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范建兵,廣州市基準醫療有限責任公司(基準醫療)創始人兼執行長美國哥倫比亞大學人類遺傳學博士,師從美國人類基因組計畫先驅Charles Cantor教授,是UCSF和史丹福大學人類基因組中心博士後。


  • 中文名:范建兵
  • 國籍美國
  • 職務:基準醫療創始人兼CEO  


范建兵博士從事人類基因組學、基因晶片及高通量測序技術開發30年,累計發表學術論文202篇,擁有國際專利66項,擔任多部國際學術期刊的總編、執行編輯和編輯委員會成員,入選“全球頂尖前10萬名科學家”榜單 ,2021年度“全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單” ,連續兩年入選愛思唯爾(Elsevier) “中國高被引學者”榜單(2021 & 2022),是重慶沙坪壩區“沙磁英才”、廣州開發區傑出人才和廣州市高層次人才。
范博士曾任Illumina公司資深技術總監,作為Illumina公司初期基因晶片技術的核心研發人員(公司第23號員工),帶領團隊成功研發的一系列產品被用於基因組學、基因分型、基因表達和DNA甲基化等各個重要領域。在加入Illumina 公司之前,范博士任職於當時的基因晶片行業巨頭Affymetrix,帶領團隊開發用於大規模基因組基因分型的科研套用產品。加入Affymetrix前,范博士任職於UCSF/Stanford Human Genome Center,參與了包括人類基因組計畫在內的眾多人類基因組遺傳學研究課題。


1996年,加入生物芯⽚公司Affymetrix;作為主創人員之⼀,領導開發了包括用於 SNP Genotyping 在內的技術 / 產品;




2002年 Illumina Innovation Award
2016年 廣州市創新領軍人才
2016年 廣州開發區創新領軍人才
2017年 全國基因檢測行業年度十大風雲人物
2017年 重慶沙坪壩區“沙磁英才”
2018年 廣州市產業聚集領軍人才工程創新領軍團隊帶頭人
2018年 廣東省醫學領軍人才
2019年 廣州開發區黃埔人才傑出人才
2020年 廣州市高層次人才傑出專家(A證)
2021年 廣東省科技進步獎一等獎
2022年 入選全球學者庫機構“全球頂尖前10萬名科學家”榜單
2022年 入選美國史丹福大學聯合愛思唯爾發布的2021年度“全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單”
2022年 上市公司獨立董事資格證書
2022年 入選愛思唯爾(Elsevier)2021“中國高被引學者”榜單
2023年 入選愛思唯爾(Elsevier)2022“中國高被引學者”榜單


