- 中文名:荊林海
- 外文名:Linhai Jing
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:山東淄博
- 出生日期:1971年3月12日
- 職業:中國科學院研究員、百人計畫
- 畢業院校:加拿大約克大學 (York University) 地球、空間科學與工程系
- 主要成就:遙感數字圖象處理
簡 歷: |
教育經歷 1/2002-4/2008,地理空間信息與遙感博士, 加拿大約克大學 (York University) 地球、空間科學與工程系; 論文:Spectral distortion analysis on image fusion methods in remote sensing and development on fusion methods。 9/1994- 7/1997,遙感製圖專業碩士,中國科學院遙感套用研究所; 9/1990-7/1994,地質勘查學士,地質系,山東礦業學院(現名:山東科技大學). 工作經歷 7/2009-12/2011,博士後,研究領域:森林遙感,加拿大約克大學地球、空間科學與工程系Geomatica實驗室. 5/2008-6/2009,博士後,研究領域:地理空間信息與遙感,加拿大約克大學地球、空間科學與工程系Center for Research in Earth and Space Science實驗室. 7/1997-12/2001,研究實習員、助理研究員,研究領域:遙感地質學,中國科學院遙感套用研究所. |
研究方向: |
遙感數字圖象處理(圖像融合,樹冠提取,圖像分割),遙感地質 |
專家類別: |
研究員 百人計畫 |
擔科研項目情況: |
中國科學院‘百人計畫’項目:遙感圖像處理,項目負責人。 中國地質調查院計畫項目‘覆蓋區成礦預測推廣示範’下的工作項目:覆蓋區遙感技術與圖像融合研究及套用,項目負責人。 山東省招遠南部金礦找礦預測研究’項目的外協項目:招遠南部地區遙感信息提取,項目負責人。 國家自然科學基金國際合作重大項目:全球環境變化遙感對比研究(ABCC),參與。 國家自然科學基金面上項目:絲綢之路南道中段線路變遷及其驅動機制——且末—于闐段遙感考古研究,參與。 ”新疆及周邊區域遙感動態監測與應急管理系統”項目:“新疆及中亞礦產資源遙感找礦信息識別與挖掘技術”專題,參與。 |
代表論著: |
共發表論文38篇,其中SCI論文9篇(第一作者8 篇),EI論文9篇,中文核心期刊4篇。 代表性學術期刊文章 [1].Jing, L., Hu, B., Li, J., and Noland, T., 2012, An individual tree crown delineation method based on multi-scale segmentation of imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (接受). [2].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., Guo, H., and Lin, Q., 2012, Image misalignment caused by decimation in image fusion evaluation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(16), 4969-4981. [3]. Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, An image fusion method based on object-oriented classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(8), 2434-2450. [4]. Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, An image fusion method for misaligned Panchromatic and multispectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(4), 1125-1137. [5]. Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, An image fusion method taking into account phenological analogies and haze. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(6), 1675-1694. [6]. Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, Spectral change directions of multispectral sub-pixels in image fusion. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (6), 1695-1711. [7]. Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2010, A technique based on non-linear transform and multivariate analysis to merge thermal-IR data and higher-resolution multispectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(24), 6459-6471. [8]. Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2009, Two improvement schemes of PAN modulation fusion methods for spectral distortion minimization. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (8),2119-2131. [9]. Cheng, Q., and Jing, L., Panahi, A., 2006, Principal component analysis with optimum order sample correlation coefficient for image enhancement. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(16), 3387-3401. [10]. 荊林海, 沈遠超, 藺啟忠, 曾慶棟, 鄒為雷, 2001, 膠萊盆地北緣遙感信息的提取和解譯。地質與勘探,37(1),1-7。 代表性學術會議文章 [1]. Jing, L., Hu, B., and Ji, J., Automated tree crown delineation from remotely sensed data based on morphological techniques, In the XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Commission III, WG III/4, 25 August-1 Sept. 2012, Melbourne, Australia. [2].Jing, L., Hu, B., Ji, J., and Noland, T., Delineation of individual tree crowns from small footprint, high point density LIDAR data, in Silvilaser 2010, the 10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems, 14-17 Sept. 2010, Freiburg, Germany. [3].Li, J., Hu, B., Sohn, G., and Jing, L., Combination of airborne LiDAR and multispectral data for individual tree species identification in nature boreal forests, in Silvilaser 2010, the 10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems, 14-17 Sept. 2010, Freiburg, Germany. [4].Li, J., Hu, B., Sohn, G., and Jing, L., Individual tree species classification using structure features from high density airborne LiDAR data, in2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2010), 25-30 July 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. [5].Zhang, W., Hu, B., Jing, L., Woods, M. E., Individual tree delineation using optical Imagery and LiDAR data. In the 30th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, June 22-25, 2009, Lethbridge Alberta Canada. [6].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Wang, W., A method based on shadow-oriented classification of panchromatic pixels. In 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), 6-11 July 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. [7].Zhang, W., Hu, B., Jing, L., Woods, M. E., and Courville, P., Automatic forest species classification using combined LIDAR data and optical imagery. In 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), 6-11 July 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. [8].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., A fusion method for mixed pixels based on prior type judgment. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2007), 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain. [9].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., Image fusion based on pixel spectra change vector and multivariate regression of panchromatic and visible-near IR multispectral bands. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2006), July 31- August 4, 2006, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. [10].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., A technique based on non-linear transform and multivariate analysis to merge thermal-IR data with higher-resolution multispectral data. In 33rd International Geology Congress (IGC’33), 6-14 August 2008, Oslo, Norway. [11].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., A fusion method based on object-oriented classification of panchromatic image. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008 (EGU 2008), 13-18 April 2008, Vienna, Austria (abstract). [12].Cheng, Q., and Jing, L., Use of scaling models in remote sensing image fusion and image filtering. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, 15-20 April 2007, Vienna, Austria (abstract). [13].Wang, W., Cheng, Q., and Jing, L., Integration of remote sensing data and geochemical data for mapping mineral potentials in Gejiu mineral district, Yunnan, China. In Proceedings of IAMG’07, Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards (12th conference of International Association for Mathematical Geology), 26-31 August 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 425-428. [14].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., An improvement scheme on panchromatic modulation fusion methods for spectral distortion minimization. In Proceedings of IAMG’07, Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards (12th conference of International Association for Mathematical Geology), 26-31 August 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 530-534. [15].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., One modified ratio-based image fusion method for spectral distortion minimization. In 2007 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 14-17 May 2007, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. [16].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Yan, G., Fusing multiple panchromatic and multispectral images using multiple regressions. In Proceedings of IAMG’05, the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, 21-24 August 2005, Toronto, Canada. [17].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., Merging Landsat TM thermal-IR band with higher-resolution reflective bands. In 2006 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 18-21 May 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [18].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Chen, M., Merging multispectral and panchromatic images using multiple regressions. In 2005 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 16-19 Feb. 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [19].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Chen, M., An enhanced principal component substitution fusion method. In 2005 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 16-19 Feb. 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [20].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Yan, G., An extended intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) fusion method. In 2005 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 16-19 Feb. 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [21].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., Yan, G., Chen, M., and Jin, P., Image fusion by simulating ETM+ Pan with bands 2, 3 & 4. In 2004 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 28-31 March 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [22].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., Yan, G., Chen, M., and Jin, P., Use of multi-phase remote sensing data to extract pollutant sources in the drainage basin of Miyun reservoir, Beijing, China. In 2003 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 13-19 March 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. |