



  • 中文名:英語日常會話
  • 作者:初漢平
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2016年6月1日
  • ISBN:9787519209520


打電話 預約醫生/叫計程車/報告火情
購 物 逛超市/買衣服/討價還價
在公寓 設備維修/日常服務/與鄰居聊天
醫 療 在急診室/去體檢/去藥店
去銀行 開賬戶/取錢/兌換外匯
去郵局 寄掛號信/寄包裹/保留郵件


Chapter 1 Telephone Call 打電話
Section 1 Appointment with Doctor 預約看醫生
Dialogue 1 Making an Appointment預約
Dialogue 2 Canceling an Appointment 取消預約
Section 2 Calling a Taxi 打電話叫出租
Dialogue 1 Calling Action 打電話給行動計程車公司
Dialogue 2 Calling Barwood 打電話給橫木計程車公司
Section 3 Making Emergency Call 打緊急電話
Dialogue 1 Reporting Fire 報告火災
Dialogue 2 Medical Emergency 緊急醫療情況
Chapter 2 Shopping 購物
Section 1 Buying Food 買食品
Dialogue 1 Asking about Items on Sale 詢問減價食品
Dialogue 2 Looking for Advertised Goods 尋找廣告上的商品
Dialogue 3 Checking Out through an Express Lane 通過快速通道結賬
Dialogue 4 Checking Out at Self Service 在自助服務機上結賬
Dialogue 5 Scanning Non-barcode Items 掃描非條碼商品
Dialogue 6 Using a Card to Make Payment 用卡付款
Dialogue 7 Avoiding Overpayment 避免多付款
Section 2 Purchasing Clothes 買衣服
Dialogue 1 Looking Around 走走看看
Dialogue 2 Looking for Clothes 找衣服
Dialogue 3 Paying for Clothes at the Check-out Counter 在收銀台付款
Dialogue 4 Returning Clothes at Customer Service 在顧客服務處退衣服
Section 3 Purchasing Other Necessities 購買其他必需品
Dialogue 1 Asking about “Rebate” 詢問返現
Dialogue 2 Testing a Purchase 測試需購買的商品
Dialogue 3 Buying a Computer Accessory 買電腦配件
Dialogue 4 Bargaining討價還價
Chapter 3 At the Apartment 在公寓
Section 1 Having Problems with Apartment Equipment 公寓設備有問題
Dialogue 1 Asking for Equipment Repair and Maintenance 要求設備維修
Dialogue 2 Equipment Problems 常見設備問題
Dialogue 3 Changing the Toilet Lid and Seat 換馬桶蓋和馬桶座
Section 2 Getting Other Services 獲得其他服務
Dialogue 1 Paying Rent 交房租
Dialogue 2 Copying Documents 複印檔案
Dialogue 3 Getting Quarters 換25美分的硬幣
Dialogue 4 Requesting Exterminator 要求滅蟲
Dialogue 5 Catching a Mouse 捉老鼠
Section 3 Having Contacts with Neighbors 和鄰居接觸
Dialogue 1 Talking about the Neighborhood 談論周圍地區
Dialogue 2 Talking about the Property 談論公寓財產
Dialogue 3 Talking about the Building 談論公寓樓
Dialogue 4 Talking about Rules and Regulations 談論規章制度
Dialogue 5 Doing a Favor for Your Neighbor 幫助鄰居
Dialogue 6 Asking a Favor of Your Neighbor 請鄰居幫忙
Chapter 4 Medical Treatment 醫療
Section 1 At the Emergency Room 在急診室
Dialogue 1 At Your Neighbor’s Apartment 在你鄰居的公寓
Dialogue 2 At the Emergency Room 在急診室
Section 2 At the Test Center 在測試中心
Dialogue 1 Blood Work 驗血
Dialogue 2 X-Ray X光
Dialogue 3 Sonogram 超音波圖
Section 3 At the Pharmacy 在藥店
Dialogue 1 At the Drop-off 在投方處
Dialogue 2 At the Pick-up 在取藥處
Section 4 At the Family Doctor’s or Specialist’s Office 在家庭醫生或專科醫生的診所
Dialogue 1 Tooth-Cleaning 洗牙
Dialogue 2 Tooth-Filling 補牙
Dialogue 3 Tooth Treatment 治牙
Dialogue 4 Tooth Extraction 拔牙
Dialogue 5 Dentures 假牙
Chapter 5 Transportation 交通
Dialogue 1 Buying a Senior Smartrip Card 購買老年人智慧卡
Dialogue 2 Adding Value to a Smartrip Card 給智慧卡充值
Chapter 6 At Other Public Places 在其他公共場所
Section 1 At the Bank 在銀行
Dialogue 1 Opening a Bank Account 開銀行賬戶
Dialogue 2 Withdrawing Money 取錢
Dialogue 3 Cashing a Check 兌現支票
Dialogue 4 Exchanging for Foreign Currency 兌換外匯
Dialogue 5 Forgetting PIN Number 忘記密碼
Dialogue 6 Using an ATM to Withdraw Cash 使用自動櫃員機取款
Dialogue 7 About Overdraft and Checkbooks 關於透支和支票本
Section 2 At the Post Office 在郵局
Dialogue 1 Sending an Ordinary Letter 寄一封普通的信
Dialogue 2 Sending Certified Mail 寄掛號信
Dialogue 3 Sending an Express Mail 寄特快郵件
Dialogue 4 Sending a Parcel 寄包裹
Dialogue 5 Holding Mail 保留郵件




