


  • 中文名:董應超
  • 性  別:男
  • 通訊地址:廈門市集美大道1799號


姓 名: 董應超


2003年進入中國科學技術大學固體化學與無機膜研究所進行碩博連讀學習,2008年獲得工學博士學位(導師:劉杏芹教授、孟廣耀教授)。先後在國內外研究機構進行環境能源過程套用無機陶瓷膜技術方面的研究工作:三一電氣(上海)研究院“室主任”(2007-2008年);國家陶瓷工程中心/中國科學技術大學固體化學與無機膜研究所“博士後”(2008-2009年),合作導師為周健兒教授、孟廣耀教授;愛爾蘭Limerick大學“IRCSET Research Fellow”(2009-2011年,愛爾蘭科學技術工程基金會資助),合作導師為Stuart Hampshire教授(世界陶瓷科學院院士);日本東京工業大學“PD Researcher”(2011-2012年)和“JSPS Fellow”(2012年,日本學術振興會資助),合作導師為Katsuro Hayashi準教授和Hideo Hosono教授(世界陶瓷科學院院士)。2012年回國工作,任中國科學院城市環境研究所研究員、博士生導師。
面向水處理與氣體淨化等環境工程套用,研究工作涉及陶瓷膜與環境分離/轉化技術、固態離子傳導陶瓷膜,致力於“無機陶瓷膜與膜過程”的套用基礎研究及相關技術成果的轉移轉化。至今,在國際主流學術期刊(如J. Membr. Sci., J. Hazard. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Power Sources, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., RSC Adv., Appl. Clay. Sci.等)、學術會議上等發表論文近60篇,其中SCI 收錄42篇(影響因子總和為137.43,單篇平均影響因子為3.27,影響因子3.0以上的21篇),SCI一區論文23篇(二區以上39篇)。所發表論文被引用440餘次,H-index =13(截至2014年03月)。




JSPS Fellow,日本學術振興會JSPS,2012年
IRCSET Research Fellow,愛爾蘭科技工程基金會IRCSET,2009年
FCT Fellow,歐盟(葡萄牙)博士後基金FCT,2009年


1. Yingchao Dong, Hideo Hosono, Katsuro Hayashi, Formation and quantification of peroxide anion in nanocage of 12CaO 7Al2O3, RSC Advances
2.Yingchao Dong, Dongfeng Li, Xuyong Feng, Stuart Hampshire, A high-strength Sm-doped CeO2 oxide-ion conducting electrolyte membrane for solid oxide fuel cell application, RSC Advances
3.Jun Xiong, Xinfa Dong, Yibing Song, Yingchao Dong**, A high performance Ru-ZrO2/carbon nanotubes-Ni foam composite catalyst for selective CO methanation, Journal of Power Sources
4.Haifeng Dang, Xinfa Dong, Yingchao Dong**, Jiasheng Huang, Facile and green synthesis of titanate nanotube/graphene nanocomposites for photocatalytic H2 generation from water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
5.Haifeng Dang, Xinfa Dong, Yingchao Dong**, Yan Zhang, Stuart Hampshire, TiO2 nanotubes coupled with nano-Cu(OH)2 for highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
6.Jun Xiong, Xinfa Dong, Yingchao Dong**, Xufeng Hao, Stuart Hampshire, Dual-production of nickel foam supported carbon nanotubes and hydrogen by methane catalytic decomposition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
7.Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Jianer Zhou, Xinfa Dong, Bin Lin, Guangyao Meng, Mechanical strengthening of Sm-doped CeO2 ceramics by 1 at.% cobalt oxide for solid oxide fuel cell application, Journal of Power Sources
8.Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Jian-er Zhou, Xinfa Dong, Bin Lin, Guangyao Meng, Combustion synthesis and characterization of Cu-Sm co-doped CeO2 electrolytes, Journal of the European Ceramic Society
9.Jian-er Zhou, Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Guangyao Meng, Utilization of sepiolite in the synthesis of porous cordierite ceramics, Applied Clay Science
10.Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Jian-er Zhou, Zhanlin Ji, Jiandong Wang, Guangyao Meng, Sintering and characterization of flyash-based mullite with magnesia addition, Journal of the European Ceramic Society
11.Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Jian-er Zhou, Guangyao Meng, Synthesis and sintering of Gd-doped CeO2 electrolytes with and without 1 at.% CuO dopping for solid oxide fuel cell applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
12.Yingchao Dong*, Bin Lin, Jian-er Zhou, Zhanlin Ji, Xiaozhen Zhang, Yihan Ling, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Stuart Hampshire, Corrosion resistance characterization of porous alumina ceramic membrane supports, Materials characterization
13.Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Bin Lin, Yihan Ling, Xiaozhen Zhang, High sintering activity Cu-Gd co-doped CeO2 electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources
14.Yingchao Dong*, Stuart Hampshire, Jian-er Zhou, Bin Lin, Zhanlin Ji, Xiaozhen Zhang, Guangyao Meng, Recycling of fly ash for preparing porous mullite membrane supports with titania addition, Journal of Hazardous Materials
15.Yingchao Dong*, Jian-er Zhou, Bin Lin, Yongqing Wang, Songlin Wang, Lifeng Miao, Ying Lang, Guangyao Meng, Xingqin Liu, Reaction-sintered porous mineral-based mullite ceramic membrane supports made from recycled materials, Journal of Hazardous Material
16.Yingchao Dong*, Bin Lin, Songlin Wang, Kui Xie, Daru Fang, Xiaozhen Zhang, Hanping Ding, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Cost-effective tubular cordierite micro-filtration membranes processed by co-sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
17.Yingchao Dong*, Bin Lin, Kui Xie, Songlin Wang, Hanping Ding, Daru Fang, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Cost-effective macro-porous mullite-corundum ceramic membrane supports derived from the industrial grade powder, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
18.Yingchao Dong, Xuyong Feng, Xuefei Feng, Yanwei Ding, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Preparation of low-cost mullite ceramics from natural bauxite and industrial waste fly ash, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
19.Yingchao Dong, Juan Diwu, Xuefei Feng, Xuyong Feng, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Phase evolution and sintering characteristics of porous mullite ceramics produced from the flyash-Al(OH)3 coating powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
20.Yingchao Dong, Xuyong Feng, Dehua Dong, Songlin Wang, Jiakui Yang, Jianfeng Gao, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Elaboration and chemical corrosion resistance of tubular macro-porous cordierite ceramic membrane supports, Journal of Membrane Science
21.Yingchao Dong, Xingqin Liu, Qianli Ma, Guangyao Meng, Preparation of cordierite-based porous ceramic micro-filtration membranes using waste fly ash as the main raw materials, Journal of Membrane Science,
22.Yingchao Dong, Shaofeng Chen, Xuebin Zhang, Jiakui Yang, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng, Fabrication and characterization of low cost tubular mineral-based ceramic membranes for micro-filtration from natural zeolite, Journal of Membrane Science,
23.劉杏芹*, 董應超, 孟廣耀, 彭定坤, 任祥軍. “堇青石基或莫來石基管狀陶瓷分離膜的製備方法”, 國家發明專利,


2.日本學術振興會JSPS項目〈Key active oxygen species in nanoporous C12A7 ceramics responsible for oxidation reactivity〉
3.愛爾蘭科技工程基金會IRCSET項目〈Fabrication of novel oxide-ceramics for energy/environmental applications〉


