



  • 中文名:范群波
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:鈦合金材料、仿真與材料設計
  • 任職院校:北京理工大學


1994.09-1998.07 北京理工大學機械工程與自動化學院,大學本科
1998.09-2001.03 北京理工大學材料科學與工程學院,碩士研究生
2001.04-2004.03 北京理工大學材料學院,博士研究生
2018.08-目前 北京理工大學 教授、博導
2011.09-2018.07 北京理工大學 副教授、博導
2010.03-2010.05 德國Juelich研究中心DAAD高級訪問學者
2008.07-2011.08 北京理工大學 副教授
2004.04-2008.06 北京理工大學 講師
國家自然基金委函評專家;《兵器材料科學與工程》編委;Applied Mathematical Modelling、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、 Materials Science & Engineering A 、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Surface and Coatings Technology、Compsite Structures、Materials & Design、Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance、東北大學學報、西安交大學報、複合材料學報等期刊論文審稿人。




[1]Yu Zhou. Qunbo Fan(通訊作者). Xin Liu. Duoduo Wang. Xinjie Zhu. Experimental study and crystal plasticity finite element simulations of nano-indentation-induced lattice rotation and the underlying mechanism in TC6 single α grain. Materials and Design. 188(2020): 108423
[2] Xin Liu, Yan Qian, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Yu Zhou, Xinjie Zhu, Duoduo Wang. Plastic deformation mode and α/β slip transfer of Ti–5Al-2.5Cr-0.5Fe-4.5Mo–1Sn–2Zr–3Zn titanium alloy at room temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 826(2020):154209
[3]. Haichao Gong, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Yu Zhou, Duoduo Wang etc. Simulation of failure processes of as-cast Ti-5Al-5Nb-1Mo-1V-1Fe titanium alloy subjected to quasi-static uniaxial tensile testing. Materials and Design. 180(2019):107962
[4].Xin Liu, Yu Zhou, Xinjie Zhu, Duoduo Wang, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者). The failure mechanism at adiabatic shear bands of titanium alloy: High-precision survey using precession electron diffraction and geometrically necessary dislocation density calculation. Materials Science & Engineering A. 746 (2019): 322-331
[5].Huiliang Yang, Duoduo Wang, Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者). Dynamic compression-induced twins and martensite and their combined effects on the adiabatic shear behavior in a Ti-8.5Cr-1.5Sn alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 759(2019): 203-209
[6].Xin Liu, Guang Feng, Yu Zhou, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Macrosegregation and the Underlying Mechanism in Ti-6.5Al-1.0Cr-0.5Fe-6.0Mo-3.0Sn-4.0Zr Alloy, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,29( 2019):224-230
[7]. Ran Shi, Zhihua Nie, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Fuchi Wang, Yu Zhou, Xin Liu. Correlation between dislocation-density-based strain hardening and microstructural evolution in dual phase TC6 titanium alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 2018 715:101-107
[8].Guoju Li, Ran Shi, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Yumeng Xia, Hongmei Zhang. Three-dimensional microstructure-based micromechanical modeling for TC6 titanium alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 685(2017)327-331
[9].Ran Shi, Guoju Li, Yumeng Xia. Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Fuchi Wang, Hongmei Zhang. Microstructural characterization of an α+β type Ti-5.5Mo-7.2Al-4.5Zr-2.6Sn-2.1Cr alloy during recrystallization annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, 705:183-187
[10].Yu Zhou, Guoju Li, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Yangwei Wang, Haiyang Zheng, Lin Tan, Xuan Xu. Study on Protection Mechanism of 30CrMnMo-UHMWPE Composite Armor. Materials 2017, 10(4), 405
[11].李國舉,范群波(通訊作者),王揚衛,史然. SiC-Al 雙連通複合裝甲材料抗侵徹性能宏–微觀跨尺度模擬.無機材料學報. 2017,32(4):425-430
[12].余東輝,范群波(通訊作者),王富恥,夏雨萌,穆嘯楠. 鑄造態鈦合金力學性能及抗彈性能研究. 稀有金屬材料與工程.2017,46(8):2234-2239
[13].Ran Shi, Zhihua Nie, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Guoju Li. Elastic plastic deformation of TC6 titanium alloy analyzed by in-situ synchrotron based X-ray diffraction and microstructure based finite element modeling. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 688: 787-795
[14].Guoju Li, Ran Shi, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Yumeng Xia, Hongmei Zhang. Reconstruction and quantitative characterization of the three dimensional microstructure model of TC6 titanium alloy based on dual-energy X-ray microtomography. Materials Science & Engineering A 675(2016)212–220
