference (IAEC 2002), November 28-30, 2002, Wuxi, P. R. China,2002.11 (2002年11月),p147~153
11. DONG, Tieyou(董鐵有), Toshinori KIMURA, Naoto SHIMIZU, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI. Microwave Drying of Thick Layer Brown Rice with Concurrent Flow Ventilation. The International Agricultural Engineering Conference (IAEC2002), , November 28-30, 2002, Wuxi, P. R. China,2002.11 (2002年11月), p154-159
12. DONG, Tieyou (董鐵有), Toshinori KIMURA, Naoto SHIMIZU, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI,Tomoteru KAWAKAMI. Energy Efficiency in Microwave Drying(微波乾燥中的能量效率問題). International conference on Agricultural Science and Technology, Nov. 7-9 2001, Beijing, China, 209-214
13. DONG, Tieyou (董鐵有), Toshinori KIMURA, Naoto SHIMIZU, Shigeru YOSHIZAKI,Tomoteru KAWAKAMI. Effects of Microwave Drying Methods on Energy Efficiency(微波乾燥方法對能量效率的影響). 第十屆全國乾燥會議論文集,2005年9月南京,203-207