



  • 中文名:英語經典閱讀與欣賞(4)
  • 作者:吳斐、文聲芳
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787307100893




Unit One Money
In-Class Reading
Six Money Lessons for My College-Aged Daughter
After-Class Reading
Passage I Save Money on Books: Don't Pay Full Price for Your
Reading List
Passage I1 Beyond Money: The Other Types of Riches
Unit Two Nature
In-Class Reading
Thinking about Where Your Food Has Traveled
After-Class Reading
Passage I Spell of the Rising Moon
Passage II Nature
Unit Three Information
In-Class Reading
The Evolution of the Microblog
After-Class Reading
Passage I The Impact of Information on Workforce
Passage II Human Knowledge, Brought to You by
Unit Four Culture
In-Class Reading
The Comfort of Strangers
After-Class Reading
Passage I The Rise of "Awesome"
Passage II On British Tolerance
Passage II On Education
Unit Five Morality
In-Class Reading
Five Moral Dilemmas
After-Class Reading
Passage I The Dinner Party
Passage II Utopians' Moral Philosophy
Unit Six Reading
In-Class Reading
Releasing the "Brakes" to Reading
After-Class Reading
Passage I Where I Learned to Read
Passage II Reading
Unit Seven Personality
In-Class Reading
What's Your Personality
After-Class Reading
Passage I What Does the Study of Personality Do for You
Passage II Career Chemistry: The Best Jobs for Six Personality
Unit Eight Future
In-Class Reading
The Future of Fitness
After-Class Reading
Passage I Time Travel into the Future
Passage II My Education, My Future
Unit Nine Education
In-Class Reading
Is Higher Education Leading to Higher Employment
After-Class Reading
Passage I How about Better Parents
Unit Ten Work
In-Class Reading
What Does Work Mean to You
After-Class Reading
Passage I Do You Work to Thrive or to Survive
Passage II How to Get Promoted at Work
Key to Exercises
Phrases and Expressions


