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  • 中文名:萬煒
  • 畢業院校:湖南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理學
  • 任職院校:湖南大學



2007-2013 湖南大學 管理學 博士
2001-2003 中山大學 工商管理 碩士整芝迎宙
1990-1994 湖南大學 工學 學士


2003年至今 湖南大學湖南大學工商管理學院 教師







[1]《知識流動視角下的產業創新網路國際化與技術創新》獨著 世界圖書出版公司廣東有限公司; 2014年12月


[1]萬煒,曾德明. 高技術產業標準化戰略體系與產業國際競爭力 光明日報理論版 2013年7月31日
[2]萬煒,曾德明,馮科,周昕,創新網路中的派系演進及其對技術創新績效的影響研究,湖南大學學報(自科版) 2013(11)
Patent collaboration network was used to denote the industrial innovation network architecture. Collaborative patents related to automobile industry for 1985 to 2009 from State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C(SIPO) were employed to UCINET6 to draw topology maps. The co-integration equations were constructed to test their impacts on network performance. The results have shown that cliquish technology collaboration is an important path to push innovation networks' development. It has long-term, steady and positive influence on the performance of industrial technological innovation, and this effect is more significant on the low-novelty innovation.
[3] Wan Wei, Zeng Deming, Wang Jibin, Research on brand switching behavior of addictive goods consumers[C]. Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE), 2011 International Conference. Page(s): 192-195. ISBN: 978-1-4244- 8383-9 EI,ISTP檢索
Abstract: This paper focuses on developing a classification system and a brand switching model of the addictive goods consumers. Main reasons of switching behavior are analyzed by applying critical incident technique. Based on the grounded theory, the critical incidences are coded and classified. A survey is conducted covering eight different cities of China to test the validity of the classification system and the switching model. The analytical results demonstrate that: (1) most of brand switching behaviors are caused by multi-reasons; (2) five critical factors and their interactions moderate the brand switching behavior: the changes of self-concept; poor perceived quality of goods and services; influence of the primary groups; brand mismanagement, and health concerns. The results suggest corporate and public management of brand switching behavior should stress the roles of consumers' elf-concept and the influence of their primary group.
[4]曾德明,蘇亞,萬煒.國際化程度和企業績效M型曲線關係研究[J],.科學學與科學技術管 2016(4)25-33
Abstract: Enterprises show some significant phases in the course of conducting international business. Existing studies basically agree that the relationship between the degree of internationalization and firm performance meets S curve or inverted S curve. It means that the relationship between two conforms to the theory of 'three-stages'. This study integrated and explored the former theory. Through analyzing the panel data of 140 domestic auto industry SMEs from 2005 to 2009, it found that the existing theory fails to descript the variation tendency of firm performance completely when SMEs expand international business. Study conclusion shows that there are four, actually, stages in the process of SMEs internationalization, the correlation between the degree of internationalization and firm performance changes in those stages, but the relationship between two presents an M-curve. When it comes to predict the performance of international SMEs, the theory of 'four-stages' is more effective than the theory of 'three-stages'.
[5]馮科,曾德明,周昕,萬煒. 創新網路結構洞非均衡演進對技術創新的影響[J],.系統工程, 2014(8):110-116.
