- 作者:張炳星
- ISBN:9787101027976
- 頁數:140
- 定價:12.00
- 出版社:中華書局
- 出版時間:2001-01
- 裝幀:平裝
Qu Yuan(340-278B.C.)屈原
1.The Sorrow of Separation(The Pang of Parting)離騷
Tao Yuanming(365-427)陶淵明
2.Returning Home歸去來辭
Wang Bo(650-676)王勃
3.Seeing Magistrate Du off送杜少府之任蜀州
He Zhizhang(659-744)賀知章
4.The Return of the Native回鄉偶書
Zhang Jiuling(678-740)張九齡
5.Looking at the moon and Thinking of My Beloved One望月懷遠
Wang Han(687-755)王翰
6.Song of Liangzhou涼州詞
Meng Haoran(689-740)孟浩然
7.Dawning in the Spring春曉
8.Thinking of Xingda at the Southn Pavilion on A Summermer Day夏日南亭懷辛大
9.Visiting My Friend's Farm過故人莊
Du Qiuniang杜秋娘(Woman)
10.Golden Embroidered Clothes金縷衣
Chang Jian常建
11.Monks' Abode in Poshan Temple題破山寺後禪院
Wang Zhihuan(688-744)王之渙
12.Ascending the Stork Tower登鸛雀樓
Wang Wei(701?-761)王維
13.Exchanging Poems with Magistrate Zhang酬張少府
14.Thinking of My Brother in Shandong on the Double-Ninth Day九月九日憶山東兄弟
Li Bai(701-762)李白
15.Sailing Down the Three Goreges早發白帝城
16.Seeing A Friend Off送友人
17.Descending Zhongnan Mountain and Meeting Hermit Husi下終南山過斛斯山人宿置酒
18.Balland of Mountain Lushan to Censor Lu Xuzhou廬山謠寄盧侍御虛舟
19.Seeing Meng Haoran off to Guangling送孟浩然之廣陵
20.Longing in the Night夜思
21.Song of Washing Women at Midnight子夜吳歌
22.Drinking You A Toast將進酒
23.Giving A Farewell Dinner for Uncle Yun宣州謝�樓錢別校書
at Xie Tiao's Pavilion叔雲
24.Life's lourney Is Hard行路難
25.Ascending Tianmu in A Dream夢遊天姥吟留別
Du Fu(712-777)杜甫
27.Soldiers' Song兵車行
28.Dreaming of Li Bai夢李白
29.A Beautiful Pure Woman佳人
30.To Recluse Wei Bin贈衛八處士
31.On Hearing Government Troops Recapture Henan and Hebei聞官軍收河南河北
32.Ascending A Height登高
33.Song of Beautiful Women麗人行
34.Temple of the Prime Minister of Shu蜀相
35.Spring Outlook春望
36.My Thatched Cottage Was Broken by the West Wind茅屋為秋風所破歌
Wei Yinwu(737-792)韋應物
37.On the West Stream of Chuzhou滁州西澗
Liu Zhongyuan(773-819)柳宗元
38.Snowing on the River江雪
Zhang Ji(766-830)張繼
39.Mooring at Night by the Maple Bridge楓橋夜泊
Bai Juyi(772-846)白居易
40.Song of Eternal Regret長恨歌
41.Song of A Pipa Player琵琶行
Du Mu(803-852)杜牧
43.Mooring by the Qinghuai Riverside泊秦淮
Li Shangyin(813-856)李商隱
44.Ascending the Merry Plateau登樂遊原
Su Shi(1037-1101)蘇軾
47.Drinking on the Lake飲湖上初晴後雨
Lu You(1125-1210)陸游
48.Visiting A Mountain Village游山西村
Li Bai(701-762)李白