1. J.-B. Fan and Darren Kuang. Cloning and characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pro2 gene. Chinese Science Bulletin 31(18):1421-1422.1986. IF:18.9
2. J.-B. Fan, Y. Chikashige, C.L. Smith, O. Niwa, M. Yanagida and C.R. Cantor. Construction of a Not I restriction map of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome. Nucleic Acids Research 17:2801-2818. 1989. IF:14.9. 被引用次數:246
3. G.D. Schuler, M.S. Boguski, et al., J.-B. Fan, et al., E.S. Lander and T.J. Hudson. A gene map of the human genome. Science 274:540-546. 1996. IF:56.9. 被引用次數:1360
4. D.G. Wang, J.-B. Fan, et al., M. Chee and E.S. Lander. Large-scale identification, mapping, and genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome. Science 280:1077-1082. 1998. IF:56.9. 被引用次數:3371
5. J.G. Hacia, J.-B. Fan, et al., D. Wang, E.S. Lander, R. Lipshutz, S.P.A. Fodor and F.S. Collins. Determination of ancestral alleles for human single nucleotide polymorphisms using high density oligonucleotide arrays. Nature Genetics 22:164-167. 1999. IF:30.8. 被引用次數:541
6. M.K. Halushka, J.-B. Fan, et al., R. Lipshutz and A. Chakravarti. Patterns of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes for blood-pressure homeostasis. Nature Genetics 22:239-247. 1999. IF:30.8. 被引用次數:1412
7. K. Lindblad, E. Winchester, et al., J.-B. Fan, et al., T.J. Hudson and E.S. Lander. Large-scale discovery and genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the mouse. Nature Genetics 24:381-386. 2000. IF:30.8. 被引用次數:565
8. J.-B. Fan, X. Chen, M.K. Halushka, et al., D. Lockhart and A. Chakravarti. Parallel genotyping of human SNPs using generic high-density oligonucleotide tag arrays. Genome Research 10:853-860. 2000. IF:7. 被引用次數:437
9. J.M. Yeakley, J.-B. Fan, et al., M.S. Chee and X.-D. Fu. Profiling alternative splicing on fiber-optic arrays. Nature Biotechnology 20:353-358. 2002. IF:46.9. 被引用次數:292
10. J.-B. Fan, A. Oliphant, et al., P. Deloukas and M.S. Chee. Highly parallel SNP genotyping. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Biology 68:69-78. 2003. IF:7.2. 被引用次數:788
11. J.-B. Fan, J.M. Yeakley, et al., D.L. Barker and M.S. Chee. A versatile assay for high-throughput gene expression profiling on universal array matrices. Genome Research 14:878-885. 2004. IF:7. 被引用次數:244
12. S.S. Murray, A. Oliphant, et al., J.-B. Fan, M.S. Chee and M.S.T. Hansen. A highly informative SNP linkage panel for human genetic studies. Nature Methods 1(2):113-117. 2004. IF:48. 被引用次數:89
13. D. Altshuler, L.D. Brooks, A. Chakravarti, F.S. Collins, M.J. Daly, P. Donnelly, and The International HapMap Consortium (Illumina team: L.M. Galver, J.-B. Fan, S.S. Murray, A.R. Oliphant, M.S. Chee). A haplotype map of the human genome. Nature 437(7063):1299-1320. 2005. IF:64.8. 被引用次數:4903
14. M. Bibikova, Z. Lin, et al., M.S. Chee, J. Floros and J.-B. Fan. High-throughput DNA methylation profiling using universal bead arrays. Genome Research 16:383-393. 2006. IF:7. 被引用次數:758
15. J.-B. Fan, M.S. Chee and K.L. Gunderson. Highly parallel genomic assays. Nature Reviews Genetics 7:632-644. 2006. IF:42.7. 被引用次數:627
16. M. Bibikova, E. Chudin, et al., J.F. Loring and J.-B. Fan. Human embryonic stem cells have a unique epigenetic signature. Genome Research 16(9):1075-1083. 2006. IF:7. 被引用次數:333
17. H.T. Bjornsson, L.J. Brown, et al., J.-B. Fan and A.P. Feinberg. Epigenetic specificity of loss of imprinting of the IGF2 gene in Wilms tumors. J Natl Cancer Inst 99(16):1270-1273. 2007. IF:11.22. 被引用次數:123
18. The International HapMap Consortium (Illumina team: L.M. Galver, J.-B. Fan, K. Gunderson, S.S. Murray, A.R. Oliphant, M.S. Chee). A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs. Nature 449(7164):851-861. 2007. IF:64.8. 被引用次數:5316
19. P.C. Sabeti, et al., and The International HapMap Consortium (Illumina team: L.M. Galver, J.-B. Fan, K. Gunderson, S.S. Murray, A.R. Oliphant, M.S. Chee). Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations. Nature 449(7164):913-918. 2007. IF:64.8. 被引用次數:2139
20. M. Bibikova, L.C. Laurent, B. Ren, J.F. Loring and J.-B. Fan. Unraveling epigenetic regulation in embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 2(2):123-134. 2008. IF:23.9. 被引用次數:208
21. N.D. Maynard, J. Chen, R.K. Stuart, J.-B. Fan and B. Ren. Genome-wide mapping of allele-specific protein-DNA interactions in human cells. Nature Methods 5(4):307-309. 2008. IF:48. 被引用次數:69
22. S. Islam, U. Kjällquist, A. Moliner, P. Zajac, J.-B. Fan, P. Lönnerberg and S. Linnarsson. Characterization of the single-cell transcriptional landscape by highly multiplex RNA-Seq. Genome Research 21(7):1160-1167. 2011. IF:7. 被引用次數:1043
