

《英語閱讀教程1-2冊輔導用書》是2012年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是段雲禮 江治剛 。


  • 中文名:英語閱讀教程1-2冊輔導用書
  • 作者:段雲禮,江治剛
  • 出版時間:2012年9月
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566303530
  • 定價:23 元
內容簡介,目 錄,



目 錄

How to Learn College Reading Successfully 1
Unit One Remarks by Teachers for Students 3
Unit Two Stages of Reading 9
Unit Three Vocabulary 17
Unit Four Main Idea 29
Unit Five Supporting Details and Organizational Patterns 35
Unit Six Efficient Reading 41
Unit Seven Analytical Reasoning 51
Unit Eight Inference 55
Unit Nine Critical Thinking 59
Unit Ten Test-Taking Strategies 65
Book One 73
Unit One College Education 75
Unit Two Campus Life 79
Unit Three Pursuit of Dreams 83
Unit Four Hobbies and Interests 87
Unit Five Tourist Attractions 91
Unit Six Travel 95
Unit Seven How to Succeed in Life 99
Unit Eight Celebrity Anecdotes 103
Unit Nine Animals 107
Unit Ten Sports 111
Unit Eleven Marriage 115
Unit Twelve Attachment Between Children and Parents 119
Unit Thirteen Culture 123
Unit Fourteen The Development of Business 127
Book Two 131
Unit One Language Acquisition 133
Unit Two Education 137
Unit Three Food and Health 141
Unit Four Environment 145
Unit Five Computers 149
Unit Six Social Life 153
Unit Seven Customs 157
Unit Eight Living Experience 161
Unit Nine International Situation 163
Unit Ten Economy and Development 167
Unit Eleven Foreign Affairs 171
Unit Twelve Religion 175
Unit Thirteen Wars 179
Unit Fourteen Space Exploration 183


