Hero Introduction(英雄騎士)

Hero Introduction


Hero Introduction是秩序之神的信徒,聖騎士Sven發誓要維護芸芸眾生的權力。作為騎士和暗夜精靈的後代,Sven一出生就被放逐,從此在獨處中冥想和訓練自己。在流浪的過程中他決定了要保護無辜的人免受邪惡的侵犯。帶著受祝福的大劍“正義”,以神之力量擊倒對手,任何Sven所看到的不公正都將感受到他的憤怒。

初始射程 (Base Range): 125 | 初始攻擊間隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7

初始移動速度 (Base Move Speed): 295 | 初始防禦 (Base Armor): 2.0


  • 中文名:英雄騎士
  • 外文名:Hero Introduction
  • 初始射程:125
  • 初始攻擊間隔:1.7
  • 力量增長係數:2.70
Hero Introduction
Hero Introduction
A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. Armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God's Strength, Sven's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold.
初始射程 (Base Range): 125 | 初始攻擊間隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7
初始移動速度 (Base Move Speed): 295 | 初始防禦 (Base Armor): 2.0
基本屬性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength | 初始攻擊力 (Base Damage): 54 - 56
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 23 | 初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 16 | 初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 14
力量增長係數 (Strength Growth): 2.70 | 敏捷增長係數 (Agility Growth): 2.20 | 智力增長係數 (Intelligence Growth): 1.30


