- 中文名:英語特寫採訪與寫作
- 提供院校:上海外國語大學
- 類別:慕課
- 授課老師:林岩、Roopa Swaminathan。
1. Introduction to Feature Writing: definition and characteristics
1.2 Definition of feature writing
1.3 Major characteristics of feature writing as compared with news reporting
1.1 Introduction of the course
2. Finding story ideas
2.2 Thinking about story ideas
2.1 Getting the story ideas
Quiz for Finding Story Ideas
3. Shaping story ideas
3.1 Range
3.3 Approach
3.2 Theme
Quiz for Shaping Story Ideas
4.Researching for feature stories
4.3 Conducting survey for feature stories (part 2)
4.1 Researching for feature stories
4.2 Conducting survey for feature stories (part 1)
Quiz for Researching for Feature Stories
5. Interviewing for feature stories
5.2 Conducting the personal interview
5.1 Getting ready for interviews
5.3 After the interview
Quiz for Interviewing for feature stories
6. Writing the feature lead
6.3 Writing the example lead
6.1 What's a feature lead like?
6.2 Writing the feature lead
Quiz for Writing the Feature Lead
7. Fleshing out the story
7.2 Scope and Detail
7.1 Tone and Time
7.3 Movement and Variety
Quiz for Fleshing Out the Story
8. Planning and executing the feature story
8.2 Planning and executing the profile story
8.1 Planning and executing the non-profile story
Quiz for Planning and Executing the Feature Story
9. Organizing the feature stories
9.3 The ending
9.2 Storylines
9.1 Nut graf
Quiz for Organizing the Feature Stories
10. Writing descriptions for feature story
10.1 Writing descriptions for feature story (part 1)
10.2 Writing descriptions for feature story (part 2)
Quiz for Descriptive Writing
11. Getting the style right for feature stories
11.2 Style and Grammar (part 2)
11.1 Style and Grammar (part 1)
Quiz for Style and Grammar
12. Remaining issues in feature writing
12.2 The Use of Language
12.1 Sources, Attribution and Plagiarism
Quiz for Remaining Issues in Feature Writing