23. M. Bibikova, B. Barnes, et al., J.-B. Fan and R. Shen. High density DNA methylation array with single CpG site resolution. Genomics 98(4):288-295. 2011. IF:4.4. 被引用次數:1820
24. D. Sia, Yujin Hoshida, et al., J.-B. Fan, et al., V. Mazzaferro and J.M. Llovet. Integrative molecular analysis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma reveals 2 classes that have different outcomes. Gastroenterology 144(4):829-840. 2013. IF:29.4. 被引用次數:536
25. G. Hannum, J. Guinney, et al., J.-B. Fan, et al., T. Ideker and K. Zhang. Genome-wide methylation profiles reveal quantitative views of human aging rates. Molecular Cell 49(2):359-367. 2013. IF:16. 被引用次數:2942
26. F. Kaper, S. Swamy, et al., M. Ronaghi, M.A. Eberle and J.-B. Fan. Whole-genome haplotyping by dilution, amplification and sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110(14):5552-5557. 2013. IF:11.2. 被引用次數:104
27. J.K. Killian, S.Y. Kim, et al., J.-B. Fan, L. Helman and P.S. Meltzer. Succinate dehydrogenase mutation underlies global epigenomic divergence in gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Cancer Discovery 3(6):648-657. 2013. IF:28.2. 被引用次數:343
28. E. Laurenti, S. Doulatov, et al., J.-B. Fan and J.E. Dick. The transcriptional architecture of early human hematopoiesis identifies multilevel control of lymphoid commitment. Nature Immunology 14(7):756-763. 2013. IF:30.5. 被引用次數:221
29. P. van Galen, A. Kreso, et al., J.-B. Fan and J.E. Dick. Reduced lymphoid lineage priming promotes human hematopoietic stem cell expansion, Cell Stem Cell 14(1):94-106. 2014. IF:23.9. 被引用次數:90
30. E.A. Perez, E.A. Thompson, et al., J.-B. Fan, et al., J.R. Gralow and M.M. Reinholz. Genomic analysis reveals that immune function genes are strongly linked to clinical outcome in the NCCTG (Alliance) N9831 adjuvant trastuzumab trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(7):701-708. 2015. IF:45.3. 被引用次數:214
31. X. Cai, F. Janku, Q. Zhan and J.-B. Fan. Accessing genetic information with liquid biopsies. Trends in Genetics, 31(10):564-575. 2015. IF:11.4. 被引用次數:135
32. J. Fan, N. Salathia, et al., J.-B. Fan, K. Zhang, J. Chun and P.V. Kharchenko. Characterizing transcriptional heterogeneity through pathway and gene set overdispersion analysis. Nature Methods 13(3):241-244. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3734. 2016.IF:48. 被引用次數:371
33. B.B. Lake, R. Ai, et al., J.-B. Fan*, W. Wang*, J. Chun* and K. Zhang*. Neuronal subtypes and diversity revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing of the human brain. Science 352(6293):1586-1590. 2016. (*Co-senior Authors). IF:56.9. 被引用次數:874
34. Y. Ito, D. Ofengeim, et al., J.-B. Fan, et al., J. Ravits and J.Y. Yuan. RIPK1 mediates axonal degeneration by promoting inflammation and necroptosis in ALS. Science 353(6299):603-608. 2016. IF:56.9. 被引用次數:493
35. S. Zhao, M.S. Geybels, et al., J.-B. Fan*, Z. Feng* and J.L. Stanford*. Epigenome-wide tumor DNA methylation profiling identifies novel prognostic biomarkers of metastatic-lethal progression in men with clinically localized prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res 23(1):311-319. 2017. (*Co-senior Authors). IF:11.5. 被引用次數:88
36. F. Janku, S. Zhang, et al., G. Mills, J.-B. Fan and N. Salathia. Development and validation of an ultra-deep next-generation sequencing assay for testing of plasma cell-free DNA from patients with advanced cancer. Clin Cancer Res 23(18):5648-5656. 2017. IF:11.5. 被引用次數:50
37. L. Liu, J.M. Toung, et al., P.W. Laird, J.-B. Fan and F. Janku. Targeted methylation sequencing of plasma cell-free DNA for cancer detection and classification. Ann Oncol 29(6):1445-1453. 2018. IF:50.5. 被引用次數:110
38. X. Chen, J. Zhang, W. Ruan, et al., J.-B. Fan, J. Huang and T. Lin. Urine DNA methylation assay enables early detection and recurrence monitoring for bladder cancer. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 130(12):6278-6289. 2020. IF:15.9. 被引用次數:117
39. W. Liang, Z. Chen, et al., J.-B. Fan and J. He. Accurate diagnosis of pulmonary nodules using a non-invasive DNA methylation test. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 131(10):e145973. 2021. IF:15.9. 被引用次數:45
40. J. He, B. Wang, et al., J-B. Fan and W. Liang. Accurate classification of pulmonary nodules by a combined model of clinical, imaging, and cell-free DNA methylation biomarkers: a model development and external validation study. The Lancet Digital Health 5(10):e647-e656. 2023. IF:30.8. 被引用次數:3


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南方醫科大學教授 (2016-至今)
南方醫科大學珠江醫院 雙聘教授(2020 – 至今)
中國遺傳學會生物產業促進委員會委員(2019.9 - 至今)
廣東省精準醫學套用學會癌症早篩早診分會,副主任委員 2022.10 - 至今


