性 別:男
智慧型醫療保健的網站服務系統研發 (Intelligent Healthcare Web Application System):
HTML/CSS, HTML5, XML, JavaScript, Ajax, JSF, JSP, JPA, CDI, Jboss-AS, Tomcat, Spring, Struts, Hibernate and Mobile platform system.
醫療圖像處理及通信(Biological image processing and data communication):
DEXA, X-ray, MRI醫療圖像處理;3維互動式生物圖像系統( interactive 3-D imaging system);圖像信息, 病歷, 化驗檢測結果及報告等信息的通信,通信方法有:HL7 message,MLP, TCP/IP, HTTP, Files, FTP, Email,Web Services 和JDBC/ODBC連線.
醫院資料庫設計(Hospital database design):
SQL server 2008 (SSMS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, DTS, T_SQL, MDX, DMX, OLAP, Stored Procedure, Function), MySQL, SQL, T-SQL and NoSQL database (MongoDB).
計算機編程(Computer programming):
J2EE, Core Java, Agile, TDD, C++ and Matlab
仿人智慧機器人 (Intelligent Robot with human thinking)
生物圖像分割和3維,4維建模 (Biological Image Segmentation and 3D, 4D modeling)
大腦行為建模 (Brain Behavioral Modeling)
人工神經網路 (Artificial Neural Network)
虛擬學習環境 (Virtual Learning Environment)
人機互動 (Human Computer Interaction)
智慧型醫療保健的網站服務系統 (Intelligent Healthcare Web Application System)
工作經歷(Professional Work Experiences):
副教授 (全職) (Associate Professor)
02/2013 – 至今
Web技術與開發, 計算機網路,XML技術與套用
副教授 (全職) (Associate Professor)
02/2013 – 至今
Web技術與開發, 計算機網路,XML技術與套用
軟體工程師 (全職)(Software Engineer)
05/2008 – 02/2013
RioMed Ltd, 113 Winchester Road, Southampton, SO53 2GH, UK.
智慧型醫療保健網站服務系統開發(Intelligent Healthcare Web Application System)
05/2008 – 02/2013
RioMed Ltd, 113 Winchester Road, Southampton, SO53 2GH, UK.
智慧型醫療保健網站服務系統開發(Intelligent Healthcare Web Application System)
研究員(兼職) (Research Fellow)
06/2008 –現在
1.研發仿人腦行為的智慧型機器人(Development of intelligent robot with human behavior).
2.指導計算機科學領域的博士及碩士生(supervisor of PhD and Master student in computer science)
06/2008 –現在
1.研發仿人腦行為的智慧型機器人(Development of intelligent robot with human behavior).
2.指導計算機科學領域的博士及碩士生(supervisor of PhD and Master student in computer science)
研究員(全職) (Research Fellow)
06/2006 - 05/2008
School of Computing Science, Middlesex University, Hendon, London, NW4 4BT, UK.
06/2006 - 05/2008
School of Computing Science, Middlesex University, Hendon, London, NW4 4BT, UK.
1.人腦行為模擬(Human brain behavior simulation)
2.指導計算機科學領域的博士生(supervisor of PhD and Master student in computer science)
講師(兼職) (Lecturer)
10/2001 - 05/2006
School of Computing, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, LS6 3QS, UK.
講的課: Software development, C++, Java; Image processing
10/2001 - 05/2006
School of Computing, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, LS6 3QS, UK.
講的課: Software development, C++, Java; Image processing
10/2001 – 05/2006, 博士(PhD)
英國利茲都會大學 生物圖像計算機分割
Computing of Biological Image Segmentation,
School of Computing, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, LS6 3QS, UK.
04/1998 - 04/2001, 碩士(MSc)
英國南安普頓索倫特大學 系統工程
1/f Noise of Thick Film Sensor,
System Engineering, Southampton Solent University, East Park Terrace, Southampton, SO14 0YN, UK.
英國南安普頓索倫特大學 系統工程
1/f Noise of Thick Film Sensor,
System Engineering, Southampton Solent University, East Park Terrace, Southampton, SO14 0YN, UK.
09/1986 – 07/1990, 學士
Software Testing, Microsoft Company,
1210 Parkview, Arlington Business Park, Reading, RG7 4TY, UK, September, 2009.
1. Intelligent robots with human brain behaviour(仿生智慧型機器人)
Funding: National Science Council of Taiwan(台灣國科會基金)
Date: 06/2008-present
Status: ongoing
Participant: Dr. Yufang Cheng (Professor), Dr. Yulei Fan (Research fellow), Mingyao Huang (PhD Researcher).
2. Intelligent Healthcare Web Application and Service System(智慧型醫療保健網站服務體系)
Funding: UK NHS
Status: Ongoing
Participant: Mario Muhammad (Director), Dr. Yulei Fan (Software Eng), David Sanders (Software Eng).
