


  • 中文名:董宏光
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學


院系: 化工學院
2010年2月---2010年8月 訪問學者 美國卡耐基梅隆大學化學工程系
2006年8月---2007年8月 博士後 台灣成功大學化學工程學系
1996年3月---2004年9月 工學博士 大連理工大學化工學院
1990年9月---1993年7月 工學碩士 大連理工大學化工學院
2005年9月---至今 大連理工大學化工學院化學工程系 副教授
1996年3月---2005年9月 大連理工大學化工學院化學工程系 講師
1993年7月---1996年3月 大連理工大學化工學院石油化工系 助教


化工學報、高校化學工程學報和Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res.、Chem. Eng. Sci.、Chem. Eng. Res. & Des.等國內外學術期刊審稿人


基於狀態空間超級結構(state-space superstructure)的精餾分離序列、換熱網路、公用工程網路、水分配網路、質量交換網路的最佳化綜合。
基於狀態時空間超級結構(state-time-space superstructure)的共沸/萃取精餾操作路徑、熱回收/水分配網路、質量/能量交換網路的集成設計。
合理設計煉油-石化企業質能供應鏈(supply chain),套用於煉油-石化企業資源與能源的生產配置與管理,使聯合企業生產效益最大化,同時節約原材料資源並降低生產能耗。




