

《英語閱讀:高中3年級》是 2010年上海教育出版出版的圖書 。該書通過國家認定的相應測評,能滿足讀者今後學習、工作和生活對英語的基本需求,適用於高中3年級學生。


  • 書名:英語閱讀:高中3年級
  • 頁數:  109頁
  • 裝幀:平裝 
  • 開本:16


出版社: 上海教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年6月1日)
叢書名: 高級中學拓展教材
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
ISBN: 9787544429221
條形碼: 9787544429221
尺寸: 29.2 x 20.4 x 0.8 cm
重量: 481 g




Chapter 1 Shopping
Reading 1 Online shopping
Reading 2 Looking for a bargain
Chapter 2 Higher education:past.present and future
Reading 1 The first universities
Reading 2 The rise of e-learning
Chapter 3 Living a good life
Reading 1 A graduation speech
Reading 2 How to be successful
Chapter 4 Cloning
Reading 1 The pros and cons of cloning
Reading 2 Cloning plants
Chapter 5 Time for work
Reading 1 A guide to business abroad
Reading 2 Successful time management
Chapter 6 Laws
Reading 1 My driving test
Reading 2 Strange laws
Chapter 7 Disasters
Reading 1 Exploring an ancient city
Reading 2 The Chernobyl d isaster
Chapter 8 Livi ng at extre.mes
Reading 1 The camel
Reading 2 Surviving in the Arctic
Chapter 9 Under the sea
Reading 1 Deep beneath the sea
Reading 2 Internation,al Diving Tou-rs
Chapter 10 The future of science
Reading 1 Incredible shrinking technology
Reading 2 Jules Verne:Ahead of his time
Chapter 11 Mythical beasts
Reading 1 Dragons in different cultures
Reading 2 Mythical creatures
Chapter 12 Immigration
Reading 1 The meeting of two cultures
Reading 2 An immigrant。S story
Chapter 13 Living forever
Reading 1 Donating organs
Reading 2 Immortality Conference Day 1
Chapter 14 How we view the world
Reading 1 The beginnings of philosophy
Reading 2 Does your mind play tricks on you?
Chapter 15 Evolution
Reading 1 Darwin in the Galapagos Islands
Reading 2 Adaptation
Chapter 16 Population growth
Reading 1 A crowded world
Reading 2 Controversial kangaroos
Chapter 17 Loving and leaving
Reading 1 Love among the flowers
Reading 2 Young love
Chapter 18 Architecture
Reading 1 I.M.Pei-a great architect
Reading 2 A house that is a masterpiece
Chapter 19 Hope
Reading 1 A brief introduction to the RSPCA
Reading 2 A life-changing experience
Chapter 20 At the end of the night
Reading 1 IA Clean and Well-lighted Place'
Reading 2 'Do not go gentle into that good night'
Answer key