Funding: UK NHS
Status: Ongoing
Participant: Mario Muhammad (Director), Dr. Yulei Fan (Software Eng), David Sanders (Software Eng).
3. Modelling CAs as Neuron-Psychological Phenomena and for Practical Applications (用CAs模擬神經細胞的生理現象及實際套用)
Funding: EPSRC
Date: 06/2006-05/2008
Status: complete
Participant: Dr. Chris Huyck (Reader), Dr. Roman Belavkin (Lecture), Dr. Yulei Fan (Research fellow), F. Jamshed (PhD Researcher)
Funding: EPSRC
Date: 06/2006-05/2008
Status: complete
Participant: Dr. Chris Huyck (Reader), Dr. Roman Belavkin (Lecture), Dr. Yulei Fan (Research fellow), F. Jamshed (PhD Researcher)
4. Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) technology for people with autism
Funding: EPSRC
Date: 10/2003-05/2005
Status: complete
Participant: Dr. Paul McGrath (Dean), Dr. David Moor (Reader), Dr. Yufang Cheng (Researcher), Yulei Fan (PhD researcher).
Funding: EPSRC
Date: 10/2003-05/2005
Status: complete
Participant: Dr. Paul McGrath (Dean), Dr. David Moor (Reader), Dr. Yufang Cheng (Researcher), Yulei Fan (PhD researcher).
5. Computing of biological image segmentation
Funding: SERC, MRC Human Genetic Unit and the e-Mouse Atlas Project
Date: 10/2001-05/2006
Status: complete
Participant: Dr. Richard Baldock (Professor), Dr. Elizabeth Guest (Reader), Professor. Nick Bowring (Professor), Yulei Fan (PhD researcher).
Funding: SERC, MRC Human Genetic Unit and the e-Mouse Atlas Project
Date: 10/2001-05/2006
Status: complete
Participant: Dr. Richard Baldock (Professor), Dr. Elizabeth Guest (Reader), Professor. Nick Bowring (Professor), Yulei Fan (PhD researcher).
6. 1/f noise of thick film sensor
Funding: EPSRC
Date: 04/1998-04/2001
Status: complete
Participant: Graham Kings (Professor), Dr. John Atkinson (Reader), Dr. Russell Paul Sion (Lecture), Dr. Gary Zhang (Researcher), Yulei Fan (Researcher).
Funding: EPSRC
Date: 04/1998-04/2001
Status: complete
Participant: Graham Kings (Professor), Dr. John Atkinson (Reader), Dr. Russell Paul Sion (Lecture), Dr. Gary Zhang (Researcher), Yulei Fan (Researcher).
Y. Cheng, Y. Fan, M. Huang (2012), Innovative Intelligent Navigation System by Applying Fuzzy Logic and Cell Assemblies in Rescuing Robot. Applied Artificial Intelligence 26(3): 183-203 (2012)
Y. Cheng, Y. Fan, M. Huang and R. Yang, (2009), A Cognitive Model with Self-Learning Used in a Mobile Robot, ICAI'09 - The 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July, 2009. pp. 392-395
Y. Cheng, Y. Fan and M. Huang (2008), A cognitive mobile robot,Proceedings of 2008 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov, 2008.
Y. Cheng and Y. Fan (2008), The 3D Humanoid Emotions in Interactive Learning Environments for People with Autism, In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp.5162-5170).
Y. Fan and R. C. Huyck (2008), Implementation of finite state automata using fLIF neurons, Intelligent Systems, 2008, CIS 2008, 7th IEEE International Conference on 9-10 Sept. 2008, London, pp.1-5.
Y. Fan and R. C. Huyck (2007), Parsing with fLIF Neurons, IEEE Systems, In Proceedings of Advances in Cybernetic Systems, September 6-7, 2007.
Y. Cheng, D. Moor, P. McGrath, P and Y Fan (2005) Collaborative Virtual Environment Technology for People with Autism, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005, pp.247-248.
I. Williams, N. Bowring, E. Guest, P. Twigg, Y. Fan, and D. Gadsby (2005), A Combined Statistical/Neural Network Multi-Scale Edge Detector, Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, 2005, Benidorm, Spain, pp.266-271.
N. Bowring, E. Guest, P. Twigg, Y. Fan and D. Gadsby (2004), A New Statistical Method for Edge Detection on Textured and Cluttered Images, Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, Marbella, Spain, pp.435-440.
Y. Fan, N. Bowring and E. Guest (2003), Detection of Mouse Embryo Atlas (MA) boundaries using a neural network, Proceedings of the 4th conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'03). IEEE Press, pp. 829-833.
Y. Fan, E. Guest, and N. Bowring (2003), Histological image detection using statistical tests and a neural network, Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing. pp. 376-381.
Y. Fan, and G. Kings (2000), A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Causes and Effects of 1/f noise in thick film sensors, Proceedings of Chinese Automation and Computer Science in UK Conference, 2000 (CACSCUK'2000).