- 中文名:葉浩彬
- 屬於:中山大學管理學院講師
- 博士:市場行銷方向
- 教學:管理與組織
2011年11月至2012年5月,研究助理, 香港理工大學酒店業與旅遊管理學院
2010年11月至2011年10月,研究助理, 香港理工大學酒店業與旅遊管理學院
2010年5月至2010年11月,研究助理, 香港理工大學公共政策研究所
2009年7月至2010年5月,研究助理, 香港理工大學酒店業與旅遊管理學院
2007年5月至2007年11月,項目助理, 香港理工大學科技及顧問有限公司
2006年5月至2007年5月,研究助理, 香港理工大學酒店業與旅遊管理學院
[1] Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Qiu, Jessica (Jingxue)Yuan, Intentions to Participate in Wine Tourism in an Emerging Market: Theorization and Implications. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. accepted. (SSCI, A)
[2]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Peter P. Yuen, (2013) Cultural conflicts or cultural cushion? Annals of tourism Research, 43(4), 321-349. (SSCI, A+)
[3] Ye, B. H., Fu, H., & Law, R. (2016). Use of impact-range performance and asymmetry analyses to improve OTA website quality. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 26, 9-17.(SSCI)
[4] Fu, H., Ye, B. H., & Xiang, J. (2016). Reality TV, audience travel intentions, and destination image. Tourism Management, 55, 37-48.(SSCI, A+)
[5] Hui Fu, Ben Haobin Ye, Rob Law. You Do Well and I Do Well? The Behavioral Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility. International Journal of Hospitality Management. Accepted. (SSCI, A+)
[6] Qiu, H., Ye, B. H., Bai, B., & Wang, W. H. (2015). Do the roles of switching barriers on customer loyalty vary for different types of hotels?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 89-98.(SSCI, A+)
[7] Vu, H. Q., Li, G., Law, R., & Ye, B. H. (2015). Exploring the travel behaviors of inbound tourists to Hong Kong using geotagged photos. Tourism Management, 46, 222-232.(SSCI, A+)
[8] Ren, L., Zhang, H. Q., & Ye, B. H. (2015). Understanding customer satisfaction with budget hotels through online comments: Evidence from home inns in China. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism,16(1), 45-62.
[9] Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Qiu, James Shen, Carey Goh (2014) Does social identity affect residents’ attitude toward tourism development? An evidence from the relaxation of the Individual Visit Scheme. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,accepted. (SSCI, B+)
[10] Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Jessica (Jingxue)Yuan, Ben Haobin Ye, Kam Hung, Wine Tourism Phenomena in China: An Emerging Market. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(7), 1115 - 1134. (Corresponding author) (SSCI, B+)
[11]Yan Qi, Hanqin Zhang, Haobin Ye, Assessing the Impacts of the High-Speed Train on Tourism Demand in China. Tourism Economics, 20(1), pp.157-169. (SSCI, B+)
[12]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen. An Empirical Study of Anticipated and Perceived Discrimination of Mainland Chinese Tourists in Hong Kong: The Role of Intercultural Competence. Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(4), pp.417-430.
[13] Hanqin Zhang Qiu,Ben Haobin Ye, Kam Hung, York Yan Qi. Exploring Antecedents of Employee Turnover Intention— Evidence of China’s Hotel Industry. Journal of China Tourism Research. accepted.
[14] Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Peter P. Yuen, An Assessment of Potential of Medical Tourism Development in China. Public Administration and Policy Journal. Accepted.
[15] 顏麒,吳晨光,葉浩彬。離島免稅政策對海南省旅遊需求影響效應實證研究,《旅遊學刊》,2013年第28卷,第10期,第47-51頁。
[16]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen. (2012) Perceived Discrimination in the Context of High and Low Interactions-Evidence from Medical and General Tourists, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(6), pp. 635-655. (SSCI)
[17]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, and Peter P. Yuen (2010) Motivations and experiences of Mainland Chinese medical tourists in Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 32 (5), 1125-1127. (SSCI, A+)
[18]Hanqin Qiu Zhang; Qi Yan; Haobin Ye(2008) A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanism of Policy Change in China's Travel Agency and Hotel Sectors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4 (3&4), 229 – 247.
