- 作者:李賀
- 譯者:盧炳群
- ISBN:9787118086201
- 頁數:141
- 定價:19.00元
- 出版時間:2013-2
示 弟
To my Brother馬詩二十三首(選十五首)
23 Songs of Horses (15 are selected)河南府試十二月樂辭
Poems of the Months Composed for the Provincial
OfficialSelection Examination in Henan南園十三首(選九首)
Thirteen songs on the South Garden
(9 of them are selected )昌谷北園新筍四首
New Bamboo Shoots in the North Garden感諷五首(選三首)
Five Satiric Poems Kindled by my Painful
Recollection (Three of them are selected )感諷六首(選二首)
Six Satiric Poems Kindled by My Painful
Recollections(Two of them are selected )12~1617~2324~3334~3738~4243~45
To My Page Boy巴童答
Page Boy’s Reply出城寄權璩、楊敬之
To My Friends蘇小小墓
By Lady Su Xiaoxiao’s Tomb古悠悠行
Ode to Eternal Years堂堂
Old Palace 蝴蝶飛
Butterflies in Her Chamber老夫采玉歌
Ode to an Elderly Quarryman黃家洞
The Huangjia Cave Rebellion南山田中行
Walking in the Field by Southern Hills羅浮山父與葛篇
Thanks to Master Weaver’s Gift46474849~5051525354~5556~575859宮娃歌
Song of a Maid of Honor致酒行
Responding to a Toast長歌續短歌
Chanting and Singing公莫舞歌並序
Petty Officer,You Better Stand
Still With the Poet’s Preface仁和里雜敘皇甫湜
A Farewell Poem to my Friend in Luoyang湘妃
The Xiang River Nymphs春歸昌谷
Returning Home from Officialselecting
Exam in the Capital艾如張
A Dream of Traveling in Space巫山高
High Wushan Mountains崑崙使者
The Heavenly Messenger60~6162~6364~6566~6869~707172~7576~77787980
In Front of Whitegate Tower將進酒
Invitation to Wine野歌
Singing up in the Wild Fields客游
Staying under my Friend’s Roof Far Away酬答二首
Responding to a Friend’s Poem三月過行宮
Passing by the Abode of the Emperor in March蜀國弦
To my Brother馬詩二十三首(選十五首)
23 Songs of Horses (15 are selected)河南府試十二月樂辭
Poems of the Months Composed for the Provincial
OfficialSelection Examination in Henan南園十三首(選九首)
Thirteen songs on the South Garden
(9 of them are selected )昌谷北園新筍四首
New Bamboo Shoots in the North Garden感諷五首(選三首)
Five Satiric Poems Kindled by my Painful
Recollection (Three of them are selected )感諷六首(選二首)
Six Satiric Poems Kindled by My Painful
Recollections(Two of them are selected )12~1617~2324~3334~3738~4243~45
To My Page Boy巴童答
Page Boy’s Reply出城寄權璩、楊敬之
To My Friends蘇小小墓
By Lady Su Xiaoxiao’s Tomb古悠悠行
Ode to Eternal Years堂堂
Old Palace 蝴蝶飛
Butterflies in Her Chamber老夫采玉歌
Ode to an Elderly Quarryman黃家洞
The Huangjia Cave Rebellion南山田中行
Walking in the Field by Southern Hills羅浮山父與葛篇
Thanks to Master Weaver’s Gift46474849~5051525354~5556~575859宮娃歌
Song of a Maid of Honor致酒行
Responding to a Toast長歌續短歌
Chanting and Singing公莫舞歌並序
Petty Officer,You Better Stand
Still With the Poet’s Preface仁和里雜敘皇甫湜
A Farewell Poem to my Friend in Luoyang湘妃
The Xiang River Nymphs春歸昌谷
Returning Home from Officialselecting
Exam in the Capital艾如張
A Dream of Traveling in Space巫山高
High Wushan Mountains崑崙使者
The Heavenly Messenger60~6162~6364~6566~6869~707172~7576~77787980
In Front of Whitegate Tower將進酒
Invitation to Wine野歌
Singing up in the Wild Fields客游
Staying under my Friend’s Roof Far Away酬答二首
Responding to a Friend’s Poem三月過行宮
Passing by the Abode of the Emperor in March蜀國弦