摘要:創新網路中的結構洞以非冗餘鏈 接為特徵,其作為異質知識的傳播樞紐對於創新績效產生重要影響。本文利用汽車行業合作專利構建創新網路,揭示了創新網路中結構洞的非均衡演進特徵。具體表 現為創新網路從早期以小型結構洞為主的態勢,逐漸轉化為極少數大型結構洞與大量小型結構洞並存的態勢。協整分析的研究結果表明結構洞非均衡化水平的提高對 技術創造性程度更高的技術創新產出的有正向作用。而結構洞平均水平的提高對技術創造性程度較低的技術創新產出有正向作用。
[6]鄭培,萬煒.基於智慧型信息處理的供應鏈績效評價方法[J],財經理論與實踐, 2011(5) 119-121
摘要:從軟計算的角度出發,比較分析相關供應鏈績效評價模型,結果顯示 不同處理方法的聯合將在供應鏈績效評價中保持較高的準確度.結合某供應鏈績效案例,進行基於智慧型信息處理的供應鏈績效評價方法仿真,結果表明,通過粗糙集 約簡和模糊綜合評估的融合,可顯著縮小數據處理規模,降低評估模型的計算複雜度,同時克服模糊評估過度依賴專家知識的缺點.通過粗糙集約簡和BP神經網路 的融合,可降低BP網路的設計複雜度,克服神經網路訓練時間長、知識解釋性較差的缺點.
摘要:在顧客導向的行銷理念下,利用顧客資產進行生產經營活動日益成為企業關注的重點.目前關於顧客資產的研究主要是顧客資產構成測量、競爭能力和會計計量研究等方面,文章首次將心理契約引入到顧客資產的經營管理中,論述了 心理契約視角下企業顧客資產價值的形成,提出了基於心理契約的顧客資產管理模型,對企業套用提出了建議.
[3] Wan Wei, Zeng Deming, Wang Jibin, Research on brand switching behavior of addictive goods consumers[C]. Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE), 2011 International Conference. Page(s): 192-195. ISBN: 978-1-4244- 8383-9 EI,ISTP檢索
Abstract: This paper focuses on developing a classification system and a brand switching model of the addictive goods consumers. Main reasons of switching behavior are analyzed by applying critical incident technique. Based on the grounded theory, the critical incidences are coded and classified. A survey is conducted covering eight different cities of China to test the validity of the classification system and the switching model. The analytical results demonstrate that: (1) most of brand switching behaviors are caused by multi-reasons; (2) five critical factors and their interactions moderate the brand switching behavior: the changes of self-concept; poor perceived quality of goods and services; influence of the primary groups; brand mismanagement, and health concerns. The results suggest corporate and public management of brand switching behavior should stress the roles of consumers' elf-concept and the influence of their primary group.
[4]曾德明,蘇亞,萬煒.國際化程度和企業績效M型曲線關係研究[J],.科學學與科學技術管 2016(4)25-33
Abstract: Enterprises show some significant phases in the course of conducting international business. Existing studies basically agree that the relationship between the degree of internationalization and firm performance meets S curve or inverted S curve. It means that the relationship between two conforms to the theory of 'three-stages'. This study integrated and explored the former theory. Through analyzing the panel data of 140 domestic auto industry SMEs from 2005 to 2009, it found that the existing theory fails to descript the variation tendency of firm performance completely when SMEs expand international business. Study conclusion shows that there are four, actually, stages in the process of SMEs internationalization, the correlation between the degree of internationalization and firm performance changes in those stages, but the relationship between two presents an M-curve. When it comes to predict the performance of international SMEs, the theory of 'four-stages' is more effective than the theory of 'three-stages'.
[5]馮科,曾德明,周昕,萬煒. 創新網路結構洞非均衡演進對技術創新的影響[J],.系統工程, 2014(8):110-116.
摘要:創新網路中的結構洞以非冗餘鏈 接為特徵,其作為異質知識的傳播樞紐對於創新績效產生重要影響。本文利用汽車行業合作專利構建創新網路,揭示了創新網路中結構洞的非均衡演進特徵。具體表 現為創新網路從早期以小型結構洞為主的態勢,逐漸轉化為極少數大型結構洞與大量小型結構洞並存的態勢。協整分析的研究結果表明結構洞非均衡化水平的提高對 技術創造性程度更高的技術創新產出的有正向作用。而結構洞平均水平的提高對技術創造性程度較低的技術創新產出有正向作用。
[6]鄭培,萬煒.基於智慧型信息處理的供應鏈績效評價方法[J],財經理論與實踐, 2011(5) 119-121
摘要:從軟計算的角度出發,比較分析相關供應鏈績效評價模型,結果顯示 不同處理方法的聯合將在供應鏈績效評價中保持較高的準確度.結合某供應鏈績效案例,進行基於智慧型信息處理的供應鏈績效評價方法仿真,結果表明,通過粗糙集 約簡和模糊綜合評估的融合,可顯著縮小數據處理規模,降低評估模型的計算複雜度,同時克服模糊評估過度依賴專家知識的缺點.通過粗糙集約簡和BP神經網路 的融合,可降低BP網路的設計複雜度,克服神經網路訓練時間長、知識解釋性較差的缺點.
摘要:在顧客導向的行銷理念下,利用顧客資產進行生產經營活動日益成為企業關注的重點.目前關於顧客資產的研究主要是顧客資產構成測量、競爭能力和會計計量研究等方面,文章首次將心理契約引入到顧客資產的經營管理中,論述了 心理契約視角下企業顧客資產價值的形成,提出了基於心理契約的顧客資產管理模型,對企業套用提出了建議.