[1] Xiao Yang, Hong-Guang Dong*, I.E. Grossmann, A Framework for Synthesizing The Optimal Separation Process of Azeotropic Mixtures. AIChE Journal, v 58, n 5, p 1487-1502, May 2012. (SCI、EI)
[2] Xiong Zou, Yue-Hui Cui, Hong-Guang Dong*, Jinqu Wang, I.E. Grossmann, Optimal Design of Complex Distillation System for Multicomponent Zeotropic Separations. Chemical Engineering Science, v 75, p 133-143, June, 2012. (SCI、EI)
[3] Rui-Jie Zhou, Li-Juan Li, Hong-Guang Dong*, I.E.Grossmann, Synthesis of Interplant Water-allocation and Heat-exchange Network, Part Ⅱ: Integrations between Fixed Flow Rate and Fixed Contaminant-Load Processes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(45), p 14793-14805. (SCI、EI)
[4] Rui-Jie Zhou, Li-Juan Li, Hong-Guang Dong*, I.E. Grossmann, Synthesis of Interplant Water-allocation and Heat-exchange Network, Part I: Fixed Flowrate Processes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, v 51, n 11, p 4299-4312, 2012. (SCI、EI)
[5] Li-Juan Li, Rui-Jie Zhou, Hong-Guang Dong(董宏光), Ignacio E. Grossmann. Separation Network Design with Mass and Energy Separating Agents. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2011, 35(10), 2005-2016. (SCI、EI)
[6] Li Li-Juan, Zhou Rui-Jie, Dong Hong-Guang(董宏光). State-Time-Space Superstructure-Based MINLP Formulation for Batch Water-Allocation Network Design. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2010), 49(1), 236-251.(SCI、EI)
[7] 金山,滕林政,董宏光*,肖武,郭新聞。基於Petri Nets最佳化集成共沸精餾系統方法的套用,高校化學工程學報,2011(1):129-135.(EI)
[8] 賈洋,肖武,董宏光*。基於自組織Petri Net的間歇過程換熱網路最佳化設計,化工學報,2010,61(12):3167-3171. (EI)
[9] 賈洋, 董宏光*,肖武。基於自組織Petri Net 最佳化設計換熱網路,化工學報,2010,61(4):901-908. (EI)
[10] Rui-Jie Zhou, Li-Juan Li, Wu Xiao, Hong-Guang Dong(董宏光). Simultaneous optimization of batch process schedules and water-allocation network. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2009, 33, 1153 – 1168.(SCI、EI)
[11] Dong, H. G(董宏光)., Lin, C. Y., & Chang, C. T. Simultaneous optimization strategy for synthesizing heat networks with multi-stream mixers,Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2008,86: 299-309.(SCI、EI)
[12] Dong, H. G. (董宏光), Lin, C. Y., & Chang, C. T. Simultaneous Optimization Approach for Integrated Water-Allocation and Heat-Exchange Networks, Chem. Eng. Sci. 2008, 63(14): 3664-3678.(SCI、EI)
[13] Dong Hongguang(董宏光), Wang Kefeng, Yao Pingjing, Qian Xinhua. The process engineering adaptive modeling support system based on visualization cluster analysis. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers[J], 2006, 37(2), 195-202.( SCI, EI)
[14] Xiao Wu,Dong Hongguang(董宏光), Li Xinqiang, Yao Pingjing, Luo Xing, Roetzel Wilfried. Synthesis of large-scale multistream heat exchanger networks based on stream pseudo temperature. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering [J] 2006, 14(5), 574-583. (SCI, EI)
[15] Dong Hong-guang (董宏光), Qin Li-min, Wang Ke-feng, Yao Ping-jing. Evolutionary Computation for Realizing Distillation Separation Sequence Optimization Synthesis.China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology [J]. 2006,4(9): 52-58. (EI)
[16] Dong Hong-guang(董宏光), Qin Li-min, Wang Tao, Yao Ping-jing. Distillation Separation Sequence Optimization Synthesis Based On Application of Adaptive Parallel Tabu Search [J].J. Chin. Inst. Engrs, 2005, 28(3), 493-501. (SCI, EI)
[1] Hong-Guang Dong, Jian Li, Daqing Ma. Integrated design and scheduling for multiproduct pipeline network based on petri-net. WCCE9, Seoul, Korea,2013.
[2] Wenzhao Wu, Xiong Zou, Hong-Guang Dong. A pinch technique based heuristic approach for optimum utility targeting in heat exchanger networks with multi-stream mixing. (Invited lecture).SCPPE 2013, Dalian, China.
[3] Ye Tian, Hong-guang Dong. Rolling horizon based production planning and scheduling under demand uncertainty. SCPPE 2013, Dalian, China.
[4] Dayu Jiang, Hong-Guang Dong*(董宏光), October 28-November 2, 2012, Synthesis of two-dimensional reactor network based on transfer fundamentals. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. EI
[5] Shan Jin, Hong-Guang Dong*(董宏光), Xinwen Guo, October 28-November 2, 2012, A state-space-based MIDO formulation for batch distillation process synthesis. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. EI Pageone
[6] Li-Juan Li, Rui-Jie Zhou, Hong-Guang Dong*(董宏光),October 16-21, 2011, A systematic state-space superstructure based methodology for batch mass exchange network design. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA. EI
[7] Xiong Zou, Yue-Hui Cui and Hong-Guang Dong. Synthesis of Thermally Linked Complex Distillation Sequence. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010, Salt Lake City, America.(EI)
[8] L.J. Li, R.J. Zhou, H.G. Dong, “A State-Space-Based MINLP Formulation for Integrated Separation Network Design”, In AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010, Salt Lake City, America.(EI)
