



  • 中文名:萬春鵬
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:江西南昌
  • 出生日期:1983年4月
  • 畢業院校:南昌大學生命科學與食品工程學院
  • 主要成就:2011年寶鋼教育基金優秀學生獎學金
  • 代表作品:中國中藥雜誌
  • 性別:男


2012年6月畢業於南昌大學生命科學與食品工程學院/食品科學與技術國家重點實驗室。2011年在美國羅德島大學(University of Rhode Island)藥學系做訪問學者一年,從事天然產物活性成分分離,鑑定及體外活性篩選工作。在國際高水平期刊共發表學術論文10餘篇,主持或參與各類科研課題4項。獲得2011年寶鋼教育基金優秀學生獎學金。Natural Product Research、Biochemical Systematics and Ecology和Journal of Food and Nutrition Research期刊審稿人,Asian journal of biological and life sciences, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research和Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering雜誌編委。


1 植物源果蔬保鮮劑的研製;
2 果蔬功能成分的分離、鑑定,含量測定及品質評價;
3 天然產物活性成分分離及體外降血糖、抗腫瘤等活性篩選。




1 Chunpeng Wan, Tao Yuan, Navindra P. Seeram et al. Antioxidant and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory phenolics isolated from highbush blueberry flowers. Food Chemistry.2012.135(3):1929-1937
2 Tao Yuan, Yuanqing Ding, Chunpeng Wan, Navindra P. Seeram et al. Antidiabetic Ellagitannins from Pomegranate Flowers: Inhibition of α-Glucosidase and Lipogenic Gene Expression. Organic Letters. 2012. 14(20):5358-5361
3 Chunpeng Wan,Tao Yuan, Navindra P. Seeramet al. Maplexins, new a-glucosidase inhibitors from Red maple (Acer rubrum) stems. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. (2012), 22(1), 597-600.
4 Chunpeng Wan,Tao Yuan, MingYong Xie, Navindra P. Seeramet al. Acerrubrum phenolicsinclude A-type procyanidins and a chalcone.Biochemica and System Ecology. 2012, 44.1-3
5 Chunpeng Wan, Yanying Yu, Shuwen Cao.Isolation and identification phenolic compounds from Gynura divaricata Leaves. Pharmacognosy Magazine (2011), 7 (26), 101-108.
6 Chunpeng Wan,Y. Qiu and S. W. Cao. Chemical Constituents from Sarcopyramis bodinierivar. delicate. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2012), 48(1), 126-127.
7 Tao Yuan, Chunpeng Wan, Ke Liu and Navindra P. Seeram.New maplexins F-I and phenolic glycosides from Red maple (Acer rubrum) bark.Tetrahedron. (2012), 68(4), 959-964.
8 Tao Yuan, Chunpeng Wan,Navindra P. Seeramet al. Phenolic Glycosides from Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) Bark.Journal of Natural Products.(2011), 74(11), 2472-2476.
9 Binbin Xu, Yanying Yu*, Pinghong Wan, Chunpeng Wan and Shuwen Cao. Synthesis and antityrosinase,antioxidant activities of phloretin thiosemicarbazones. Research on ChemicalIntermediates; 2013; DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1154-8.
10 Yuan, Tao, Chunpeng Wan, Hang Ma and Navindra P.Seeram*. New Phenolics fromthe Flowers of Punica granatum and TheirIn Vitro α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities. Planta Medica; 2013, DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1350925
11 Wei Liu, Yanying Yu, Ruzhen Yang, Chunpeng Wan, Shuwen Cao. Optimization of Total Flavonoid Compound Extraction from Gynura medica Leaf Using Response Surface Methodology and Chemical Composition Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, (2010), 11(11), 4750-4763.
12 萬春鵬,鄭嘯,陳海峰,鄒秀紅,周壽然,邱彥. 東方肉穗草黃酮類化學成分研究,中國中藥雜誌,2009,34(2):172-174
13 楊嘉永,萬春鵬,邱彥.東方肉穗草中酚酸類化學成分研究[J].中藥材, 2010, (04):542-544.
14 左愛仁,汪滿紅,萬春鵬,周壽然,王曉崴,邱彥.東方肉穗草異鼠李素誘導HepG2細胞凋亡研究[J]. 時珍國醫國藥, 2011, (02):427-428.
15 彭婧,余燕影,熊雯,萬春鵬,曹樹穩.金邊瑞香化學成分[J].中國中藥雜誌, 2011, 36(10):1316-1318.
16 接敏,萬春鵬,余燕影,曹樹穩.白背三七大孔樹脂富集物化學成分及抗氧化活性研究[J].天然產物研究與開發,2012,(02):155-159.


