



  • 書名:英語易混詞語辨析1000例
  • ISBN:9787205035303
  • 頁數:513
  • 定價:15.50
  • 出版社:遼寧人民出版社
  • 出版時間:1996-04
  • 裝幀:平裝
1. a, one
2. a, per
3. a certain, some
4. a great amount of, a great deal of
5. a great number of , the greater number
6. a great part of, the greater part of
7. a hundred, one hundred
8. a mos..." , the most
9. a number of, the number of
10. a second, the second
11. a third, the third
12. a week before, the week before
13. ability, capacity
14. able, capable
15. aboard, abroad
16. about, almost
17. about, on
18. above, beyond
19. above, over
20. absent from, absent in
21. accept, receive
22. acceptance, acceptation
23. accident, incident
24. accompany, escort
25. according to, in the light of
6. accuse, charge
7. ache, pain
28. acknowledgement, recognition
29. across, through
30. act, action
31. acute, keen, sharp
32. adapt, adopt
33. addto, add...to
34. adhere to, cling to, stick to
35. adherence, adhesion
36. admission, admittance
37. admit, recognize
38. adopted, adoptive
39. adult, grown-up
40. adventure, venture
41. affect, effect
42. affect, influence
43. affection, affectation
44. afraid, terrible
45. afraid of doing , afraid to do
46. after, behind
47. afterward, afterwards
48. aggression, invasion
49. ago, before
50. agree, approve
51. agree to; agree with
52. ahead of, in front of
53. aircraft, aeroplane, airplane
54. airport, airfield, airdrome
55. all, whole
56. allready, already
57. all together, altogether
58. allow, allowof
59. allusion, delusion, illusion
60. alroost, nearly
61. alone, lonely
62. aloud, loudly
63. already, yet
64. altemate, altemative
65. altemately, altematively
66. altemative, choice
67. amnot, aren't, ain't
68. amiable, amicable
69. among, amongst, amidst
70. amount, quantity, number
71. amount'to, come to
72. amusement, entertainment
73. ancient, old
74. angel, angle
75. animal, beast, brute
76. another, the other
77. answer, reply, respond
78. answer for, answer to
79. anxious, eager
80. anxious about, anxious for
81. any place, anywhere
82. anybody, anyone
83. anyone, any one
84. apart from, except for
85. apology, excuse, parden
86. appear, look, seem
87. appearance, look
88. approach, access
89. apt, liable, prone
90. Arab, Arabian, Arabic
argumentative, controversial
arise, arouse
arise, rise
anns, weapon
arouse, rouse
arrest, capture
arrival, advent
artful, artistic
article, paper, essay, thesis
artificial, man-made
as, like
as a whole, on the whole
as...as....., so....as.....
as for, as to
as if, as though, like
as it were, as it was
ashamed, shameful, shameless
ask, question
ask, ask tor
ask about, ask after
aspect, respect
assent, consent
associate, connect
assume, presume
assumption, presumption
assure, confirm
assure, ensure
at a distance, in the distance
at a time, at one time, at times
at a word, in a word
at an end, at the end, in the end
at bottom, at the bottom
at the court, in court
at first, at the beginning
125. at hand, in hand, on hand
126. at night, in the night, on the night
127. at no time, in no time
128. at one' s service, in one's service
129. at peace, in peace
130. at play, in play
131. at sea, on the sea, in the sea
132. at sight, in sight, on sight
133. at....speed, with....speed
134. at table, at the table
135. at the back of, in the back of
136. at the beginning, in the beginning
137. at the comer, in the comer, on the
138. at the exhibition, on exhibition
139. at the point of, on the point of
140. at the rear of, in the rear of
141. at the same time, in the same time
142. at the show, in show, on show
143. at the sight of, in the sight of
144. at the top, in the top, on the top
145. at work, in work
146. attempt, trial
147. attempt, try
148. attempt to do, attempt doing
149. authoritative, authoritarian
150. automobile, motor-car
151. avenge, revenge
152. average, median,
153. award, reward
154. aware, conscious
155. axis, shaft
156. baby, infant
157. badminton, shuttlecock
158. bag, sack, pocket
159. bake, roast
160. balance, scales
161. bank, shore, coast
162. banner, flag
163. bare, naked
164. base, basis
165. basic, fundamental
166. bath, bathe
167. be called, be referred to as
168. be crowded with, be thronged with
169. be fond of, care for
170. be gone, have gone
171. be interested to do, be interested in