[9] Xiao Yang, Hong-Guang Dong. A Systematic State Space Superstructure Based Algorithm for the Optimal Design of Azeotropic Distillation Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010, Salt Lake City, America.(EI)
[10]Hong-guang Dong,Li-juan Li and Rui-jie Zhou, August 4 - 6, 2009, “Automated design of batch water-allocation network,” PSE’09, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil.(EI)
[11]Dong Hongguang, Qin Limin and Yao Pingjing, August 4 - 6, 2008, “Optimization Synthesis of Distillation Separation Sequence Based on Fuzzy Logic Inference”, APCChE'08, Dalian, China.
[12]H. G. Dong, C. T. Chang and C. Y. Lin, November 4 - 9, 2007, “A Simultaneous Optimization Approach for Synthesizing Integrated Water-Allocation and Neat-Exchange Networks,” AIChE 2007 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.(EI)
[13]V. S. K. Adi, J. H. Lai, C. T. Chang and H. G. Dong, November 4 - 9, 2007, “Optimal Synthesis and Scheduling Strategies for Batch Azeotropic Distillation Processes,” AIChE 2007 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.(EI)
[14]C. Y. Lin, C. T. Chang and H. G. Dong, August 15 - 18, 2007, “Synthesis of Integrated Water and Energy Systems,” PSE ASIA 2007, Xian, China.
[15] Dong Hong-guang (董宏光), Qin Li-min, Wang Ke-feng, Yao Ping-jing. Evolutionary Computation for Realizing Distillation Separation Sequence Optimization Synthesis.China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology [J]. 2006,4(9): 52-58. (EI)
[16] Dong Hong-guang(董宏光), Qin Li-min, Wang Tao, Yao Ping-jing. Distillation Separation Sequence Optimization Synthesis Based On Application of Adaptive Parallel Tabu Search [J].J. Chin. Inst. Engrs, 2005, 28(3), 493-501. (SCI, EI)
[1] Hong-Guang Dong, Jian Li, Daqing Ma. Integrated design and scheduling for multiproduct pipeline network based on petri-net. WCCE9, Seoul, Korea,2013.
[2] Wenzhao Wu, Xiong Zou, Hong-Guang Dong. A pinch technique based heuristic approach for optimum utility targeting in heat exchanger networks with multi-stream mixing. (Invited lecture).SCPPE 2013, Dalian, China.
[3] Ye Tian, Hong-guang Dong. Rolling horizon based production planning and scheduling under demand uncertainty. SCPPE 2013, Dalian, China.
[4] Dayu Jiang, Hong-Guang Dong*(董宏光), October 28-November 2, 2012, Synthesis of two-dimensional reactor network based on transfer fundamentals. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. EI
[5] Shan Jin, Hong-Guang Dong*(董宏光), Xinwen Guo, October 28-November 2, 2012, A state-space-based MIDO formulation for batch distillation process synthesis. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. EI Pageone
[6] Li-Juan Li, Rui-Jie Zhou, Hong-Guang Dong*(董宏光),October 16-21, 2011, A systematic state-space superstructure based methodology for batch mass exchange network design. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA. EI
[7] Xiong Zou, Yue-Hui Cui and Hong-Guang Dong. Synthesis of Thermally Linked Complex Distillation Sequence. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010, Salt Lake City, America.(EI)
[8] L.J. Li, R.J. Zhou, H.G. Dong, “A State-Space-Based MINLP Formulation for Integrated Separation Network Design”, In AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010, Salt Lake City, America.(EI)
[9] Xiao Yang, Hong-Guang Dong. A Systematic State Space Superstructure Based Algorithm for the Optimal Design of Azeotropic Distillation Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010, Salt Lake City, America.(EI)
[10]Hong-guang Dong,Li-juan Li and Rui-jie Zhou, August 4 - 6, 2009, “Automated design of batch water-allocation network,” PSE’09, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil.(EI)
[11]Dong Hongguang, Qin Limin and Yao Pingjing, August 4 - 6, 2008, “Optimization Synthesis of Distillation Separation Sequence Based on Fuzzy Logic Inference”, APCChE'08, Dalian, China.
[12]H. G. Dong, C. T. Chang and C. Y. Lin, November 4 - 9, 2007, “A Simultaneous Optimization Approach for Synthesizing Integrated Water-Allocation and Neat-Exchange Networks,” AIChE 2007 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.(EI)
[13]V. S. K. Adi, J. H. Lai, C. T. Chang and H. G. Dong, November 4 - 9, 2007, “Optimal Synthesis and Scheduling Strategies for Batch Azeotropic Distillation Processes,” AIChE 2007 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.(EI)
[14]C. Y. Lin, C. T. Chang and H. G. Dong, August 15 - 18, 2007, “Synthesis of Integrated Water and Energy Systems,” PSE ASIA 2007, Xian, China.


(1)“Process Integration,” Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, 2006, Academic Press (Under Translation in Science Press).
(2)“The Principles of Chemical Engineering,” (with other authors), 2009, Higher Education Press.
(3)“Process System Analysis and Synthesis,” (with other authors), 2005, Dalian University of Technology Press.


1. 2006年中國技術市場協會優秀項目金橋獎(乙烯裝置節能改造)
2. 2008年大連理工大學教學質量優秀獎(化工原理課程教學)
3. 2009年中國技術市場協會優秀項目金橋獎(基於線上動態模擬的過程監測與自適應故障診斷系統)
博士學位研究生 2
碩士學位研究生 10