49.Longing菩薩蠻 平林漠漠煙如織
50.Sobs Came Out From A Bamboo Flute憶秦娥 簫聲咽
Zhang Zhihe(737-782)張志和
51.A Fisherman漁歌子 西塞山前白鷺飛
Bai Juyi(772-846)白居易
52.Recalling the South of the Yangtze River憶江南 江南好
Wen Tingyun(812-870)溫庭筠
53.Longing憶江南 梳洗罷
54.The Sorrow of Separation菩薩蠻 玉樓明月長相憶
Wei Zhuang(836-910)韋莊
55.Recalling Travelling in the Past菩薩蠻(四首)
56.A Dream女冠子 昨夜夜半
57.The Sorrow of Parting女冠子 四月十七
58.A Rendez-vous荷葉杯 記得那年花下
Feng Yansi(903-960)馮延巳
59.Boudoir Repining謁金門 風乍起
Li Yu(937-960)李煜
60.Untitled虞美人 春花秋月何時了
61.It Is Drizzling Outside the Screen浪淘沙 簾外雨潺潺
62.Recalling in the Past望江南 多少恨
63.The Sorrow of Parting清平樂 別來春半
64.Events of the Past Cannot But Be Deplorable浪淘沙 往事只堪哀
65.The Sorrow of Parting烏夜啼 無言獨上西樓
66.Eternal Regret烏夜啼 林花謝了春紅
Fan Zhongyan(989-1052)范仲淹
67.Sorrow of Separation蘇幕遮 碧雲天
Liu Yong(987-1055)柳永
68.The Bitterness of Departure雨霖鈴 寒蟬淒切
69.Reminiscence戚氏 晚秋天
70.Homesickness八聲甘州 對瀟瀟暮雨灑江天
Yan Shu(991-1055)晏殊
71.A Cup of Wine and A Piece of Song浣溪沙 一曲新詞酒一杯
72.THe Sorrow of Parting蝶戀花 檻菊愁煙蘭泣露
73.Untitled採桑子 時光只解催人老
Ou Yangxiu(1007-1072)歐陽修
74.Boudoir Repining蝶戀花 庭院深深深幾許
75.The Lantern Festival生查子 元夕
Wang Anshi(1021-1101)王安石
77.Nostalgic Musing Over the Past桂枝香 金陵懷古
Qin Guan(1049-1100)秦觀
78.The Sorrow of Parting滿庭芳 山抹微雲
Su Shi(1037-1101)蘇拭
79.Thinking of My Brother On the Mid-autumn Night水調歌頭 明月幾時有
80.Emperor's Love洞仙歌 冰肌玉骨
81.Meditation on the Past at the Red Cliff念奴嬌 赤壁懷古
82.A Late Spring Scene蝶戀花 花褪殘紅青杏小
83.Dreaming of My Deceased Wife江城子 十年生死兩茫茫
Huang Tingjian(1045-1105)黃庭堅
84.Shangrila水調歌頭 瑤草一何碧
Yan Jidao(1030-1117)晏幾道
85.A Happy Tryst鷓鴣天 彩袖殷勤捧玉鐘
Li Zhiyi(1045?-1125)李之儀
86.Pouring Out My Heart卜運算元 我住長江頭
Zhou Bangyan(1056-1121)周邦彥
87.Spring Rain大� 對宿煙收
He Zhu(1052-1125)賀鑄
88.Lovesickness青玉案 凌波不過橫塘路
89.A Happy Tryst薄� 淡妝多姿
Yue Fei(1105-1142)岳飛
90.Avenging An Insult滿江紅 怒髮衝冠
Xin Qiji(1140-1207)辛棄疾
91.Late Spring摸魚兒 更能消幾番風雨
92.Recalling the Past and Regretting the Present菩薩蠻 郁孤台下清江水
93.The Lantern Festival青玉案 元夕
76.A Summer Scene臨江仙 柳外輕雷池上雨
94.Meditation on Historical Events永遇樂 京口北固亭懷古
Lu You(1125-1210)陸游
95.Ode to Plum Blossoms卜運算元 詠梅
Shi Dazu(1163-1220)史達祖
96.Ode to Swallows雙雙燕 詠燕
Jiang Kui(1155-1221)姜夔
97.Swan Geese點繹唇 燕雁無心
98.Crickets齊天樂 詠蟋蟀
99.Dreaming of My Love踏莎行 燕燕輕盈