[15].Ran Shi, Guoju Li, Zhihua Nie, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者). Determination of the single-phase constitutive relations of α β dual phase TC6 titanium alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 675 (2016)138-146
[16].J Zhu,Y Wang,F Wang,Q Fan. Effect of Ductile Agents on the Dynamic Behavior of SiC 3D Network Composites. Applied Composite Materials. 2016: 1-12
[17].Q Wang,H Zhang,H Cai,Q Fan,X Zhang. Statistical three-dimensional reconstruction of co-continuous ceramic composites. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 2016, 114:85-91
[18].Q Wang,H Zhang,H Cai,Q Fan,G Li. Simulation analysis of co-continuous ceramic composite dynamic mechanical performance and optimization design. Computational Materials Science. 2017, 129: 123-128
[19].Xinqiang Zhang, Lili Ma, Yunfei Xue, Qunbo Fan, et al. Temperature dependence of micro-deformation behavior of the porous tungsten/Zr-based metallic glass composite. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2016, 436: pp9–17
[20].Benpeng. Wang, Benqin Yu, Qunbo Fan, et al. Anisotropic dynamic mechanical response of tungsten fiber/Zr-based bulk metallic glass composites. Materials and Design. 2016, 93: pp485-493
[21].Lirui Huo, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Ruihua Gao, Fuchi Wang. The Correlation between Microstructure and Dynamic Mechanical Property of Heat Treated Β20C Titanium Alloy Based on Different Forging Processes. Applied Mechanics and Materials.2015,782: pp71
[22].Linlin Wang, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Hong Mei Zhang, Fu Chi Wang. Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of the Tensile Test for GH4169 Coated with YSZ Coating at High Temperature. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2015,782: pp237
[23]. Jintao Liu, Qunbo Fan(通訊作者), Hongnian Cai, Guoju Li. Investigation of Mesh Dependency of Materials Fracture in the Finite Element Simulation of a Projectile Penetrating into a Target. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2015,782: pp302
[24].Guo Ju Li, Qun Bo Fan(通訊作者), Rui Hua Gao, Jin Tao Liu, Cheng Miao. Validation of the Tabulated Johnson-Cook Model for a Dynamic Compression Simulation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2015,782: pp.245
[25].Yu Meng Xia, Qun Bo Fan(通訊作者), Rui Hua Gao, Guo Ju Li, Li Rui Huo, Yi Peng Zhang. Research of the Anti-Penetration Mechanism for Titanium Alloys Armor Based on 3D Optical Scanning Technology. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2015,782: pp164
[26].Zhang Xinqiang, Xue Yunfei, Wang Lu, Fan Qunbo. Micro-mechanical behavior of porous tungsten/_Zr-based metallic glass composite under cyclic compression. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2015, 643: pp55-63
[27].Wang Linlin, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Liu Yanbo, Li Guoju. Simulation of Damage and Failure Processes of Thermal Barrier Coatings Subjected to a Uniaxial Tensile Load. Materials and Design. 2015,86:pp89-97
[28]. Liu Jintao, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Cai Hongnian, Wang Fuchi. Underlying Mechanism of Periodical Adiabatic Shear Bands Generated in Ti-6Al-4V Target by Projectile Impact, Materials and Design. 2015, 87: pp231-237
[29]. 高瑞華,范群波(通訊作者),王富恥,張毅鵬,霍利瑞,裴傳虎.鈦合金裝甲材料動態力學性能及其抗彈能力關係研究.稀有金屬材料與工程.2015,44(11):pp2733-2736
[30]. 李榮婷,范群波(通訊作者),王富恥,高瑞華.一種新型近β鈦合金Ti684動態力學性能與抗彈性能的研究.稀有金屬材料與工程.2015,44(8): pp1937-1941
[31]. Li Guoju, Zhang Xu, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Linlin, Zhang Hongmei, Wang Fuchi,Wang Yangwei. Simulation of Damage and Failure Processes of Interpenetrating SiC/Al Composites Subjected to Dynamic Compressive Loading. Acta Materialia,2014, 78: pp190-202 [32]. Li Rongting, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Gao Ruihua, Huo Lirui, Wang Fuchi, Wang Yangwei. Effects of dynamic mechanical properties on the ballistic performance of a new near-β titanium alloy Ti684. Materials & Design. 2014,62:pp233-240
