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  • 中文名:范真真
  • 畢業院校:密西根大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物醫學超聲,藥物和基因導入技術
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:天津大學精密儀器與光電子工程學院


2014.6- 天津大學精儀學院生物醫學工程系,副教授
(2016-2018 在美國密西根大學做訪問學者)
2013.3-2014.4 中國科學院聲學研究所,工程師
2011.11-2012.10 美國密西根大學生物醫學工程系,博士後


1. 生物醫學超聲;
2. 藥物和基因導入技術;
3. 細胞力學;
4. 幹細胞生物學;
5. 生物微納製造。


1. “超聲鑷誘導幹細胞分化:技術革新及機理研究” 天津市自然科學基金重點項目(2019.04-2022.03),資助金額20萬元。
2. “細胞外基質的物理特性對超聲導入技術發生機理及效果的影響”國家自然科學基金面上項目(2019.01-2022.12),資助金額78.8萬元。
3.“細胞外基質的物理特性影響超聲導入的若干物理問題” 中國科學院聲學研究所聲場聲信息國家重點實驗室開放課題(2019.01-2020.12),資助金額7萬元。
5. “在單細胞水平超聲和靶向微泡轉基因的動態過程研究” 國家自然科學基金青年基金(2016.01-2018.12),資助金額28萬元。


1. Ning Rong, Meiru Zhang, Yulin Wang, Hao Wu, Hui Qi, Xing Fu, Dachao Li, Chunmei Yang, Yan Wang, Zhenzhen Fan*, “Matrix-elasticity-dependent biophysical processes of sonoporation mediated targeted intracellular delivery”, under review, 2019.
2. Tugba Topal#, Zhenzhen Fan#, Laura Y. Deng, Paul H. Krebsbach, Cheri X Deng, “Integrin-targeted cyclic forces accelerate neural tube-like formation from human embryonic stem cells.” Advanced biosystem, 2019.
3. Ning Rong, Hao Zhou, Mingru Liu, Yan Wang, Zhenzhen Fan*, “Ultrasound and microbubble mediated plasmid DNA uptake: A fast, global and multi-mechanisms involved process. ”Journal of Controlled Release, 2018. 273: p. 40-50, (SCI一區,影響因子7.6)
4. Zhenzhen Fan#, Xufeng Xue#, Reshani Perera, Sajedeh Nasr Esfahani, Agata A. Exner, Jianping Fu and Cheri X Deng, “Acoustic actuation of integrin-bound microbubbles for mechanical phenotyping during differentiation and morphogenesis of human embryonic stem cells,” Small 2018 (SCI一區,影響因子9.6)
5. Tugba Topal#, Xiaowei Hong#, Xufeng Xue, Zhenzhen Fan, Ninad Kanetkar, Joe T Nguyen, Jianping Fu, Cheri X Deng*, and Paul H Krebsbach*, “Acoustic tweezing cytometry induces rapid initiation of human embryonic stem cell differentiation”, Scientific Reports, Article number 12977, published 28 Aug 2018 (影響因子4.3)
6. Zhenzhen Fan, Di Chen, and Cheri X Deng, “Characterization of the dynamic activities of a population of microbubbles driven by pulsed ultrasound exposure in sonoporation”, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2014 40(6) 1260-1272, (影響因子2.3)
7. Zhenzhen Fan, Ronald E Kumon, and Cheri X Deng, “Mechanisms of microbubble-facilitated sonoporation for drug and gene delivery”, Therapeutic Delivery, 2014 5(4), 467-486
8. Zhenzhen Fan, Di Chen, and Cheri X. Deng, “Improving ultrasound gene transfection efficiency by controlling ultrasound excitation of microbubbles”, Journal of Controlled Release 2013 170(3) 401-413, (SCI一區,影響因子7.6)
9. Zhenzhen Fan#, Yubing Sun#, Di Chen#, D Tay, W Chen, Cheri X. Deng, and Jianping Fu, “Acoustic tweezing cytometry for live-cell subcellular modulation of intracellular cytoskeleton”, Scientific Reports, Article number 2176, published 12 July 2013, (2014年SCI一區,影響因子5.2)
10. John P. Frampton#, Zhenzhen Fan#, Arlyne Simon#, Di Chen, Cheri X. Deng, and Shuichi Takayama, “Aqueous Two‐Phase System Patterning of Microbubbles: Localized Induction of Apoptosis in Sonoporated Cells”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2013 23(27) 3420-3431, (SCI一區,影響因子10.2)
11. Zhenzhen Fan, Haiyan Liu, Michael Mayer, and Cheri X. Deng, “Spatiotemporally controlled single cell sonoporation,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012 109 (41) 16486-16491 (SCI一區,影響因子9.7)
12. Zhenzhen Fan, Ronald E. Kumon, Juyoung Park, and Cheri X. Deng, “Intracellular delivery and calcium transients generated in sonoporation facilitated by microbubbles,” Journal of Controlled Release 2010 142(1) 31-39 (SCI一區,影響因子7.6).
13. Juyoung Park, Zhenzhen Fan, Ronald E. Kumon, Mohamed E.H. El-Sayed, and Cheri X. Deng, “Modulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration in brain microvascular endothelial cells in vitro by acoustic cavitation,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2010 36(7) 1176-1187 (影響因子2.3).
14. Juyoung Park, Zhenzhen Fan, and Cheri X. Deng, “Effects of shear stress cultivation on cell membrane disruption and intracellular calcium concentration in sonoporation of endothelial cells,” Journal of Biomechanics 2010 44(1) 164-169 (影響因子 2.5).
15. Jifeng Zhang#, Luis Villacorta#, Lin Chang#, Zhenzhen Fan, Milton Hamblin, Tianqing Zhu, Chen S. Chen, Marsha P. Cole, Francisco J. Schopfer, Cheri X. Deng, Minerva T. Garcia-Barrio, Ying-Hong Feng, Bruce A. Freeman and Y. Eugene Chen, “Nitro-Oleic Acid Inhibits Angiotensin II–Induced Hypertension,” Circulation Research 2010 107(4) 540-548 (SCI一區,影響因子9.5).
16. Zhen Xu, Zhenzhen Fan, Timothy L. Hall, Frank Winterroth, J. Brian Fowlkes and Charles A. Cain, “Size measurement of tissue debris particles generated from pulsed ultrasound cavitational therapy-histotripsy,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2009 35(2) 245-255 (影響因子2.3).
1. Ning Rong, Yan Wang, and Zhenzhen Fan*, “The extracellular matrix rigidity alters sonoporation dynamics at cellular level”, the 2019 International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Barcelona, Spain. 西班牙(June 2019) (榮寧同學獲得大會的學生獎)
2. 榮寧、汪曣、范真真*,“超聲微泡介導的質粒轉染機理的實驗研究”,2018年全國聲學大會,北京(2018年11月)
3. Ning Rong, Yan Wang, and Zhenzhen Fan*, “Dynamics and mechanisms of ultrasound and microbubble facilitated intracellular plasmid DNA uptake”, 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Kobe, Japan日本 (Oct 2018)
4. Ning Rong, Ruming Liu, Hao Zhou, Yan Wang and Zhenzhen Fan*, “Dynamic of plasmid DNA intracellular uptake facilitated by ultrasound and targeted microbubbles”, the 2017 International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Nanjing, China (May 2017)