Li Qingzhao(1084-1151)李清照(Woman)
100.Melancholy聲聲慢 尋尋覓覓
Qu Yuan(340-278B.C.)屈原
1.The Sorrow of Separation(The Pang of Parting)離騷
Tao Yuanming(365-427)陶淵明
2.Returning Home歸去來辭
Wang Bo(650-676)王勃
3.Seeing Magistrate Du off送杜少府之任蜀州
He Zhizhang(659-744)賀知章
4.The Return of the Native回鄉偶書
Zhang Jiuling(678-740)張九齡
5.Looking at the moon and Thinking of My Beloved One望月懷遠
Wang Han(687-755)王翰
6.Song of Liangzhou涼州詞
Meng Haoran(689-740)孟浩然
7.Dawning in the Spring春曉
8.Thinking of Xingda at the Southn Pavilion on A Summermer Day夏日南亭懷辛大
9.Visiting My Friend's Farm過故人莊
Du Qiuniang杜秋娘(Woman)
10.Golden Embroidered Clothes金縷衣
Chang Jian常建
11.Monks' Abode in Poshan Temple題破山寺後禪院
Wang Zhihuan(688-744)王之渙
12.Ascending the Stork Tower登鸛雀樓
Wang Wei(701?-761)王維
13.Exchanging Poems with Magistrate Zhang酬張少府
14.Thinking of My Brother in Shandong on the Double-Ninth Day九月九日憶山東兄弟
Li Bai(701-762)李白
15.Sailing Down the Three Goreges早發白帝城
16.Seeing A Friend Off送友人
17.Descending Zhongnan Mountain and Meeting Hermit Husi下終南山過斛斯山人宿置酒
18.Balland of Mountain Lushan to Censor Lu Xuzhou廬山謠寄盧侍御虛舟
19.Seeing Meng Haoran off to Guangling送孟浩然之廣陵
20.Longing in the Night夜思
21.Song of Washing Women at Midnight子夜吳歌
22.Drinking You A Toast將進酒
23.Giving A Farewell Dinner for Uncle Yun宣州謝�樓錢別校書
at Xie Tiao's Pavilion叔雲
24.Life's lourney Is Hard行路難
25.Ascending Tianmu in A Dream夢遊天姥吟留別
Du Fu(712-777)杜甫
27.Soldiers' Song兵車行
28.Dreaming of Li Bai夢李白
29.A Beautiful Pure Woman佳人
30.To Recluse Wei Bin贈衛八處士
31.On Hearing Government Troops Recapture Henan and Hebei聞官軍收河南河北
32.Ascending A Height登高
33.Song of Beautiful Women麗人行
34.Temple of the Prime Minister of Shu蜀相
35.Spring Outlook春望
36.My Thatched Cottage Was Broken by the West Wind茅屋為秋風所破歌
Wei Yinwu(737-792)韋應物
37.On the West Stream of Chuzhou滁州西澗
Liu Zhongyuan(773-819)柳宗元
38.Snowing on the River江雪
Zhang Ji(766-830)張繼
39.Mooring at Night by the Maple Bridge楓橋夜泊
Bai Juyi(772-846)白居易
40.Song of Eternal Regret長恨歌
41.Song of A Pipa Player琵琶行
Du Mu(803-852)杜牧
43.Mooring by the Qinghuai Riverside泊秦淮
Li Shangyin(813-856)李商隱
44.Ascending the Merry Plateau登樂遊原
Su Shi(1037-1101)蘇軾
47.Drinking on the Lake飲湖上初晴後雨
Lu You(1125-1210)陸游
48.Visiting A Mountain Village游山西村
Li Bai(701-762)李白
49.Longing菩薩蠻 平林漠漠煙如織