[33]. Wang Linlin, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Li Guoju, Zhang Hongmei, Wang Fuchi. Experimental observation and numerical simulation of SiC3D/Al interpenetrating phase composite material subjected to a three-point bending load. Computational Materials Science. 2014, 95: pp408-413
[34]. Zhang xinqiang, Wang lu, Fan qunbo, Xue yunfei, et al. Micro-deformation mechanism of Zr-based metallic glass/porous tungsten composite by in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction and finite element modeling. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 598: 407-412
[35]. Wang Fuchi, Huo Dongmei, Li Shukui, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者). Inducing TiAl3 in titanium alloys by electric pulse heat treatment improves mechanical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013, 550: pp133–136
[36]. Wang Fuchi, Zhang Xu, Wang Yangwei, Fan Qunbo, et al. Damage evolution and distribution of interpenetrating phase composites under dynamic loading. Ceramics International. 2014, 40, 8: pp13241-13248
[37]. Shen Wei, Wang Fuchi, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Ma Zhuang. Lifetime prediction of plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coating systems. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2013, 217,2013:pp39-45
[38]. Liu Jintao, Cai Hongnian, Wang Fuchi, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者). Multiscale Numerical Simulation of the Shaped Charge Jet Generated from Tungsten-Copper Powder Liner. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 419 (2013) 012045
[39]. Li Guoju, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wu Zheng, Zhang Xu, Wang Yangwei, Wang Fuchi. Modeling the Dynamic Damage Process of the SiC3d/Al Interpenetrating Phase Composites. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 419 (2013) 012024
[40]. Gao Ruihua, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi. Numerical Simulation in relation to Adiabatic Shearing Behaviors in Titanium Alloy Journal of Physics: Conference Series 419 (2013) 012020
[41]. Shen Wei, Fan Qunbo, Wang Fuchi, Ma Zhuang. The influence of defects on the effective Young’s modulus of a defective solid. China Physics B. 2013, 22( 4): 044601
[42]. 陳勛,范群波(通訊作者),楊學文.TC6鈦合金加熱和冷卻過程中的相轉變研究.稀有金屬材料與工程.2012,41(12): pp2123-2126
[43]. Huo Dongmei, Li Shukui, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者). Effects of Lamellar Microstructure Characteristics on Quasi-static and dynamic deformation behaviors of Ti6Al4V4ZrMo Alloys, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 2013, 42(3): pp0457-0461
[44]. Shen Wei, Wang Fuchi, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Ma Zhuang Effects of defects on the effective thermal conductivity of thermal barrier coatings. Applied Mathematical Mondelling.2012,36: pp1995–2002
[45]. Li Guoju, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), An Jingyu, Wang Fuchi. Modeling Dynamic Behaviors of Reticulated Ceramic/Metal Composites (RCMC). Key Engineering Materials,2012, 512-515, pp1051-1057
[46]. Liu Jintao, Shen Wei, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Cai Hongnian. Modeling the Cracking Process of the YSZ Thermal Barrier Coating under the Thermal Shocking Loads. Key Engineering Materials,2012, 512-515, pp463-468s
[47]. 黨一縱,王魯,范群波(通訊作者). Zr50Cu50金屬玻璃形成過程中自由體積與玻璃態轉變溫度關係的分子動力學模擬. 北京理工大學學報. 2012, 32(2):pp202-205
[48]. 李建崇, 李樹奎, 范群波, 霍咚梅, 劉傑 微觀組織對Ti-6Al-4V-4Zr-1.5Mo合金絕熱剪下敏感性的影響 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2012, 01期, pp 45-48.
[49]. Huo Dongmei, Li Shukui, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi Effects of electric pulse heat treatment on microstructures and dynamic deformation behaviors of Ti6441 alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 530(1), pp 161-167
[50]. Gao Lihong, Ma Zhuang, Fan Qunbo First-principle studies of the electronic structure and reflectivity of LaTiO3 and Sr doped LaTiO3 (La1-xSr xTiO3). Journal of Electroceramics, 2011, 27(3-4), pp 114-119
[51]. Dang Yizong, Wang Lu, Fan Qunbo. Effect of atomic structures and clusters on deformation behaviors in the binary Zr50Cu50 amorphous system. Materials Science Forum, 2011, 694, pp 723-728.
