



  • 作者:程中銳 編
  • ISBN:9787807185147
  • 頁數:160
  • 定價:20.00元
  • 出版時間:2009-8


《英語高分完形填空:8年級》內容簡介:愛美之心人皆有之。人們對不完整、有缺損或省略的文字或圖形,往往想補充、修補,使其還原完善,使其盡善盡美。基於這種心理(Gestalt Psychology格式塔完形心理學),語言教學和測試專家Wilson L.Taylor於1953年首創設計了完形填空(Cloze Test)這一測試、練習形式。“Cloze Test”中的cloze一詞就是由“格式塔完形心理學”中的closure這一概念引申出來的。因為這是對各種語言現象運用能力綜合考查的一種客觀性測試法,所以完形填空亦稱為綜合填空。
《英語高分完形填空:8年級》按實際需要分為七年級、八年級及九年級三冊;每冊分別有完形填空105篇、110篇和100篇。設計有首字母填空,10空、15空、20空填空及少量25空填空。所有完形填空均按目前國中學生水平設計,並在此基礎上有所提高,目的是為了幫助學生更好地應對考試。因為我們知道:要參加10 000米賽跑的選手必須加大運動量,經常跑20 000米,甚至更長距離才能取勝。所以《英語高分完形填空:8年級》不僅適合國中生,亦可供高中學生使用。




1. The Best Way of Studying
2. An Injection
3. The Power of Love
4. Good Manners Around the World
5. English——an International Language
6. My Wife
7. Americans Don't Eat Much Fish
8. Cheerfulness
9. Money is Not All Powerful
10. Why are Men Different from Animals?
11. Weekend Homework
12. A Farmer and His Three Sons
13. Martin Took the Monkey's Place
14. The Art of Apology
15. A Food List
16. Create Paths only for Bicycles
17. The Truth about Wolves
18. My Laughter
19. The Parents, the Children
20. The Fogs in London ':
21. Our Eyes Are in Front of Our Ears
22. A Birthday Present
23. The Lift at the Weekends
24. A Generation Gap
25. Cambridge University
26. A Good Return
27. Love from Parents
28. A Holiday in the Country
29. The Wonderful Scenes in Naniing
30. American Kids and TV
31. Upstairs or Downstairs?
32. Sleeping
33. Languages in the World
34. Air Pollution
35. Swimming Safety
36. A Toothache
37. I,You and She
38. Cars in U. S. A.
39. Chopsticks——Yao Ming
40. Twenty Minutes Ahead
41. Good-bye,Grandpa!
42. The Universe
43. Lying under the Seat
44. The First Ballpoint Pen
45. Life Without People
46. A Mother's Effort
47. The Crowded Planet
48. A Part-time Job
49. TV Children in Hollywood
50. Holidays
51. One Dollar
52. He Became a Policeman
53. Only One Shortcoming
54. The Secrets of Nature
55. A Football Match
56. Machines
57. Barrack Obama
58. A Bad Day
59. The Dog's Present
60. A Gorilla Went Shopping
61. Sports and Games
62. Little Tom
'63. An Escaped House-breaker
64. Please, Give up Smoking!
65. A Job, Unexpected
66. Believe in Yourself
67. A One-leg Goose
68. How to Start a Fire
69. From a Salesman to a Pilot
70. A New Studentin a New School
71. Doing Good or Bad?
72. Working is Good for Health
73. Books for Children
74. Transport in the U. S. A.
75. On "Hot" Majors
76. How to Exercise Properly
77. Parents Actions
78. Who Wrote Hamlet?
79. A Dentist and His "Patient"
80. A Prophet
81. A Picture of a Mouse
82. Two Lazy Men
83. A Wanted Man
84. Don't Rush to Make Decisions
85. Let Others Be "Right"
86. Love in Return
87. My Gardens
88. My Hobbies
89. The Happiest Man on Earth
90. Life in Future
91. A Balanced Diet
92. Both Chinese!
93. Only Two Dollars
94. You Are so Stupid
95. My Vocation Trip
96. The Floor Was Shaking
97. Edison, the Inventor
98. My Uncle Tom
99. Am I Different?
100. Don't Rely on Others
101. DIY
102. 320 Pints of Milk
103. Dangerous Fishes Behind Me
104. A Good Chance
105. Skin-diving
106. Day and Night
107. How to Use Mr,Mrs and Miss
108. A Silly Excuse
109. The Fuction of a Dictionary
110. Ten Answers


