- 書名:葛蘭西獄前著作選
- 作者:(義大利)葛蘭西
- ISBN:7562024200
- 頁數:350頁
- 出版社:中國政法大學出版社
- 出版時間:2003年7月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
- 版次:第1版
- 叢書名:劍橋政治思想史原著系列
《葛蘭西獄前著作選》主要內容:This collection of Cisco’s pre-prison writings, newly translated and including a number of pieces not previously available in English, covers the whole gamut of his journalistic activity,ranging from general cultural criticism to commentaries on local, national and international events. These early articles reveal the genesis of many of the themes of the Prison Notebooks, such as the function of ls, the importance of cultural hegemony in holding societies together, and the role of the party in organizing a revolutionary consciousness. In particular, the collection highlights the specifically Italian political, cultural and social origins andmuch of Grass’s innovatory reworking of certain central concepts of Marxist thought. It will be of interest to a broad range of scholars and students concerned with the history of political, social and cultural thought in the entieth century.
Bibliographical Note
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Political,Labour and Other Organizations
Biographical Outlines
1 Our Marx
An Active and Functional Neutrality
Socialism and Culture
Socialism and Co-operation
Notes on the Russian Revolution
Why We Need a Cultural Association
The Revolution Against Capital
Critical Criticism
Socialism and Economic Organization
Socialism and Actualist Philosophy
The Club of Moral Life
Our Marx
Class Intransigence and Italian History
Football and Scopone
Cultural and Poetic Mysteries
Men,Ideas,Newspapers and Money
2 The Mew Order
The Sovereignty of Law
The Price of History
The State and Socialism
The Conquest of the State
Unions and Councils
The Trade Unions and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
Syndicalism and the Councils
Out of the Dilemma
The Historical Role of the Cities
The Italian State
The Drunken Soldier
The Factory Worker
Towards a Renewal of the Socialist Party
The Factory Council
Two Revolutions
The Communist Groups
The Programme of L’Ordine Nuovo
The Communist Party
Red Sunday
3 Socialism and Fascism
Russia and the International
The Livorno Congress
Socialists and Fascists
Why the Bourgeoisie Can No Longer Govern the Country
La Stampa and the Fascists
Moral Problems and the Class Struggle
The Two Fascisms
April and Seqtember1920
The Mainstay of the State
The Essence of the Crisis
Letter to Trotsky on Italian Futurism
4 The Construction of the Italian Communist Party
Our Union Policy
Against Pessimism
The Mezzogiorno and Fascism
The Party School
The Party Grows in Strength by Combating Anti-Leninist
Cell Organization and the World Congress
The Organizational Basis of the Party
A Study of the Italian Situation
The Soviet Union on the Path to Communism
Letter to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist
Some Aspects of the Southern Question