50.Sobs Came Out From A Bamboo Flute憶秦娥 簫聲咽
Zhang Zhihe(737-782)張志和
51.A Fisherman漁歌子 西塞山前白鷺飛
Bai Juyi(772-846)白居易
52.Recalling the South of the Yangtze River憶江南 江南好
Wen Tingyun(812-870)溫庭筠
53.Longing憶江南 梳洗罷
54.The Sorrow of Separation菩薩蠻 玉樓明月長相憶
Wei Zhuang(836-910)韋莊
55.Recalling Travelling in the Past菩薩蠻(四首)
56.A Dream女冠子 昨夜夜半
57.The Sorrow of Parting女冠子 四月十七
58.A Rendez-vous荷葉杯 記得那年花下
Feng Yansi(903-960)馮延巳
59.Boudoir Repining謁金門 風乍起
Li Yu(937-960)李煜
60.Untitled虞美人 春花秋月何時了
61.It Is Drizzling Outside the Screen浪淘沙 簾外雨潺潺
62.Recalling in the Past望江南 多少恨
63.The Sorrow of Parting清平樂 別來春半
64.Events of the Past Cannot But Be Deplorable浪淘沙 往事只堪哀
65.The Sorrow of Parting烏夜啼 無言獨上西樓
66.Eternal Regret烏夜啼 林花謝了春紅
Fan Zhongyan(989-1052)范仲淹
67.Sorrow of Separation蘇幕遮 碧雲天
Liu Yong(987-1055)柳永
68.The Bitterness of Departure雨霖鈴 寒蟬淒切
69.Reminiscence戚氏 晚秋天
70.Homesickness八聲甘州 對瀟瀟暮雨灑江天
Yan Shu(991-1055)晏殊
71.A Cup of Wine and A Piece of Song浣溪沙 一曲新詞酒一杯
72.THe Sorrow of Parting蝶戀花 檻菊愁煙蘭泣露
73.Untitled採桑子 時光只解催人老
Ou Yangxiu(1007-1072)歐陽修
74.Boudoir Repining蝶戀花 庭院深深深幾許
75.The Lantern Festival生查子 元夕
Wang Anshi(1021-1101)王安石
77.Nostalgic Musing Over the Past桂枝香 金陵懷古
Qin Guan(1049-1100)秦觀
78.The Sorrow of Parting滿庭芳 山抹微雲
Su Shi(1037-1101)蘇拭
79.Thinking of My Brother On the Mid-autumn Night水調歌頭 明月幾時有
80.Emperor's Love洞仙歌 冰肌玉骨
81.Meditation on the Past at the Red Cliff念奴嬌 赤壁懷古
82.A Late Spring Scene蝶戀花 花褪殘紅青杏小
83.Dreaming of My Deceased Wife江城子 十年生死兩茫茫
Huang Tingjian(1045-1105)黃庭堅
84.Shangrila水調歌頭 瑤草一何碧
Yan Jidao(1030-1117)晏幾道
85.A Happy Tryst鷓鴣天 彩袖殷勤捧玉鐘
Li Zhiyi(1045?-1125)李之儀
86.Pouring Out My Heart卜運算元 我住長江頭
Zhou Bangyan(1056-1121)周邦彥
87.Spring Rain大� 對宿煙收
He Zhu(1052-1125)賀鑄
88.Lovesickness青玉案 凌波不過橫塘路
89.A Happy Tryst薄� 淡妝多姿
Yue Fei(1105-1142)岳飛
90.Avenging An Insult滿江紅 怒髮衝冠
Xin Qiji(1140-1207)辛棄疾
91.Late Spring摸魚兒 更能消幾番風雨
92.Recalling the Past and Regretting the Present菩薩蠻 郁孤台下清江水
93.The Lantern Festival青玉案 元夕
76.A Summer Scene臨江仙 柳外輕雷池上雨
94.Meditation on Historical Events永遇樂 京口北固亭懷古
Lu You(1125-1210)陸游
95.Ode to Plum Blossoms卜運算元 詠梅
Shi Dazu(1163-1220)史達祖
96.Ode to Swallows雙雙燕 詠燕
Jiang Kui(1155-1221)姜夔
97.Swan Geese點繹唇 燕雁無心
98.Crickets齊天樂 詠蟋蟀
99.Dreaming of My Love踏莎行 燕燕輕盈
Li Qingzhao(1084-1151)李清照(Woman)
100.Melancholy聲聲慢 尋尋覓覓