[2]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Peter P. Yuen, (2013) Cultural conflicts or cultural cushion? Annals of tourism Research, 43(4), 321-349. (SSCI, A+)
[3] Ye, B. H., Fu, H., & Law, R. (2016). Use of impact-range performance and asymmetry analyses to improve OTA website quality. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 26, 9-17.(SSCI)
[4] Fu, H., Ye, B. H., & Xiang, J. (2016). Reality TV, audience travel intentions, and destination image. Tourism Management, 55, 37-48.(SSCI, A+)
[5] Hui Fu, Ben Haobin Ye, Rob Law. You Do Well and I Do Well? The Behavioral Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility. International Journal of Hospitality Management. Accepted. (SSCI, A+)
[6] Qiu, H., Ye, B. H., Bai, B., & Wang, W. H. (2015). Do the roles of switching barriers on customer loyalty vary for different types of hotels?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 89-98.(SSCI, A+)
[7] Vu, H. Q., Li, G., Law, R., & Ye, B. H. (2015). Exploring the travel behaviors of inbound tourists to Hong Kong using geotagged photos. Tourism Management, 46, 222-232.(SSCI, A+)
[8] Ren, L., Zhang, H. Q., & Ye, B. H. (2015). Understanding customer satisfaction with budget hotels through online comments: Evidence from home inns in China. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism,16(1), 45-62.
[9] Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Qiu, James Shen, Carey Goh (2014) Does social identity affect residents’ attitude toward tourism development? An evidence from the relaxation of the Individual Visit Scheme. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,accepted. (SSCI, B+)
[10] Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Jessica (Jingxue)Yuan, Ben Haobin Ye, Kam Hung, Wine Tourism Phenomena in China: An Emerging Market. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(7), 1115 - 1134. (Corresponding author) (SSCI, B+)
[11]Yan Qi, Hanqin Zhang, Haobin Ye, Assessing the Impacts of the High-Speed Train on Tourism Demand in China. Tourism Economics, 20(1), pp.157-169. (SSCI, B+)
[12]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen. An Empirical Study of Anticipated and Perceived Discrimination of Mainland Chinese Tourists in Hong Kong: The Role of Intercultural Competence. Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(4), pp.417-430.
[13] Hanqin Zhang Qiu,Ben Haobin Ye, Kam Hung, York Yan Qi. Exploring Antecedents of Employee Turnover Intention— Evidence of China’s Hotel Industry. Journal of China Tourism Research. accepted.
[14] Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Peter P. Yuen, An Assessment of Potential of Medical Tourism Development in China. Public Administration and Policy Journal. Accepted.
[15] 顏麒,吳晨光,葉浩彬。離島免稅政策對海南省旅遊需求影響效應實證研究,《旅遊學刊》,2013年第28卷,第10期,第47-51頁。
[16]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen. (2012) Perceived Discrimination in the Context of High and Low Interactions-Evidence from Medical and General Tourists, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(6), pp. 635-655. (SSCI)
[17]Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, and Peter P. Yuen (2010) Motivations and experiences of Mainland Chinese medical tourists in Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 32 (5), 1125-1127. (SSCI, A+)
[18]Hanqin Qiu Zhang; Qi Yan; Haobin Ye(2008) A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanism of Policy Change in China's Travel Agency and Hotel Sectors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4 (3&4), 229 – 247.
Ben Haobin Ye, Peter P. Yuen, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Vivienne hui Zhang (2008) Motivation of medical tourists: an exploratory case study of Hong Kong medical tourists. Asia Pacific Tourism Association annual conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen (2010) Host and Guest Relationship Revisited: A Case Study of Medical Tourists in Hong Kong. The 9th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism, Beppu, Japan.
Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen (2012) Cultural Cushion Perspective Revisited: The Moderating Role of Perceived Cultural Distance on Interactional Fairness and Tourist Satisfaction. CAUTHE National Conference 2012, Melbourne, Australia.