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莊傑,博士,研究員,課題組長。先後在廈門大學、北京大學和美國Old Dominion大學獲學士、碩士和博士學位,博士導師為超短高壓脈衝電場腫瘤消融技術奠基人、IEEE終身會士Karl Schoenbach教授,2012年加入德國萊布尼茨電漿研究所(INP Greifswald)任研究員,2017年底回國加入中科院蘇州醫工所。國家重點研發計畫首席科學家,萬人計畫青年拔尖人才,中科院百人計畫,江蘇省雙創人才,國際生物電協會技術委員會委員,中國電工技術學會電漿及套用專業委員會委員,中國電工技術學會青年工作委員會委員,蘇州市高新區創業領軍人才,IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science客座編輯。曾獲富林沃斯國際青年創新獎,“春暉杯”留學人員創新創業大賽優勝獎、IEEE DEIS獎學金、HK Tech 300 種子基金及國科大杯創新創業大賽分項賽二等獎等國內外獎項。發表學術論文30餘篇,申請和授權國內外發明專利10多項。




課題組主要研究方向為高壓脈衝電場、電漿與介電/阻抗譜技術的生物醫學與環境套用、上述領域的硬體與軟體研發、人工智慧與區塊鏈技術等,參與和主持了美國空軍、美國國防部、IEEE DEIS學會、德國聯邦教育與研究部、中科院、科技部及江蘇省等多個項目,目前在醫工所與生物電課題組成員共同研發新型醫療器械與科學儀器,開展套用基礎研究,與多家企業合作推進臨床試驗,並對科研成果進行產業化。


(1) 高壓納秒脈衝電場的細胞器生物電效應綜述 - 物理學報(Acta Physica Sinica) - 2021 - 中科院三區 IF: 1.338
(2) Impedimetric Characterization of Normal and Cancer Cell Responses after Nano-pulse Stimulation - Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics - 2021 - 中科院三區 IF: 3.207
(3) Nanosecond pulsed electric fields impair viability and mucin expression in mucinous colorectal carcinoma cell - Bioelectrochemistry - 2021 - 中科院二區 IF: 5.373
(4) Potential use of atmospheric cold plasma for postharvest preservation of blueberries - Postharvest Biology and Technology - 2021 - 中科院一區 IF: 5.537
(5) Combination of metformin and cold atmospheric plasma induces glioma cell death to associate with c-Fos - Neoplasma - 2021 - 中科院四區 IF: 2.575
(6) Comprehensive characterization of osseous tissues from impedance measurements by effective medium approximation - AIP Advances - 2021 - 中科院四區 IF: 1.548
(7) Comparative transcriptome analysis of atmospheric pressure cold plasma enhanced early seedling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana - Plasma Science and Technology - 2021 - 中科院二區 IF: 1.567
(8) Visible-light-driven photocatalytic inactivation of S. aureus in aqueous environment by hydrophilic zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles based on the interfacial electron transfer in S. aureus/ZnO composites - Journal of Hazardous Materials - 2021 - 中科院一區 IF: 10.588
(9) Nonleaching Antibacterial Concept Demonstrated by In Situ Construction of 2D Nanoflakes on Magnesium - Advanced Science - 2020 - 中科院一區 IF: 16.806
(10) Discrimination of different cell monolayers before and after exposure to nanosecond pulsed electric fields based on Cole–Cole and multivariate analysis - Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics - 2019 - 中科院三區 IF: 3.207
(11) Bioimpedance Analysis of Epithelial Monolayers after Exposure to Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering - 2018 - 中科院二區 IF: 4.424
(12) Cobalt Containing Polyimide Films Treated by Nanosecond Pulsed Electrical Discharges in Water - IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science - 2016 - 中科院四區 IF: 1.222
(13) Dielectric Spectroscopy of Polyimide Films Treated by Nanosecond High Voltage Pulsed Driven Electrical Discharges in Water - Plasma Processes and Polymers - 2016 - 中科院三區 IF: 3.872
(14) Formation mechanism of streamer discharges in liquids: a rev - High Voltage - 2016 - 中科院二區 IF: 4.714
(15) Time Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field Induced Changes in Dielectric Properties of Pig Whole Blood - Bioelectrochemistry - 2015 - 中科院二區 IF: 5.373
(16) Piezoelectric-Enhanced Oriented Cobalt Coordinated Peptide Monolayer with Rectification Behavior - Small - 2015 - 中科院一區 IF: 13.281
(17) Synergistic Antibacterial Effects of Treatments with Low Temperature Plasma Jet and Pulsed Electric Fields - Applied Physics Letters - 2014 - 中科院二區 IF: 3.791
(18) Measuring dielectric properties of biological cells as a function of temperature - 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference - 2014 -
(19) Compact high-voltage, low-impedance nanosecond pulse generators for biomedical applications - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2014 -
(20) Changes in gap junction-mediated intercellular communication in a cell-monolayer after the exposure to nanosecond pulsed electric fields - IEEE Pulsed Power Conference - 2013 -
(21) Effect of pulsed electric fields on cell-cell-communication via gap junctions in cell-monolayers - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2013 -
(22) Operation of a cold DC operated air plasma jet for microbial decontamination - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2013 -
(23) Dielectric response of cancer cells after exposure to single and multiple nanosecond pulses - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2013 -
(24) Long term survival of mice with hepatocellular carcinoma after pulse power ablation with nanosecond pulsed electric fields - Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment - 2012 - 中科院四區 IF: 3.399
(25) Dielectric Evolution of Mammalian Cell Membranes after Exposure to Pulsed Electric Fields - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEI - 2012 - 中科院二區 IF: 2.931
(26) Pulsed electric field induced dielectric evolution of mammalian cells - Proceedings of IEEE IPMHV Conference - 2012 -
(27) Pulsed electric field induced conformational changes of mammalian cells revealed by time domain dielectric spectroscopy - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2012 -
(28) Microfluidic impedance spectroscopy as a tool for quantitative biology and biotechnology - Biomicrofluidics - 2012 - 中科院三區 IF: 2.800
(29) Cell Death Induced by Subnanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields at Elevated Temperatures - IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science - 2012 - 中科院四區 IF: 1.222
(30) Modification of dielectric characteristics of cells by intense pulsed electric fields - Proceedings of IEEE Pulsed Power Conference - 2011 -
(31) Time domain dielectric spectroscopy of biological cells after pulsed electric field exposure - IEEE CEIDP Conference - 2011 -
(32) Pulsed electric field induced changes in dielectric properties of biological cells - IEEE IPMHV Conference - 2010 -
(33) Pulsed discharges for medical applications - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2010 -
(34) Pulsed electric field induced changes in dielectric properties of biological cells - 2009 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference - 2009 -
(35) Tumor treatment with nanosecond pulsed electric fields - 2009 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference - 2009 -
(36) First response of mammalian cells to nanosecond pulsed electric fields - IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - 2008 -
(37) Nanosecond Pulse Generator with Variable Pulse Duration for the Study of Pulse Induced Biological Effects - IEEE IPMHV Conference - 2008 -
(38) Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Images of the Kidney - IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine - 2008 -


