SHOW TIME : 展示平台 為音樂愛好者提供展現自我的舞台,輕鬆創造音樂、駕馭音樂。讓音樂為您帶來無限樂趣、甚至意想不到的輝煌未來,是華音琴行不懈的追求。華音國際音樂文化發展有限公司主辦或協辦的大量演藝活動更能提供給優秀學員登台表演的實戰機會,這在大多數音樂學校中是無法滿足的。
ART FUTURE : 發展空間 華音國際音樂文化發展有限公司與華音琴行一直保持著緊密配合的合作關係,華音國際音樂文化發展有限司除了將旗下藝員派往華音琴行學習音樂知識,還經常在華音琴行中抽調人才派往演藝娛樂界的最前線,只要學員擁有一定的音樂表達能力,均有機會簽約華音國際音樂文化發展有限公司進入演藝圈長期而正規地發展。
MISSION ONE : 專業培訓 如果想成為一個受萬人擁護的明星,你首先要做的就是接受專業的培訓。華音國際從基礎做起,下設藝員專業培訓課程,從音樂、外觀、表演三大方面來訓練旗下的藝員。這三方面可細分為演唱、樂理、形體、身體語言、職業素質等諸多課程。這些專業課程決不會讓您感到一點輕鬆,做好心理準備,嚴格的訓練將保證您穩定的發揮。華音國際有著多年經驗的專業團隊會告訴你面對舞台、歌迷和媒體時該做些什麼。
MISSION TWO : 形象定位 在商業運作極為完善的市場環境下,藝員的一舉一動都要由專人來做市場分析後精確把握。在考察藝員的一些基本素質後,將根據藝員的部分特徵結合市場來設計最完美的發展方案。包括示人形象、音樂風格甚至花邊新聞的取向。藝員將在這個穩固的框架內做最成熟的表演,並策劃配備藝員專屬的包括經理人、化妝、服裝等服務隊伍。
MISSION THREE : 音樂製作 華音國際會根據初步制定的整體風格和時尚趨勢來量身打造最酷的藝員曲目,集創作(詞曲)、編配、演奏、錄音、MIX於一體,並指導藝員採用正確方式演唱。
MISSION FOUR : 視覺設計 前期的基本鋪墊截止到以上步驟。作為跨向專業娛樂業的第一步將從這裡踏出。華音國際的專業團隊採用最人性化的設計理念來完成各種設計作業。從CD的COVER到平面媒體的宣傳圖片設計;從藝員的封面照到寫真集拍攝,華音國際都會給你最具國際化水準的視覺衝擊。
MISSION FIVE : MV及相關影像產品的策劃、拍攝、剪輯流程 MUSIC VIDEO是藝員魅力的最完善體現。華音國際專業御用的影像魔術師們將結合美妙的音樂為您變幻出動態視覺的藝術珍品。根據藝員的個人外在特徵,我們將選用最絕妙的角度和光線來詮釋MV的最佳意境。
MISSION SIX : 演藝活動全程掌舵 每一個藝員都要經過很多的現場演藝活動來提高自身的表演素質和經驗,而且舞台是藝員最嚮往的聖地。華音國際憑藉自身擁有一流演藝設備的優勢,經常大規模開展高水平的演藝活動。從前期策劃、音響、舞美工程到每一個演員的出場方式,華音國際都駕熟就輕。
The Sinovoice International Music Culture Development CO.,LTD. had been established by Ewon Guo. At present serves under somebody's banner has one group of specialized music the musician and the singer.
The Sinovoice International Music Culture Development CO.,LTD. 's management goal is: For the Chinese music market creation, increases the value diligently, in the Chinese help Chinese music entertainer and the product construction effective profession mechanism,open develops the opportunity and the space for the Chinese 1.3 billion population in numerous music talented people, comprehensively improves for the Chinese music market general consumers serves; Takes to China the world pop music, lets Chinese music move towards the whole world!
The Sinovoice International Music Culture Development CO.,LTD. 's primary service includes: And domestic and foreign leading is hard, the software technology by the international standard excavates, the manufacture music entertainer and the work; By the 21st century modern profession market business planning, the management and the service system and consciousness, with the aid of the Chinese and foreign partner giant resources backing, effectively retail transport business everywhere outstanding audios and videos program and the product in each place.
The Sinovoice International Music Culture Development CO.,LTD. headquarters establishment in Shanghai, including the human affairs, business proclaims, the entertainer, music, the creation manufacture as well as the musical instrument sale, music teaching and so on various aspects management monitoring; And in places such as Beijing,Shanghai,Hangzhou,Haerbin,Guangzhou,Hanning has established ten musics art school and the musical instrument sale point. At the same time,The Sinovoice International Music Development CO.,LTDD. also is equipped with the office in global each place, pours the strength propaganda contact, music entertainer manufactures, the audio and video product retails the management and so on. At present, the company establishment of strength is continuing according to the plan to expand, the development.