[52]. Shen Wei, Wang Fuchi, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Ma Zhuang, Yang Xuewen. Finite element simulation of tensile bond strength of atmospheric plasma spraying. Surface and coating technology, 2010, 205, pp 2964-2969
[53]. 華丹, 范群波, 沈偉, 楊學文. 等離子噴塗熱障塗層微裂紋模擬研究, 熱加工工藝, 2010, 22期, pp 87-89
[54]. Shen Wei, Wang Fu-chi, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Hua Dan, Ma Zhuang. Proposal of new expressions for effects of splat interfaces and defects on effective properties of thermal barrier coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2010, 204(21-22), pp 3376-3381
[55]. Fan Qunbo, Wang Fuchi, Zhang Huiling Study of High-temperature Stability of Pyrochlore Zirconates. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2010, 19(1), pp 99-102,
[56]. 李建崇, 李樹奎, 范群波. TC4合金絕熱剪下動態演變過程數值模擬研究. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2010, 12期, pp 2193-2195
[57]. Pei Chuanhu, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Cai Hongnian, Li Jianchong High temperature deformation behavior of the TC6 titanium alloy under the uniform DC electric field. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 489(2), pp 401-407.
[58]. 李建崇, 李樹奎, 范群波, 裴傳虎 鍛造工藝對Ti-6Al-4V-4Zr-Mo合金絕熱剪下敏感性的影響 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2010, 39(s1), pp 60-63.
[59]. 沈偉,范群波(通訊作者), 王富恥, 馬壯, 楊學文 基於數字圖像處理技術的等離子噴塗氧化鋯塗層熱導率影響因素有限元研究 無機材料學報, 2010, 25(11), pp 1217-1220
[60]. 沈偉, 范群波, 王富恥, 馬壯. 基於塗層顯微組織圖片的拉伸實驗有限元數值模擬 北京理工大學學報, 2010, 02期, pp 231-234.
[61]. 沈偉, 范群波, 王富恥, 馬壯. 基於顯微組織圖片的塗層熱導率有限元計算研究.人工晶體學報, 2009, S1期, pp 267-270,.
[62]. Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi, Wang Lu, Ma Zhuang Microstructure-based prediction of properties for thermal barrier coatings. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 2009, pp 46-50.
[63]. 郭啟雯, 才鴻年, 王富恥, 程興旺, 王舒遲, 范群波.材料適用性評價指標體系構建研究 材料工程, 2009, 09期, pp 9-12.
[64]. Shen Wei, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi, Ma Zhuang.Modeling of micro-crack growth during thermal shock based on microstructural images of thermal barrier coatings. Computational Materials Science, 2009, 46: pp. 600-602.
[65]. Fan Qunbo, Zhang Feng, Wang Fuchi, Wang Lu. Molecular dynamics calculation of thermal expansion coefficient of a series of rare-earth zirconates .Computational Materials Science, 2009, 46: pp716-719.
[66]. Fan Qunbo, Zhang Feng, Wang Fuchi, Zhang Huiling Prediction of the intrinsic thermal conductivity of phonons in dielectric and semiconductor materials based on the density of the lattice vibration energy. Molecular Simulation, 2008, 34(10-15), pp 1129-1132.
[67]. Fan Qunbo, Wang Fuchi, Zhang Huiling, Zhang Feng Study of ZrO2 phase structure and electronic properties. Molecular Simulation, 2008, 34(10-15), pp 1099-1103.
[68]. 李東榮, 王富恥, 馬壯, 范群波, 王全勝, 柳彥博 等離子噴塗Al2O3塗層CO2連續雷射反射性能的研究 有色金屬(冶煉部分), 2008, 05期, pp 38-41.
[69]. Fan Qunbo, Wang Fuchi, Wang Lu Study of flying particles in plasma spraying. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2008, 17(5), pp 621-626.
[70]. Shen Wei, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi, Ma Zhuang.Modeling of micro-crack growth during thermal shock based on microstructural images of thermal barrier coatings 18th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, pp 600-602, 2008/10/7.
[71].Fan Qunbo, Zhang Feng, Wang Fuchi, Wang Lu. Molecular dynamics calculation of thermal expansion coefficient of a series of rare-earth zirconates 18th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, pp 716-719, 2008/10/7.
