從事昆蟲生態學、外來生物入侵生物學、綜合治理以及轉基因作物生物安全方面的研究工作。目前主持國際國內重大科研項目有:國家973計畫"農林危險生物入侵機理與控制基礎研究"(973項目首席科學家),十五攻關重大專項"農藥污染控制技?quot;(項目主持人),國家環保總局專項"外來入侵生物的生態風險評估、生物治理與生態恢復技術";歐盟項目"Assessment of the environmental and agronomic appropriateness of Bt transgenic cotton in small-producer IPM systems in China"等。
獲國家科技進步二等獎(2項)、教育部自然科學一等獎(1項)、科學出版社突出貢獻-優秀作者獎等成果近20餘項,2013年獲全國先進科技工作者稱號。發表論文530餘篇(SCI論文130餘篇,包括在Annual Review of Entomology,New Phytologist, Biological Invasions,Biological Control,Science等雜誌上),出版入侵生物學系列著作等18部,授權發明專利17項,申請專利13項。
2007.01-2009.12 Tackling Biosecurity between Europe and Asia: Innovative Detection, Containment and Control Tools of Invasive Alien Species Potentially Affecting Food Production and Trade (BIOSEC) 歐盟合作項目-歐亞外來入侵生物檢測、監測、緊急處理和防治技術交流(CN/ASIA-LINK/035(129-036)),中方協調人(90萬)
2001.07-2004.12 Development of International, Scientific Biosafety Testing Guidelines for Transgenic Plants, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (瑞士發展與合作局)
2001.11-2004.11 Assessment of the environmental and agronomic
appropriateness of Bt transgenic cotton in small-producer IPM systems
1. Wan FH*, Yang NW. 2016. Invasion and management of agricultural alien insects in China. Annual Review of Entomology, 61: 77-98.
2. Zhou ZS, Rasmann S, Zheng HY, Watson A, Guo JY, Wang JG, Wan FH*. 2015. Mating frequency positively associates with fitness in Ophraella communa. Ecological Entomology, 40: 292-298.
3. Liu WX, Wang WX, Zhang YB, Wang W, Lu SL, Wan FH*. 2015. Adult diet affects the life history and host-killing behavior of a host-feeding parasitoid. Biological Control, 81: 58-64.
4. Liu GQ, Wu Q Li JW, Zhang GF, Wan FH*. 2015. RNAi-mediated knock-down of transformer and transformer 2 to generate male-only progeny in the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). PLoS ONE, 10(6):e0128892.
5. Zhang YB, Yang NW, Sun LiY, Wan FH*.2015. Host instar suitability in two invasive whiteflies for the naturally occurring parasitoid Eretmocerus hayati in China. Journal of Pest Science, 88:225-234.
6. Zhang YB, Zhang HL, Yang NW, Wang JJ, Wan FH*.2014. Income resources and reproductive opportunity change life history traits and the risks of egg/time limitation in a synovigenic parasitoid. Ecological Entomology, 39, 723-731.
7. Zhang GF, Gabor L, Hu M, Wan FH*. 2014. Asymmetric consequences of host plant occupation on the competition between the whiteflies Bemisia tabaci cryptic species MEAM1 and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Pest Management Science, 70(12): 1797-1807.
8. Ma FZ, Lv ZC, Wang R, Wan FH*. 2014. Heritability and evolutionary potential in thermal tolerance traits in the invasive mediterranean cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). PLoS ONE, 9(7): e103279
9. Zhang GF, Wu X, Zhou ZX, Meng XQ, Wan FH*. 2014. A one-step, single tube, duplex PCR to detect predation by native predators on the invasiveBemisia tabaci MEAM1 andFrankliniella occidentalis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 150: 66-73.
10. Yang NW, Zang LS, Wang S, Guo JY, Xu HX, Zhang F, Wan FH*. 2014. Biological pest management by predators and parasitoids in the greenhouse vegetables in China.Biological Control, 68: 92-102.
11. Zhou ZS, Rasmann S, Li M, Guo JY, Chen HS, Wan FH*. 2013. Cold temperatures increase cold hardiness in the next generation Ophraella communa beetles. PLoS ONE, 8(9):e74760.
12. Guo JY, Fu JW, Xian XQ, Ma MY, Wan FH*. 2012. Performance of Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biological control agent of invasive alligator weed, at low non-freezing temperatures. Biological Invasions, 14: 1597-1608.
13. Yu H, Wan FH*, Guo JY. 2012. Different thermal tolerance and hsp gene expression in invasive and indigenous sibling species of Bemisia tabaci, Biological Invasions, 14: 1587-1595.
14. Zhang GF, Meng XQ, Min L, Qiao WN, Wan FH*. 2012. Rapid diagnosis of the invasive species, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande): a species-specific COI marker.Journal of Applied Entomology,136: 410-420.
15. Lv ZC,WanFH*. 2011. Using double-stranded RNA to explore the role of heat shock protein genes in heat tolerance in Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). The Journal of Experimental Biology, 214: 764-769.
16. Wang R, Wang JF, Qiu ZJ, Meng B, Wan FH*, Wang YZ. 2011. Multiple factors mechanisms underlie rapid expansion of an invasive alien plant.New Phytologist, 191: 828-839.
17. Zhang GF, Li DC, Liu TX,Wan FH*, Wang JJ. 2011. Interspecific Interactions between Bemisia tabaci Biotype B and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).Environmental Entomology, 40(1):140-150
18. Zhou ZS, Guo JY, Michaud JP, Li M, Wan FH*. 2011. Variation in cold hardiness among geographic populations of the ragweed beetle, Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biological agent against Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asterales: Asteraceae), in China. Biological Invasions, 13: 659-667.
19. Liu SS, De Barro P J, Xu J, Luan JB, Zang LS, Ruan YM, Wan FH. 2007. Asymmetric mating interactions drive widespread invasion and displacement in a whitefly.Science,318: 1769-1772.
20. Niu HB, Liu WX, Wan FH*, Liu B. 2007. An invasive aster (Ageratina adenophora) invades and dominates forest understories in China: altered soil microbial communities facilitate the invader and inhibit natives. Plant and Soil, 294: 73-85.