172. be subjceeted to, be subject to
173. be used to, be accustomed to
174. beam, ray
175. bear, tolerate, put up with, endure,
176. beat, defeat
177. because, for
178. because, in that
179. because of, due to, owing to, thanks
180. become, get
181. before, in front of
182. before long, long ago, long before
183. begin, start, commence
184. begin to do, begin doing
185. beginning, origin, source
186. behaviour, conduct
187. behind time, behind the times
188. believe, believe in
189. believe, confide, trust
190.below, under, beneath
191. bend, bent
192.beside, besides
193.besides, except
194.besides, moreover
195.between, among
196.Bible, Scripture, Testament
197; big, large, great
198; bind, tie
199. blame, fault
200 . bloom, blossom
201: blush, flush
202: board, plank, batten
203. boast, brag
204. boat, ship, vessel
205. border, frontier, boundary
206. bom, bome
207. borrow, lend
208. bottle, bowl, jar
209. boundless, unlimited
210. box, case
211. breadth, breath
212. break one's word, eat one's words
213. bring, take
214. bring up, educate
215. bring up, rear, breed
216. broad, wide
217. btoadcast, broadcasted
218. build, construct
219. bumed, bumt
220. business, busyness
221. businessman, merchant, trader,
222. but, however
223. but do, but to do
224. by and by, by the by (e)
225. by day, by the day
226. by hand, by the hand
227. call, callto, call-up
228. call...by name, call...names
229. callon, call at
230. can, may
231. cannot, can not, can't
232. can't help doing, can't help but do
233. cap, hat
234. care about, care (or
235. careful to do, careful in doing
236. careless, carefree
237. case, occasion
238. case, situation
239. catch hold of, get hold of, keep hold
of, take hold of
240. cause, reason
241. cautiousin, cautious of
242. centre, middle
243. ceremonial , ceremonious
244. certain, sure
245. certainly, for certain
246. certainly, of course
247. certainly, surely
248. chance , luck, fortune
249. chance, opportunity
250. change, alter, vary
251. change, variety, variation
252. charge, fee, fare, expense (s)
253. cheap, cheaply
254. cheap, inexpensive
255. cheat, deceive
256. check, cheque
257. check, inspect
258. chief, main
259. childish, childlike
260. church, cathedral, chapel
261. cite quote
262. class, course, lesson
263. classic, classical
264. clean, cleanly (adj.)
265. clean, cleanly (adv.)
266. clean, clear (adj.)
267. clean, clear (v.)
268. clear, clearly
269. close, closely
270. close, shut
271. clothes, clothing
272. cloths, clothes
273. cloudy, overeast
274. coarse, crude, rough
275. coiloquial, spoken
276. colonial, colonialist, colonist
277. come, go
278. comic, comical
279. commodity, goods, merchandise,
280. company, corporation, firm, con-
cern, trust
281. compare with, compare to
282. competition, emulation
283. complain about, complain of
284. complex, complicated
285. comprehensible, comprehensivte
286. comprehensible, understandable
287. compulsory, compulsive
288. concentrate, focus
289. concentrate on, concentrate ini
290. concrete, specific
291. consist of, be made up of, be com-
posed of
292. conscience, conscious
293. constant, continuous
294. consult, consult with
295. contact, touch
296. contagious, infectious
297. contemporary, contemporaneous
298. contemporary, modem
299. contemptible, contemptuous
300. contend, content
301. continual, continuous
302. continually, continuously
303. continuance, continuation
304. continue, go on
305. continue, resume
306. contrary, opposite (adj. )
307. contrary, opposite ( n. )
308. correspond to, conrrespond with
309. comer , nook, angle
310. cost, expense
311. cost, take
312. could, was able to
country, countryside
country, nation, state
couple, pair
coupon, ticket
crawl, creep
credible, credulous
crime, sin, vice
critic, critical
crop, harvest
crowded, packed
cure, heal
custom, habit
customer, client
cut back, cut down
damp, moist, wet
dangerous, in danger
dark, darkness
dead, deadly
deceptive, deceitful
decide, decide on
decide, determine
decidedly, decisively
decrease, diminish, reduce
deep, deeply
definite, definitive
delegation, mission
delighted, delightful
depend on, rely on
desert, dessert
2. desirable, desirous
desk, table
destroy, ruin
detachable, detached
diary, dairy
died, dyed
differ from...in... , differ with...on...
