


  • 中文名:范渭亮
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1984年
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:植被定量遙感、遙感在全球變化中的套用
  • 學術代表作:山地冠層反射率模型GOST
  • 主要成就:2010年浙江省優秀碩士論文,2015年中國科學院遙感與數字研究所優秀職工,2016年第六屆梁希青年論文二等獎







《基於模擬真實場景的遙感影像像元分解方法》.CN 101763655A
《基於非線性偏最小二乘最佳化模型的森林碳匯遙感估算方法》.CN 102305792A




IEEE member 2016




  1. Yelu Zeng, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Alfredo R. Huete, Geofei Yin, Baodong Xu,Weiliang Fan, Jing Zhao, Kai Yan, and Xihan Mu. A radiative transfer model for heterogeneous agro-forestry scenarios.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(8), 4613-4628,2016.
2.Yelu Zeng, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Alfredo R. Huete, Baodong Xu, Geofei Yin, Jing Zhao, Le Yang,Weiliang Fan, Shengbiao Wu, and Kai Yan. An iterative BRDF/NDVI inversion algorithm based on a posteriori variance estimation of observation errors.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(11), 6481-6496,2016.
3.Jun Geng, Jingming Chen, Lili Tu, Qingjiu Tian, Lei Wang, Ranran Yang, Yanjun Yang, Yan Huang,Weiliang Fan, Chunguang Lv, Guang Zheng. Influence of the exclusion distance among trees on gap fraction and foliage clumping index of forest plantations.Trees, 30:1683–1693,2016.
4.Xiaojun Xu, Huaqiang Du, Guomo Zhou, Fangjie Mao, Pingheng Li,Weiliang Fan, Dien Zhu. A method for daily global solar radiation estimation from two instantaneous values using MODIS atmospheric products.Energy, 111(15), 117-125,2016.
5.Weiliang Fan, Qinhuo Liu, Jing Li. Evaluation of three leaf area index retrieval algorithms with ground based measurements.IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, EI,2016.
6.Baodong Xu, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Yelu Zeng, Geofei Yin,Weiliang Fan, Jing Zhao. A method for spatial upscaling of ground LAI measurements to the remotely sensed product pixel grid.IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, EI,2016.
7.Yelu Zeng, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu,Weiliang Fan, Jing Zhao. A canopy radiative transfer model suitable for heterogeneous Agro-Forestry scenes.IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, EI,2016.
8.Weiliang Fan, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu. GOST2: The Improvement of the Canopy Reflectance Model GOST in Separating the Sunlit and Shaded Leaves.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,Vol. 8(4), 1423-1431,2015.
9.Weiliang Fan, Qinhuo Liu, Jing Li,Gaofei Yin, Yelu Zeng, and Baodong Xu. Topographic Effect on the Canopy Reflectance.Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Prague, Czech Republic,2015.
10.Weiliang Fan, Gaofei Yin, Yelu Zeng, and Baodong Xu. Topographic Effect on the Canopy Reflectance.International Conference on Carbon Cycle and Global Change (RSCCGS), Linan, P. R. China,2015.
11.Yelu Zeng, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Ronghai Hu, Xihan Mu,Weiliang Fan, Baodong Xu and Geofei Yin. Extracting leaf area index by sunlit foliage component from downward-looking digital photography under clear-sky conditions.Remote Sensing, 7,13410-13435,2015.
12.Gaofei Yin, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu,Weiliang Fan, Yelu Zeng, Baodong Xu, Jing Zhao. Regional Leaf Area Index Retrieval Based on Remote Sensing: The Role of Radiative Transfer Model Selection.Remote Sensing, 7(4), 4604-4625,2015.
13.Qian Zhang, Weimin Ju, Jing Chen, Huiming Wang, Fengting Yang,Weiliang Fan, Qing Huang, Ting Zheng, Yongkang Feng, Yanlian Zhou, Mingzhu He, Feng Qiu, Xiaojie Wang, Jun Wang, Fangmin Zhang and Shuren Chou. Ability of the photochemical reflectance index to act as a proxy of light use efficiency for a sub-tropical planted coniferous forest in Southeastern China.Remote Sensing, 7, 16938–16962,2015.
