



  • 中文名:范軍亮
  • 出生地:陝西寶雞
  • 出生日期:1985年5月
  • 畢業院校:澳大利亞昆士蘭大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:農業水土工程
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學


2008年7月、2010年7月分別獲西北農林科技大學農業水利工程(六年制學碩連讀)專業學士學位農業水土工程專業碩士學位;2014年10月獲澳大利亞昆士蘭大學(University of Queensland)水文學及水資源專業博士學位。2015年3月起在西北農林科技大學水利與建築工程學院任教,2017年1月破格晉升為副教授,2020年1月聘為青年教授。先後赴加拿大阿爾伯塔大學(University of Alberta),俄羅斯國立農業大學(Russian State Agrarian University)和波蘭波茲南生命科學大學(Poznan University of Life Sciences)等國外高校交流訪問。


[1] 旱作節水與水肥一體化
[2] 農田水循環與水土環境
[3] 作物水肥高效利用機理與調控
[4] 變化環境下(氣候變化、覆被變化和環境污染)農業水文過程




[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“覆蓋與施氮互動作用下黃土旱塬春玉米水氮高效利用機理及增產減排模式研究”,2019/01-2022/12, 61.0萬元,主持;
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,“黃土旱塬不同種植模式夏玉米對降雨截留再分配及利用過程與模擬”,2016/01-2018/12, 22.0萬元,主持;
[3] 國家重點研發計畫項目子課題,“基於同位素示蹤的作物水分遷移及利用機理研究”,2016/07-2020/12,50.0萬元,主持;
[4] 國家重點研發計畫項目子課題,“南疆膜下滴灌棉田節水控鹽的高效灌溉技術與模式”,2017/07-2020/12,25.0萬元,主持;
[5] 國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題,“黃土塬區典型退耕林地降雨水化學及穩定同位素特徵”,2017/01-2020/12,25.0萬元,主持;
[6] 陝西省創新人才推進計畫-青年科技新星項目,“大氣污染條件下全國不同地區太陽散射輻射模擬研究”,2020/01-2021/12,10.0萬元,主持;
[7] 陝西省引進人才專項配套資助經費項目,“基於改進的經驗模型和機器學習算法估算全國不同氣候區太陽總輻射和散射輻射”,2018/01- 2020/12,20.0萬元,主持;
[8] 西北農林科技大學博士科研啟動基金項目,“黃土旱塬地膜和秸稈覆蓋麥田土壤水熱運移過程與模擬”,2016/01-2018/12,20.0萬元,主持;
[9] 中央高校基本科研業務費項目,“渭北黃土旱塬退耕還林區典型植被的冠層降雨截留及再分配過程”,2016/01-2018/12,10.0萬元,主持;
[10] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“滴灌施肥條件下馬鈴薯水肥耦合效應及供水供肥模式”,2017/01-2020/12, 63.0萬元,參與;
[11] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“黃土丘陵區蘋果園深層水分補給消耗過程、驅動機制與調控”,2018/01-2021/12, 63.0萬元,參與;
[12] 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,“基於分散式光纖的田間尺度土壤水熱同步測定機理研究”,2017/01-2019/12, 20.0萬元,參與;
[13] 陝西省科技統籌創新工程計畫項目,“馬鈴薯等作物高效節水灌溉技術集成與示範套用”,2016/06-2019/05,110.0萬元,參與。


