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  • 中文名:葉欣
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:衛生經濟學、健康政策、健康不平等
  • 職務:青年副研究員
  • 任職院校:復旦大學全球公共政策研究院


中國人民大學法學學士(2017)、北京大學社會工作碩士(2019)、北京大學醫學博士(2022)。現為復旦大學全球公共政策研究院青年副研究員。主要研究領域為健康政策分析與評估、全生命周期的健康不平等、衛生服務研究與衛生經濟學評價。研究成果發表在Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, BMC Medicine, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, American Journal of Epidemiology, Health Policy and Planning, Aging & Mental Health, Ear and Hearing, 和《人口與發展》等高質量中英文期刊。參與國家社科基金重大項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目、美國中華醫學基金會公開競標項目、北京自然基金面上項目等。擔任International Journal for Equity in Health, Health and Place, Journal of Aging and Health等國際期刊匿名評審專家。




1. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Yanshang W, Siyuan C, Jiamin G, Yali D, Juncheng W, Huibin Z, Xuefeng S, Ping H*. Impacts of the Hearing AidIntervention on Healthcare Utilization and Costs Among Middle-aged and Older Adults: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural China, The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 2022.
2. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Siyuan C, Xuefeng S, Rui G, Juncheng W, Huibin Z, Ping H*. Effects of Providing Free Hearing Aids on Multiple Health Outcomes Among Middle-aged and Older Adults with Hearing Loss in Rural China: A Randomized Controlled Trial, BMC Medicine,2022, 20(1): 124.
3. Xin Y, Ping H*. The Association between the Community SARS Exposure and Allostatic Load among Chinese Older Adults, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2022, 70(2):352–362.
4. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Ping H*. The Long-Term Impact of Adversity in Adolescence on Health in Middle and Older Adulthood: A Natural Experiment from the Chinese Send-Down Movement, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2021, 190(7): 1306–1315.
5. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Ping H*. Direct and Indirect Associations between Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Function in the Middle-aged and Older Adults in China, Aging & Mental Health, 2022: 26 (9): 1730–1737.
6. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Ping H*. Earlier Migration, Better Cognition? The Role of Urbanization in Bridging the Urban-rural Cognition Gaps in Middle and Older Age, Aging & Mental Health, 2022, 26(3): 477–485.
7. Xin Y, Ping H*. Direct Costs Attributable to Hearing Loss in China: An Econometric Model, Ear and Hearing, 2022.
8. XinY, Dawei Z, Ruoxi D, Ping H*. The Effect of China’s Compulsory Education Reforms on Physiological Health in Adulthood: A Natural Experiment, Health Policy and Planning, 2022, 37(3): 376–384.
9. XinY, Dawei Z, Siyuan C, Ping H*. The Association of Hearing Impairment andIts Severity with Physical and Mental Health among Chinese Middle-aged and Older Adults, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2020, 18(1):155.
10. XinY, Dawei Z, Ruoxi D, Ping H*. Association of Life-course Socioeconomic Status with Allostatic Load in Chinese Middle-aged and Older Adults, Geriatrics& Gerontology International, 2022, 22: 425–432.
11. Xin Y, Ping H*. Economic Burden ofHearing Loss in Middle and Older Adults in China, Journal of Applied Gerontology, 2022.
12. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Ping H*. The Roleof Self-reported Hearing Status in the Risk of Hospitalization Among Chinese Middle-Aged and Older Adults, International Journal of Audiology, 2021,60(10): 754–761.
13. Xin Y, Dawei Z, Siyuan C, XuefengS, Rui G, Juncheng W, Huibin Z, Mei Z, Ping H*. Impact and Cost-Effectiveness Evaluationof a Community-Based Rehabilitation Intervention on Quality of Life Among Chinese Adults with Hearing Loss: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial,Trials, 2021, 22: 258.






擔任Public Management Review, Finance Research Letters,BMJ Global Health, International Journal for Equity in Health, Health and Place等期刊匿名評審專家。