different, various, variable
350. difficult, hard
351. difficultly, with difficulty
352. diligent, hard-working, industrious
353. direct, directly
354. disability, inability
355. disagree, disapprove
356. disappointed with, disappointed at
357. disbelief, unbelief
358. discomfortable, uncomfortable
359. disease, decease
360. disease, illness, sickness
361. disgrace, shame
362. disinterested, uninterested
363 . disorganized, unorganized
364. displace, misplace
365 . disposal, disposition
366. disqualified, unqualified
367. dissatisfied, unsatisfied
368. distasteful, tasteless
369 . distinct, distinctive
370. disused, unused
371. divide, separate
372. do...good, do good to
373. do washing, do washing up
374. domestic, domesticated
375. donkey, ass
376. doubt, suspect
377. doubtful, suspicious
378. dove, pigeon
379. dreamed, dreamt
380. drink, have, eat, take
381. drug, medicine
382. drunk, drunken
383. dumb, mute
384. each, every
385. each other, one another
386. earth, clay,mud, soil
387. earth, land, ground
388. earthen, earthy, earthly
389. easily , with ease
390. east, eastem
391. easy, easily
392. eatable, edible
393. economic, economical
394. economical, frugal, thrifty
395. edge, brink, brim, rim
396. effective, efficient
397. effective, valid
398. elder, older
399. electric, electrical
400. elemental, elementary
401. elementary, primary
402. else, other
403. emigrant, immigrant
404. emigrate, immigrate
405. emigration, immigration
406. emotion, mood
407. emptiness, vacancy
408. empty, vacant
409. end, ending
410. endless, innumerable
411. enquiry, inquiry
412. ensure, insure
413. enter, enter into
414. enter for, take part in
415. entire, whole, total
416. envious, enviable
417. envious, jealous
418. envy, jealousy
419. equal, equal To
420. equal, equivalent
421. escape, flee
422. especial, special
423. especially, specially
424. estimate, estimation
425. everybody, everyone
426. exhibition, show, exposition
427. everyday, every day
428. everyone, every one
429. evidence, proof , testimony
430. example, instance, sample
431. except, but
432. except, excepting
433. except, except for,
434. exceptionable, exceptional
435. excuse, forgive
436. excuse me, sorry
437. exercise, practice
438. exhaustive, exhausting
439. expect, anticipate, look forward to
440. expect, wait
441. extemal, exterior
442. extraordinary, outstanding
443. factory, mill, plant, works
444. fail to, fail in
445. fair, fairly
446. familiar, familial
447. familiar with, familiar to
448. family, household
449. far, away, along way
450. farther, further
451. fastness, quickness
452. fatal, fateful
453. fate, fortune
454. feel like, want
455. temale, feminine
456. few, a few
457. Fewerthan, less than
458. figure, number
459. fmd, findout
460. fmd, lookfor
461. firm, finnly
462. first, firstly
463. fit, fitfor
464. fit, suit
465. flammable, inflammable
466. flat, level
467.flee, fly
468. flesh, meat
469. flock, herd
470. 'floor, storey
471. flow, flown
472. for a moment, for the moment
473. for example, say
474. for example, such as
475. for fear of, in fear of
476. for God' s sake, for Christ' s sake,
for goodness' sake
477. forbid, ban, prohibit
478. force, strehgth
479. forceful, forcible
480. forget, forget about
481. forget, forgot
482. forget, leave
483. forget to do, forget doing
484. forgettable, forgetful
485. forgot, forgotten
486. formally, formerly
487. forward, foreword
