


  • 中文名:英語演講技巧與實訓
  • 提供院校:中南大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:張春敏




第一周:你真的了解英語演講嗎?What is English Public Speaking?
1.你對英語演講有誤解嗎? Do You Have Misunderstandings about English Public Speaking?
2.演講讓你成為最好的自己 Public Speaking Makes You the Best of Yourself
3.英語演講三大類型 Three Major Types of English Public Speaking
4.英語演講——多維度的溝通術 What Is English Public Speaking?
Quiz 1: What Is English Public Speaking?
第二周:控制緊張,自信演講 Controlling Nervousness and Improving Confidence
5.你演講時會緊張嗎? Why Do We Get Nervous on the Stage?
6.戰勝舞台恐懼,自信演講 Conquer Stage Fright and Speak Confidently
Quiz 2: Controlling Nervousness and Improving Confidence
第三周: 改善傾聽惡習,做高效傾聽者 How to Be an Effective Listener
7.傾聽很難嗎? Listening Is Very Hard?
8.百分百溝通——傾聽的魔力 If You Want to be A Good Speaker, You Need to be A Good Listener
Quiz 3: How to Be an Effective Listener
第四周:設計以聽眾為中心的演講 Preparing for Audience-Centered Presentation
9. 克服傾聽惡習 Fighting Against the “7 Sins” of Poor Listening
10. 時刻以聽眾為中心 Audience-centered Presentation
11. 如何根據聽眾調整演講 Audience Adaptation
Quiz 4: Preparing for Audience-Centered Speeches
第五周:如何在舞台上閃閃發光(聲音篇) Improving Your Voice on the Stage
12. 舞台表現力為什麼重要 Why Is Delivery So Important?
13. 演講中如何發聲 How to Speak With the Proper Volume
14. 如何控制聲音的速度節奏 Controlling Your Pace and Rhythm
15. 如何控制聲音的音調 Controlling Your Pitch
16. 別讓發音成為不願開口的藉口! Don’t Let Pronunciation Get in Your Way of Speaking!
Quiz 5: Improving Your Voice
第六周:如何在舞台上閃閃發光(肢體語言篇) Improving Your Body Language on the Stage
17. 肢體語言——表情、眼神交流 Facial Expressions and Eye Contacts
18. 肢體語言——手勢、體態 Hand Gestures and Language of Body
Quiz 6: Improving Your Body Language on the Stage
第七周:為演講稿做準備(選題篇) Preparing for Writing Speech Script (I)
19. 選題是關鍵 How to Select a Meaningful Topic
20. 快速而有效地蒐集素材 How to Research on Your Topic
21. 在討論中集思廣益 Working Together Does Make Sense!
22. 如何積極有效地討論 How to Discuss Effectively
Quiz: 7 Preparing for Writing Speech Draft(I)
第八周:為演講稿做準備(寫作篇) Preparing for Writing Speech Script (II)
23. 大綱——演講稿的GPS How to Write an Outline
24. 如何讓演講稿的語言生動有力 The Language of English Public Speaking
25. 演講中的視覺輔助工具——PPT PPT in Presentation
My Big Story in 2049:大綱+開頭結尾
Quiz 8: Preparing for Writing Speech Script (II)
第九周:布局謀篇——開頭、主體、結尾設計 Designing Your Speech Script
26. 布局謀篇——好開頭是成功的一半 A Good Beginning Is Half Success
27. 布局謀篇——如何先聲奪人 Begin with an “Attention Getter”
28. 布局謀篇——演講稿主體結構的寫作 How to Write the BODY Part of the Speech
29. 布局謀篇——如何讓結尾勾魂攝魄 How to Conclude Your Speech
Quiz 9: Designing Your Speech Script
第十周:贏在英語演講比賽 (I) English Speaking Contests (I)
30. “外研社杯”英語演講比賽介紹 Introduction on the “FLTRP Cup” English Speaking Contest
31. “21世紀”英語演講比賽與“希望之星”英語風采大賽介紹 Introduction on the “21st Century” English Speaking Competition and “Star of Outlook” English Talent Competition
32.如何準備定題演講 Interview on Prepared Speech
第十一周: 贏在英語演講比賽 (II) English Speaking Contests (II)
33.即興演講實訓 Impromptu Speech Training
34. 即興演講中的常見錯誤 (I) Analyzing Impromptu Speech Preparation (I)
35. 即興演講中的常見錯誤 (II) Analyzing Impromptu Speech Preparation (II)
36.英語演講和比賽讓你熠熠生輝!The Power of EPS and Speaking Competitions


