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董灝,男,1991年生,陝西武功人。現為副教授,數學專業碩士生導師,入選陝西省科協青年人才托舉計畫、西安市科協青年人才托舉計畫。2013年本科畢業於西北工業大學套用數學系。2013年9月-2017年12月保送西北工業大學套用數學系本科直博,導師為中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院崔俊芝院士,合作導師西北工業大學數學與統計學院聶玉峰教授。2016年9月-2017年9月加拿大阿爾伯塔大學國家留學基金委公派聯合培養博士研究生,合作導師Yaushu Wong教授。2017年12月進入西安電子科技大學數學與統計學院工作。2018年5月-2021年6月西安電子科技大學機電工程學院“機械工程”博士後科研流動站在職博士後,導師為西安電子科技大學鄭曉靜院士。


  • 中文名:董灝
  • 出生地:陝西武功
  • 出生日期:1991年
  • 職業:教師


(1) Hao Dong, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zhiqiang Yang, Qiang Ma, Multi-scale computational method for dynamic thermo-mechanical performance of heterogeneous shell structures with orthogonal periodic configurations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 354: 143-180.
(2) Hao Dong, Zihao Yang, Xiaofei Guan, Junzhi Cui, Stochastic higher-order three-scale strength prediction model for composite structures with micromechanical analysis, Journal of Computational Physics, 2022,465: 111352.
(3) Hao Dong, Yufeng Nie, Junzhi Cui, Wenbo Kou, Minqiang Zou, Junyan Han, Xiaofei Guan, Zihao Yang, A wavelet-based learning approach assisted multiscale analysis for estimating the effective thermal conductivities of particulate composites, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 374: 113591.
(4) Jiale Linghu, Hao Dong, Junzhi Cui, Ensemble wavelet-learning approach for predicting the effective mechanical properties of concrete composite materials, Computational Mechanics, 2022,70: 335-365.
(5) Hao Dong, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zhiqiang Yang, Zihao Yang, Multiscale computational method for dynamic thermo-mechanical problems of composite structures with diverse periodic configurations in different subdomains, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2019, 79: 1630-1666.
(6) Hao Dong, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, et al. Multi-scale computational method for nonlinear dynamic thermo-mechanical problems of composite materials with temperature-dependent properties[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2023, 118: 107000.
(7) Hao Dong, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zhiqiang Yang, Zihao Yang, High-order three-scale computational method for dynamic thermo-mechanical problems of composite structures with multiple spatial scales, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, 169: 95-121.
(8) Hao Dong,Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zihao Yang, Second-order two-scale computational method for damped dynamic thermo-mechanical problems of quasi-periodic composite materials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 343: 575–601.
(9) Hao Dong,Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zihao Yang, Zhiqiang Yang, Multiscale computational method for heat conduction problems of composite structures with diverse periodic configurations in different subdomains, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2018, 76: 2549-2565.
(10) Hao Dong, Yufeng Nie, Ruyun Ma, Yaochuang Han, The analysis and computation on nonlocal thermoelastic problems of blend composites via enriched second-order multi-scale computational method, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2022: 10812865221098352.
(11) Hao Dong, Wenbo Kou, Junyan Han, Jiale Linghu, Minqiang Zou, Junzhi Cui, A mixed wavelet-learning method of predicting macroscopic effective heat transfer conductivities of braided composite materials. Communications in Computational Physics, 2022, 31(2): 593-625.
(12) Hao Dong, Jiale Linghu, Yufeng Nie,Integrated wavelet-learning method for macroscopic mechanical properties prediction of concrete composites with hierarchical random configurations. Composite Structures,2023, 304:116357.


(1) 材料科學中偏微分方程的數值計算與套用;
(2) 科學計算中的深度學習方法及其在材料科學中的套用;
(3) 複合材料及其結構多場耦合問題的多尺度建模與計算;
(4) 複合材料及其結構非局部連續介質力學問題的建模與計算.


(1) 陝西省第十五屆自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎
(2) 陝西省工業與套用數學學會第五屆青年優秀論文獎一等獎
(3) 陝西省數學會青年優秀論文獎二等獎


陝西省計算數學學會理事,美國數學會《Math Review》評論員, 中國數學會會員,中國工業與套用數學學會專業會員,中國力學學會會員,亞太人工智慧學會會員,中國數學會數學教育分會會員,中國仿真學會會員,學術橋評審專家庫成員,陝西省青年科協會員,西安市科學計算與套用統計重點實驗室成員,陝西省科協科技人才獎勵評審專家,SCI期刊《Computers, Materials & Continua》青年編委,期刊《International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics》編委,期刊《American Journal of Mechanics and Applications》編委,期刊《Archives of Materials Science》編委,《武漢大學學報(理學版)》青年編委,《套用力學學報》青年編委,《西部素質教育》編委,SCI期刊《Symmetry》客座編輯。