488. forward, forwards
489. found, founded
490. free, freely
491. free, set free, liberate
492. frightened by, frightened of
493. from one' s point of view, in one' s
494. fumiture, furnishings
495. future, prospects
496. gaol, goal
497. gasoline, petrol, benzine
498. gentleman, sir
499. get off, get out of
500. get on, get into
501. girl, maid, virgin, lass
502. give off, giveout
503. glance, glimpse
504. glass, cup, tumbler
505. glisten, glitter
506. go out, go outside
507. go out, put out
508. go to bed, go to sleep
509. go on to do, go on doing
510. go to do, go doing
511. go to sea, go to the sea
512. gold, golden
513. good, well
514. good-bye, farewell, so long, adieu,
cheerio, bye-bye
515. good moming, good evening, good
night, good aftemoon, good day
516. got, gotten
517. graduate, graduate from
518. grave, tomb
519. greet, solute
520. grow raise
521. guarantee, warranty
522. guide, lead
523. gulf, bay
524. habitable, inhabitable
525. halta-, a half
526. handle, treat
527. hanged, hung
528. happen, occur, take place
529. hard, hardly
530. hardly, scarcely
531. hardly...when..., as soon as...
532. have, get, make
533. have, possess
534. have an eye for, have an eye to, have
an eye on
535. have been to, have gone to
536. have...in mind, have....on one's mind
537. have words, have word, have a word
538. Hav.e you ever......?
Did you ever......?
539. healthful, healthy
540. heap, pile
541. hear, listen
542. hearof, hear from
543. heart, mind
544. help, assist, aid
545. high, highly
546. high, tall
547. hire, rent
548. historic, historical
549. hit...on", hif...in
550. holiday, vacation
551. home, at home
552. home, house
553. home, native place, native country
554. homework, housework
555. honorary, honorable
556.hope, wish
557. however, no matter how
558. human, humane
559. hurt, wound, injure
560. 1 bet, you bet
561. if, in case
562. if, provided
563. if only, only if
564. ignore, neglect
565. illegal, unlawful
566. illegible, unreadable
567. imaginable, imaginary, imaginative
568. immature, premature
569. immeasurable, unmeasurable
570. immediately, presently
571. impossible, improbable
572. improve, improve on
573. in, after
574. in a body, in body
575. in a spot, on the spot
576. in bud, in the bud
577. in case of, in the case of
578. in charge of, in the charge of
579. in (the) face of, on the face of
580. in favor of, in favor with
581. in front of, in the front of
582. in future, in the future
583. in office, in the office
584. in order to, so as to
585. in part, in parts
586. in point of, on the point of
unsaid, untold
use, employ
use, usage
used to, be used to
used to, would
useful for, useful to
vacation, vocation
valuable, invaluable
valuable, valued
varied, various
very, much, very much
victory, triumph
visit, call on, go to see, drop in
1001. wait, await
1002. wait, expect
1003. wake, waken, awake, awaken
1004. want to do, want dcang
1005. warn....against, wan....of
1006. weak, weakly
1007. wear, put on, dress
1008. weather, climate
1009. well-off, weU-to-do
1010. west, westem
1011. wet, wetted
1012. what, who
1013. whether, if
1014. which, what
1015. which, who
1016. whoever, whomever
1017. whose, ofwhich
1018. wide, widdy
1019. Willyou-?
1020. win, beat
1021. wink, blink
1022. woman, female, lady
1023. work at, work on
1024. worker, workman
1025. worth, worthy
1026. would rather, had rather
1027. wrong, wrongly
1028. youth, youngman, young people