14.Weiliang Fan, Jing M. Chen, Weimin Ju, Gaolong Zhu.“GOST: A Geometric-Optical Model for Sloping Terrains.”IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2014, 52(9), 5469 - 5482.
15.Weiliang Fan, Chen, J. M., Ju, W. M. and Nesbitt, N. Hybrid Geometric Optical-Radiative Transfer model suitable for forests on slopes.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2014, 52(9), 5579-5586.
16.Weiliang Fan, Weimin Ju, Zhujun Gu. “A Method for Reconstructing the Pixel Missing Region on Remote Sensing Image.”Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2013, 7(1), 073536. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.7.073536.
17.Gu Zhujun, Ju Weimin, Lin Li, Li Dengqiu, Liu Yibo, andFan Weiliang. “Using vegetation indices and texture measures to estimate vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) of planted and natural forests in Nanjing city, China.”Advances in Space Research,2013, 51, 1186-1194.
18.Zhujun Gu, Weimin Ju, Yibo Liu, Dengqiu Li,Weiliang Fan. Forest Leaf Area Index Estimated from Tonal and Spatial Indicators Based on IKONOS_2 Imagery,International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications, 3(4), 175-184,2013.
19.Zhujun Gu, Weimin Ju, Yibo Liu, Dengqiu Li,Weiliang Fan.“Applicability of Spectral and Spatial Information from IKONOS_2 Imagery in Retrieving Leaf Area Index of Forests in the Urban Area of Nanjing,China.”Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2012, 6(1), 063556. doi:10.1117/1.JRS.6.063556.
20.Weiliang Fan, Jing M. Chen, Weimin Ju.A Pixel Missing Patch Inpainting Method for Remote Sensing Image,The 19International Conference on GeoInformatics, 24-26 June2011.
21.Huaqiang Du,Weiliang Fan, Guomo Zhou, Xiaojun Xu, Hongli Ge, Yongjun Shi, Yufeng Zhou, Ruirui Cui, Yulong Lü.Retrieval of Canopy Closure and LAI of Moso Bamboo Forest Using Spectral Mixture Analysis Based on Real Scenario Simulation,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2011, 49(9):4328-4340.
22.Huaqiang Du, Guomo Zhou, Hongli Ge, Wenyi Fan, Xiaojun Xu,Weiliang Fan, Yongjun Shi.Satellite-based carbon stock estimation for bamboo forest with a non-linear partial least square regression technique.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011, 33(6): 1917-1933.
23.Xiaojun Xu, Huaqiang Du, Guomo Zhou, Hongli Ge, Yongjun Shi, Yufeng Zhou,Weiliang Fan, Wenyi Fan. Estimation of Aboveground Carbon Stock of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla var. pubescens) Forest with a Landsat Thematic Mapper Image.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011, 32(5): 1431-1448.
24.Huaqiang Du, Ruirui Cui, Guomo Zhou, Yongjun Shi, Xiaojun Xu,Weiliang Fan, Yulong Lü. The responses of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla var. pubescens) forest aboveground biomass to Landsat TM spectral reflectance and NDVI.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2010,30(5):257-263.
25.Huaqiang Du, Guomo Zhou, Wenyi Fan, Hongli Ge, Xiaojun Xu, Yongjun Shi,Weiliang Fan. Spatial Heterogeneity and Carbon Contribution of Aboveground Biomass of Moso Bamboo by Using Geostatistical Theory.Plant Ecology,2010,207:131-139.
26.Weiliang Fan, Huaqiang Du, Guomo Zhou, Xiaojun Xu, Ruirui Cui, Dejin Dong. Spectral mixture analysis method based on the simulation of real scenario.Journal of Remote Sensing,2010, 14(6):1241-1258.
27.徐小軍,杜華強,周國模,董德進,范渭亮,崔瑞蕊. Erf-BP混合像元分解及在森林遙感信息提取中套用.林業科學,2011, 47(2):30-38.
28.耿軍,田慶久,塗麗麗,范渭亮,王曉菲.樹冠尺寸對冠層間隙率和聚集度指數的影響分析.遙感學報, 20(6), 1319-1327,2016.
29.柳欽火,曹彪,曾也魯,李靜,杜永明,聞建光,范渭亮,趙靜,楊樂.植被遙感輻射傳輸建模中的異質性研究進展.遙感學報, 20(5), 933-945,2016.