在《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Advances in Agronomy》、《Field Crops Research》、《Agricultural Water Management》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Hydrological Processes》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》、《Vadose Zone Journal》、《Irrigation and Drainage》、《水利學報》和《農業工程學報》等期刊發表論文60餘篇;其中,第一作者(19篇)或通訊作者(10篇)SCI論文29篇(中科院1區11篇、2區/ Top期刊11篇;學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊5篇; ESI前1%高被引論文5篇、前0.1%熱點論文2篇);共同第一作者SCI論文2篇(中科院1區1篇)、共同通訊作者SCI論文7篇(中科院1區);第一作者EI論文2篇;參編專著1部。
[1] Junliang Fan, Xiukang Wang, Fucang Zhang, Xin Ma, Lifeng Wu*. Predicting daily diffuse horizontal solar radiation in various climatic regions of China using support vector machine and tree-based soft computing models with local and extrinsic climatic data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,248, 119264. (IF2018=″ 6.395, 中科院1區)
[2] Shicheng Yan, You Wu, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang*, Jing Zheng, Shengcai Qiang, Jinjin Guo, Youzhen Xiang, Haiyang Zou, Lifeng Wu. Dynamic change and accumulation of grain macronutrient (N, P and K) concentrations in winter wheat under different drip fertigation regimes. Field Crops Research, 2020, accepted. (IF2018=″ 3.868, 中科院1區)
[3] Haiyang Zou, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang*, Youzhen Xiang, Lifeng Wu, Shicheng Yan. Optimization of drip irrigation and fertilization regimes for high grain yield, crop water productivity and economic benefits of spring maize in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 230: 105986. (IF2018=″ 3.542, 中科院1區)
[4] Junliang Fan, Lifeng Wu*, Xin Ma, Hanmi Zhou, Fucang Zhang. Hybrid support vector machines with heuristic algorithms for prediction of daily diffuse solar radiation in air-polluted regions. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 2034-2045. (IF2018=″ 5.439, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[5] Lifeng Wu, Guomin Huang, Junliang Fan*, Xin Ma, Hanmi Zhou, Wenzhi Zeng. Hybrid extreme learning machine with meta-heuristic algorithms for monthly pan evaporation prediction. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 168: 105115.(IF2018=″ 3.171, 中科院2區)
[6] Jing Zheng, Junliang Fan, Yufeng Zou, Henry Wai Chau, Fucang Zhang*. Ridge-furrow plastic mulching with suitable planting density enhances rainwater productivity, grain yield and economic benefits of rainfed maize. Journal of Arid Land, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40333-019-0032-7(IF2018=″ 1.357, 中科院3區)
[7] Junliang Fan, Lifeng Wu*, Fucang Zhang, Huanjie Cai, Xin Ma, Hua Bai. Evaluation and development of empirical models for estimating daily and monthly mean daily diffuse horizontal solar radiation for different climatic regions of China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 105: 168-186. (IF2018=″ 10.556, 中科院1區, 學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊,ESI前0.1%熱點論文)
[8] Junliang Fan, Lifeng Wu*, Fucang Zhang, Huanjie Cai, Wenzhi Zeng, Xiukang Wang, Haiyang Zou. Empirical and machine learning models for predicting daily global solar radiation from sunshine duration: A review and case study in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 100: 186-212. (IF2018=″ 10.556, 中科院1區, 學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊, ESI前1%高被引論文)
[9] Junliang Fan, Xin Ma, Lifeng Wu*, Fucang Zhang, Xiang Yu, Wenzhi Zeng. Light Gradient Boosting Machine: An efficient soft computing model for estimating daily reference evapotranspiration with local and external meteorological data. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 225, 105758. (IF2018=″ 3.542, 中科院1區)
[10] Lifeng Wu, Guomin Huang, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang, Xiukang Wang, Wenzhi Zeng. Potential of kernel-based nonlinear extension of Arps decline model and gradient boosting with categorical features support for predicting daily global solar radiation in humid regions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 183: 280-295. (IF2018=″ 7.181, 中科院1區, ESI前1%高被引論文)
[11] Lifeng Wu, Hanmi Zhou, Xin Ma, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang. Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction based on hybridized extreme learning machine model with bio-inspired optimization algorithms: Application in contrasting climates of China. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 577: 123960.(IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[12] Jing Zheng, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang, Shicheng Yan, You Wu, Junsheng Lu, Jinjin Guo, Minghui Cheng, Yuefeng Pei. Throughfall and stemflow heterogeneity under the maize canopy and its effect on soil water distribution at the row scale. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 660: 1367-1382. (IF2018=″ 5.589, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[13] Jing Zheng, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang. Spatiotemporal trends of temperature and precipitation extremes across contrasting climatic zones of China during 1956-2015. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 138(3):1877-1897. (IF2018=″ 2.720, 中科院3區)
[14] Lifeng Wu, Youwen Peng, Junliang Fan*, Yicheng Wang. Machine learning models for the estimation of monthly mean daily reference evapotranspiration based on cross-station and synthetic data. Hydrology Research, 2019, 50(5): nh2019060. (IF2018=″2.475,″ 中科院4區)
[15] Lifeng Wu, Youwen Peng, Junliang Fan*, Yicheng Wang. Comparison of neuron-based, kernel-based, tree-based and curve-based machine learning models for predicting daily reference evapotranspiration. PloS One, 2019, 14(5): e0217520. (IF2018=″2.776,″ 中科院3區)
[16] Haidong Wang, Xiukang Wang, Lifei Bi, Ying Wang, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang*, Xianghao Hou, Minghui Cheng, Wenhui Hu, Lifeng Wu, Youzhen Xiang. Multi-objective optimization of water and fertilizer management for potato production in sandy areas of northern China based on TOPSIS. Field Crops Research, 2019, 240: 55-68. (IF2018=″ 3.868, 中科院1區)
[17] Meng Li, Yingji Du*, Fucang Zhang*, Yungang Bai*, Junliang Fan*, Jianghui Zhang, Shaoming Chen. Simulation of cotton growth and soil water content under film-mulched drip irrigation using modified CSM-CROPGRO-cotton model. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 218: 124-138. (IF2018=″ 3.542, 中科院1區)
[18] Shengcai Qiang, Yan Zhang, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang*, Youzheng Xiang, Shicheng Yan, You Wu. Maize yield, rainwater and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by maize genotypes and nitrogen rates on the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 213: 996-1003. (IF2018=″ 3.542, 中科院1區)
