


  • 中文名:英語語音與信息溝通
  • 提供院校:南京大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:陳樺、曹瑞斕、張燕




01.Course Orientation
An introduction to the course, activities and requirements, the importance of this course, and some learning resources will be involved in this part.
test 01
02.Sound and Meaning –1
In this part, English vowels and consonants will be discussed.
第二周 測驗
03.Sound and Meaning –2
Syllables and sounds in connected speech will be introduced.
第三周 測驗
04.Intonation Phrasing -1
Basic concepts related to English intonation will be introduced first. And the co-occurrence of three units, i.e. intonation unit, syntactic structure and sense group will also be discussed in this part.
第四周 測驗
05.Intonation Phrasing -2
The functions of PAUSE and Chinese learners’ patterns in intonation phrasing will be analyzed in this part.
第五周 測驗
06.Stress and Rhythm -1
The constraints about English stress on the word and phrase levels will be introduced in this part.
第六周 測驗
07.Stress and Rhythm -2
The relationship between sentence stress and information, and rhythmic categorization will be discussed in this part.
第七周 測驗
08.Tonal Aspects -1
Tone Language and Intonation Language in this world, and the relationship between primary tones and sentence type will be introduced here.
第八周 測驗
09.Tonal Aspects -2
How can secondary tones express the speaker’s attitudes and emotions, and the pragmatic function of tones will be analyzed in this part.
第九周 測驗
10.Public Speaking
After being familiar with the constraints or rules of English oral production, the application of these riles in public speaking will be focused on in this part.
第十周 測驗
11.World Englishes -1
The term “World Englishes”, and two varieties of English – British English and American English will be discussed in this part.
第十一周 測驗
12.World Englishes -2
The core segmental and supra-segmental aspects of world Englishes will be discussed in this part.
第十二周 測驗