[72] . Fan Qunbo, Lu, Wang, Wang Fuchi. Modeling influence of basic operation parameters on plasma jet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 198(1-3), pp 207-212, 2008/3/3.
[73]. Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Lu, Wang Fuchi. Three-dimensional simulation of plasma jet and particle groups in plasma spraying. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 17(1), pp 115-121, 2008/3.
[74].Wang Fu-chi, Fan Qun-bo(通訊作者), Wang Lu, Wang Quan-sheng, Ma Zhuang Full-Scale Numerical Simulation of Plasma-Sprayed Functionally Gradient Materials 6th International Conference on Materials Processing for Properties and Performance, pp 1-6, 2007/9/13
[75].Zhang Huiling, Fan Qunbo, Wang Fuchi, Zhang Feng, Zhang Hongsong First-principle calculations of rare earth pyrozirconate structure Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 36卷, pp 556-559, 2007/8.
[76].Fan Qunbo, Ma Zhuang, Wang Fuchi, Wang Lu Integration design of heat insulation and stress relaxation for FGM thermal barrier coatings Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 36卷, pp 544-547, 2007/8.
[77].Fan, Qunbo, Wang, Lu, Wang, Fuchi. Numerical simulation of temperature and velocity fields in plasma spray 中南工業大學學報(英文版), 14(4), pp 496-499, 2007/8.
[78] .Ma Zhuang, Zhou Fangji, Cao Suhong, Wang Fuchi, Fan Qunbo Splat formation of plasma sprayed functionally graded YSZ/NiCrCoAlY thermal barrier coatings Key Engineering Materials, 368-372卷, pp 1862-1865, 2007.
[79].Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Lu, Wang Fuchi Prediction methods of basic parameters at the nozzle exit in plasma spraying Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology, 27(6), pp 546-550, 2007/6.
[80].Fan, Qunbo, Wang, Lu, Wang, Fuchi, Wang, Quansheng Modeling of composite coatings in plasma spraying. Surface & Coatings Technology, 201(16-17), pp 6977-6984, 2007/5/21.
[81]. Zhang Feng, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi, Zhang Huiling Perturbation molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivity of zirconia Key Engineering Materials, 368(372), pp 1325-1327, 2007.
[82].范群波, 王魯, 王富恥 等離子噴塗過程中飛行顆粒熔化狀態的數值仿真 兵工學報, 26(4), pp 510-514, 2005.
[83].Fan, QB, Wang, L, Wang, FC. 3D simulation of the plasma jet in thermal plasma spraying Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 166(2), pp 224-229, 2005/8/1.
[84].Wang Fuchi, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Lu, Wang Quansheng Numerical simulation of a multi-component reacting plasma jet in plasma spraying Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray 2004, 2004卷, pp 702-706, 2004.
[85].Wang Lu, Fan Qunbo(通訊作者), Wang Fuchi, Wang Quansheng Numerical simulation of plasma-sprayed functionally graded coatings Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 2004卷, pp 806-811, 2004.
[86].Wang Lu, Fan Qunbo, Wang Fuchi Modeling of temperature and residual stress fields resulting from impacting process of a molten ni particle onto a flat substrate Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 18(4), pp 27-31, 2003/12.
[87].范群波, 王魯, 王富恥 等離子噴塗過程中金屬與陶瓷顆粒傾斜入射的數值模擬 材料科學與工程學報, 21(1), pp 64-67, 2003.
[88].范群波, 王魯, 王富恥 等離子噴塗金屬/陶瓷顆粒的瞬態碰撞壓力研究 北京理工大學學報, 23(2), pp 168-171, 2003.
[89].Fan Qunbo, Wang Lu, Wang Fuchi. The method to investigate the macro properties of FGM quantitatively using the numerical simulation results & fractal dimension Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments, 2003, pp 230-233, 2003.
[90].范群波, 王魯, 王富恥 等離子噴塗熔融顆粒撞擊基體過程的數值模擬 機械工程材料, 26(7), pp 19-21, 2002.
[91].王魯, 王富恥, 范群波, 劉國權 金屬/陶瓷顆粒與接觸面的熱相互作用數值仿真研究 兵工學報, 22(3), pp 359-362, 2001.
[92].王魯, 王富恥, 劉國權, 范群波 等離子噴塗過程中金屬和陶瓷顆粒熔化與衝擊平化變形的數值模擬研究 材料工程, 12期, pp 3-5, 2000.
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