[19] Shicheng Yan, You Wu, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang*, Shengcai Qiang, Jing Zheng, Youzheng Xiang, Jinjin Guo, Haiyang Zou. Effects of water and fertilizer management on grain filling characteristics, grain weight and productivity of drip-fertigated winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 213: 983-995. (IF2018=″ 3.542, 中科院1區)
[20] Junliang Fan, Wenjun Yue, Lifeng Wu*, Fucang Zhang, Huanjie Cai, Xiukang Wang, Xianghui Lu, Youzhen Xiang. Evaluation of SVM, ELM and four tree-based ensemble models for predicting daily reference evapotranspiration using limited meteorological data in different climates of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263: 225-241.(IF2018=″ 4.189, 中科院1區, 學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊,ESI前0.1%熱點論文)
[21] Junliang Fan*, Adrien Guyot, Kasper Ostergaard, David Lockington. Effects of earlywood and latewood on sap flux density-based transpiration estimates in conifers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 249: 264-274.(IF2018=″ 4.189, 中科院1區, 學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊)
[22] Junliang Fan, Lifeng Wu*, Fucang Zhang, Huanjie Cai, Xiukang Wang, Xianghui Lu, Youzhen Xiang. Evaluating the effect of air pollution on global and diffuse solar radiation prediction using support vector machine modeling based on sunshine duration and air temperature. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 94: 732-747. (IF2018=″ 10.556, 中科院1區, 學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊)
[23] Xiukang Wang*, Junliang Fan, Yingying Xing, Guoce Xu, Yanfeng Wang*, Fucang Zhang*, Peng Li* and Zhanbin Li*. The effects of mulch and nitrogen fertilizer on the soil environment of crop plants. Advances in Agronomy, 2019, 153: 121-173. (IF2018=″3.600,″ 中科院1區, 學校“雙一流”學科群B類期刊)
[24] Junliang Fan, Xiukang Wang, Lifeng Wu*, Hanmi Zhou, Fucang Zhang, Xiang Yu, Xianghui Lu, Youzhen Xiang. Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Extreme Gradient Boosting for predicting daily global solar radiation using temperature and precipitation in humid subtropical climates: A case study in China. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 164: 102-111. (IF2018=″ 7.181, 中科院1區, ESI前1%高被引論文)
[25] Junliang Fan, Xiukang Wang, Lifeng Wu*, Fucang Zhang, Hua Bai, Xianghui Lu, Youzhen Xiang. New combined models for estimating daily global solar radiation based on sunshine duration in humid regions: A case study in South China. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 156: 618-625. (IF2018=″ 7.181, 中科院1區, ESI前1%高被引論文)
[26] Junliang Fan, Baiquan Chen, Lifeng Wu, Fucang Zhang, Xianghui Lu, Youzhen Xiang. Evaluation and development of temperature-based empirical models for estimating daily global solar radiation in humid regions. Energy, 2018, 144: 903-914. (IF2018=″ 5.537, 中科院2區/Top期刊, ESI前1%高被引論文)
[27] Haidong Wang, Lifeng Wu, Minghui Cheng, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang*, Yufeng Zou, Henry Wai Chau, Zhijian Gao, Xiukang Wang. Coupling effects of water and fertilizers on yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency of drip-fertigated cotton in northern Xinjiang, China. Field Crops Research, 2018, 219: 169-179. (IF2018=″ 3.868, 中科院1區)
[28] Xianghui Lu, Yan Ju, Lifeng Wu, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang, Zhijun Li. Daily pan evaporation modeling from local and cross-station data using three tree-based machine learning models. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 566: 668-684. (IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[29] Jing Zheng, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang, Shicheng Yan, Youzhen Xiang. Rainfall partitioning into throughfall, stemflow and interception loss by maize canopy on the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 195: 25-36. (IF2018=″ 3.542, 中科院1區)
[30] Jing Zheng, Junliang Fan*, Fucang Zhang, Shicheng Yan, Jinjin Guo, Dongfeng Chen, Zhijun Li. Mulching mode and planting density affect canopy interception loss of rainfall and water use efficiency of dryland maize on the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Land, 2018, 10(5): 794-808. (IF2018=″ 1.357, 中科院3區)
[31] Junliang Fan, Lifeng Wu, Fucang Zhang*, Shicheng Yan, Youzhen Xiang. Evaluation of drip fertigation uniformity affected by injector type, pressure difference and lateral layout. Irrigation and Drainage, 2017, 66(4): 520-529. (IF2018=″ 1.027, 中科院4區)
[32] Junliang Fan, Lifeng Wu, Fucang Zhang*, Youzhen Xiang, Jing Zheng. Climate change effects on reference crop evapotranspiration across different climatic zones of China during 1956–2015. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 542: 923-937. (IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[33] Junliang Fan*, Kasper T. Oestergaard, Adrien Guyot, Stephen Fujiwarad, David A. Lockington. Estimating groundwater evapotranspiration by a subtropical pine plantation using diurnal water table fluctuations: Implications from night-time water use. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 542: 679-685. (IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[34] Junliang Fan*, Alexander Scheuermann, Adrien Guyot, Thomas Baumgartl, David A. Lockington. Quantifying spatiotemporal dynamics of root-zone soil water in a mixed forest on subtropical coastal sand dune using surface ERT and spatial TDR. Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 523: 475-488. (IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[35] Junliang Fan*, Kasper T. Oestergaard, Adrien Guyot, David G. Jensen, David A. Lockington. Spatial variability of throughfall and stemflow in an exotic pine plantation of subtropical coastal Australia. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29 (5): 793-804. (IF2018=″ 3.189, 中科院2區)
[36] Junliang Fan*, Thomas Baumgartl, Alexander Scheuermann, David A. Lockington. Modeling effects of canopy and roots on soil moisture and deep drainage. Vadose Zone Journal, 2015, 14(2): 136-155. (IF2018=″ 3.634, 中科院3區)
[37] Junliang Fan*, Kasper T. Oestergaard, Adrien Guyot, David A. Lockington. Estimating groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration from water table fluctuations under three vegetation covers in a coastal sandy aquifer of subtropical Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519: 1120-1129. (IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[38] Junliang Fan*, Kasper T. Oestergaard, Adrien Guyot, David A. Lockington. Measuring and modeling rainfall interception losses by a native Banksia woodland and an exotic pine plantation in subtropical coastal Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 515: 156-165. (IF2018=″ 4.405, 中科院2區/Top期刊)
[39] 范軍亮, 張富倉*, 吳立峰, 閆世程, 向友珍. 滴灌壓差施肥系統灌水與施肥均勻性綜合評價. 農業工程學報, 2016, 32(12): 96-101.(EI)
[40] 范軍亮, 張富倉*. 用垂直入滲法推求Gardner-Russo模型參數. 水利學報, 2010, 41(11): 1367-1373.(EI)
[41] 范軍亮, 張富倉*. 負水頭條件下的土壤水分垂直一維入滲特性研究. 土壤學報, 2010, 47 (3): 415-421.
[42] 張大任, 鄭靜, 范軍亮*, 方智超, 姬清元, 袁葉子, 劉文斐. 近60年中國不同氣候區極端溫度事件的時空變化特徵. 中國農業氣象, 2019, 40 (7): 422-434.


