- 中文名:萬克樹
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:山東莒縣
- 出生日期:1978年
- 性別:男
2014.5~至今, 東南大學,研究員
2011.2~至今, 東南大學,從事實驗力學之全場變形與損傷分析(基於數字圖像法)
2008.4~至今, 東南大學,從事建築材料之微結構研究
2008.4~2014.4, 東南大學,副研究員
2003.7~2006.9, 京都工藝纖維大學,工學博士,從事實驗力學之應力分析(基於光譜法)
2000.9~2003.7, 中國科學院上海矽酸鹽研究所,工學碩士,從事氮氧化矽分子篩研究
1996.9~2000.7, 山東輕工業學院,工學學士,矽酸鹽工程專業
本科生基礎課: 材料分析技術(2008-)
研究生選修課: 材料科學中的數字圖像處理(2010-)
徐自強、李根: (2014-)
楊鵬、陳凌燕: (2012-)
1.*K.S. Wan, L. Li, Q. Xu, W. Sun, Spatial distribution of the increased porosity of cement paste due to calcium leaching,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed.,In Press.
2.*K.S. Wan, A discussion of the paper "Differential-scheme based dissolution diffusion model for calcium leaching in cement-based materials accounting for mix design and binder composition",Cement and Concrete Research,58(2014) 201-203. (IF:3.112)
3.*K.S. Wan, Q. Xu, Y.D. Wang, G.H. Pan, 3D spatial distribution of the calcium carbonate caused by carbonation of cement paste,Cement and Concrete Composites,45(2014) 255-263.(IF:2.523)
4.*K.S. Wan, Q. Xu, Local porosity distribution of cement paste characterized by X-ray micro-tomography,Science China Technical Science, 57(2014) 953-961.
5.K.S. Wan, L. Li, W. Sun, Solid-liquid equilibrium curve of calcium in 6 mol/L ammonium nitrate solution, Cement and Concrete Research,53(2013) 44-50. (IF:3.112)
6.*K.S. Wan, Q. Xu, L. Li, W. Sun, 3D porosity distribution of partly calcium leached cement paste,Construction and Building materials, 48(2013) 11-15. (IF:2.293)
7.*K.S. Wan, X.B. Xue, In situ compressive damage of cement paste characterized by lab source X-ray computer tomography,Material Characterization,82(2013) 32-40.
8.*K.S. Wan, Y. Li, W. Sun, Experimental and modelling research on the accelerated calcium leaching of cement paste in ammonium nitrate solution, Construction and Building materials,40(2013) 832-846. (IF:2.293)
9.*K.S. Wan, Y. Li, W. Sun, Application of tomography for solid calcium distributions in calcium leaching cement paste,Construction and Building materials, 36(2012) 913-917. (IF:2.293)
10.*K.S. Wan, W. Sun, C.K. Tang, Z.D. Rong, Three dimensional analysis of micro defect morphologies in cement-based materials using focused ion beam tomography,Science China Technical Science, 55 (2012) 1539-1544.
11.K.S. Wan, S. Tochino, W.L. Zhu, S. Ohtsuka, and *G. Pezzotti, Quantitative evaluation of probe response functions for Raman and fluorescence bands of single-crystalline and polycrystalline Al2O3,Journal of Physics D Applied Physics,43(2010) 205501-1-8.(IF:2.528)
12.K.S. Wan, Y. Takeda, W. Yashiro, and *A. Momose, Fabrication of multiple slit using a stacked-sliced method for hard X-ray Talbot-Lau interferometer,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,47(2008) 7412-7414.
13.K.S. Wan, A. Porporati, G. Feng, H. Yang, and *G. Pezzotti, Biaxialstress dependence ofthe electrostimulatednear-bandgapspectrumof GaNepitaxial film grown on (0001) sapphire substrate,Applied Physics Letters,88(2006) 251910-1-3. (IF:3.794)
14.*G. Pezzotti,K.S. Wan,M.C. Munisso, W.L. Zhu, Stress dependence of Fcenter cathodoluminescence of sapphire,Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006)041908-1-3. (IF:3.794)
15.K.S. Wan, W.L. Zhu, and*G. Pezzotti,Methods of piezo-spectroscopic calibration of thin film materials: I, Ball-on-ring biaxial flexure,Measurement Science & Technology, 17(2006) 181-190.
16.W.L. Zhu,K.S. Wan, and*G. Pezzotti,Methods of piezo-spectroscopic calibration of thin film materials: II, Tensile stress field at indentation crack-tip,Measurement Science & Technology, 17(2006) 191-198.
17.K.S. Wan, W.L. Zhu, and *G. Pezzotti,Determination ofin-depthprobe responsefunction using spectral perturbationmethods,Journal of Applied Physics,98(2005) 113101-1-7.(IF:2.21)
18.K.S. Wan,*Q. Liu, C.M. Zhang, and J.C. Wang, The basicity and catalytic activity of ordered mesoporous silion nitride oxide,Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 77(2004) 1409-1414.
19.K.S. Wan, *Q. Liu, and C.M. Zhang, Synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous silicon oxynitride with high nitrogen content,Chemistry Letters, 32(2003) 362-363.
20.K.S. Wan, *Q. Liu, and C.M. Zhang, Thermal stability of Si-MCM-41 ingaseous atmosphere,Materials Letters,57(2003) 3839-3842.