[1] 陝西省科學技術進步獎二等獎,“農業生態建設與土壤水肥協同利用關鍵技術及套用”,2019年,3/11;
[2] 陝西高等學校科學技術獎一等獎,“流域水肥過程系統調控與高效利用機制”,2019年,3/11;
[3] 延安市科學技術獎一等獎,“黃土塬區水肥管理對作物產量和品質提高的機理與技術”,2017年,2/4;
[4] 陝西省青年科技新星,2019年;
[5] 陝西省高校“青年傑出人才支持計畫”,2019年;
[6] 西北農林科技大學“青年英才培育計畫”(卓越新星),2019年;
[7] 西北農林科技大學院級優秀教師, 2015、2016、2019年;
[8] 西北農林科技大學大學生社會實踐優秀指導教師,2018年;
[9] 西北農林科技大學本科生“百篇優秀畢業論文(設計)”指導教師, 2019年;


排灌機械工程學報》青年編委,中國農業工程學會會員,美國地球物理學會(AGU)會員,《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Agricultural Water Management》、《Soil & Tillage Research》、《Industrial Crops and Products》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Land Degradation & Development》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Applied Energy》、《Tree Physiology》、《Hydrological Processes》、《Advances in Meteorology》、《Ecohydrology》、《European Journal of Soil Science》、《Soil Science Society of America Journal》、《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》、《Irrigation Science》、《Irrigation and Drainage》、《Journal of Arid Land》、《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》、《Information Processing in Agriculture》、《農業機械學報》、《灌溉排水學報》和《排灌機械工程學報》等40餘個國內外期刊審稿人,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目、地區項目通訊評審專家。


