



  • 書名:英語應急寶典·交際口語應急100情景
  • 頁數:427
  • 出版社:大連理工大學出版社
  • 開本:32


出版社: 大連理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年4月1日)
叢書名: 英語應急寶典
平裝: 427頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 7561147015, 9787561147016
條形碼: 9787561147016
尺寸: 18 x 11.2 x 1.8 cm
重量: 299 g




一.人際交往 Social Communication
1. 打招呼和問候 Greetings
2. 相互介紹Introduction
3. 邀請Invitation
4. 約會Appointment
5. 道謝Giving Thanks
6. 讚美Compliment
7. 祝賀與祝願Congratulations and Wishes
8. 抱怨和道歉Complaint and Apologies
9. 安慰與鼓勵 Comfort Encouragement
10. 道別Parting
二. 時尚就餐Dining
12.點菜Ordering Meal
13.就餐Having Meal
14.結帳Paying the Bill
15.提意見 Complaint
三.下榻賓館 Accommodation
16. 登記入住 Check in
17.客房服務Housekeeping Service
18.送餐和叫醒服務Room Service and Wake-up Call
19.延長住宿和退房 Extending Stay and Check out
21. 其他問題Other Problems
四. 快樂購物Shopping
22. 購買服裝Shopping for Clothes
23. 購買食品Shopping for Food
24. 購買家具及電器Shopping for Furniture and Appliance
25. 購買其他物品Shopping for Different Things
26. 相關問題 Related Problems
27. 討價還價 Bargaining
五.銀行理財 In the Bank
28.開戶頭Opening an Account
29. 存款和取款Depositing and Withdrawal
30.兌換貨幣Exchanging Money
31.申請信用卡和個人貸款Applying for a Credit Card and a Personal Loan
32.其他服務Other Services
六. 生病就醫In the Hospital
33.預約看病Making an Appointment
34.就診 Seeing a Doctor
36. 治療 Treatment
37.買藥與服藥說明 Buying Medicine and Introduction
七. 郵政快遞At the Post Office
38. 買郵票和明信片Purchasing Stamps and Post-cards
39. 特快專遞Express Mail Service
40. 寄取包裹Sending and Claiming a Parcel
41. 匯款和取款Sending and Cashing Money
八.美容美髮Haircut and Beautification
42. 理髮和做頭髮Haircut and Setting Hair
43.燙髮和染髮Perming and Dyeing Hair
44.美容與化妝Beautifying and Making up
九. 菁菁校園In the University
45. 新學期開始In the New Term
46. 課程和專業Courses and Specialty
47. 課上和課下In and out of the Class
48. 談論學習 Talking about Study
49. 借閱圖書Checking out
50. 還書Returning Books
51. 出國留學Studying Abroad
十. 人在職場Working
52. 找工作Hunting a Job
53. 預約面試和面試 Making an Appointment and Interview
54. 上班和下班On and off Duty
55. 談論工作Talking about Work
56. 請假Asking for Leave
57. 工作調動Transferring Job
58. 辭職與開除Giving Notice and Getting Fired
十一. 日常交通Transportation
59. 在機場 At the Airport
60. 辦理手續Checking in
61. 在飛機上On Board
62. 機場通關Going through the Customs
63. 乘火車Taking Train
64. 買票Buying Tickets
65. 找座位與換座位Finding and Changing Seats
66. 乘巴士或捷運Taking a Bus or Subway
67. 搭計程車Taking a Taxi
68. 出行問路Asking the Way
十二. 通訊與網路Communications and Internet
69. 查電話號碼Inquiring the Number
70. 打電話和接電話Telephone Call
71. 撥錯電話及留言A Wrong Number and Leaving a Massage
72. 網路與電子郵件 Internet and E-mail
73. 查找信息與聊天 Looking for Information and Chatting
74. 網上購物 Shopping Online
75. 網路無限 Other Activities Online
十三. 休閒活動Leasure Activity
76. 電影與電視Movies and Television
77. 音樂會與看戲Concert and Dramas
78. 跳舞與卡拉OK Dancing and Karaoke
79. 聚會與戶外休閒Parties and Outdoor Relaxation
80. 水上運動Aquatics
81. 其他體育運動Other Sports
82. 看比賽Watching Games
83. 談論自己的愛好Talking about the Favorite
十四. 雜話閒談 Chatting
84. 談論天氣Weather
85. 談論吸菸Smoking
86. 發牢騷Grumbling
87. 旅遊及其他 Traveling and Others
88. 描述人的外表Describing People's Appearance
89. 描述人的性格及其他Talking about People's Personality
90. 描述地點Describing Places
十五. 喜怒哀樂Emotion
91. 高興 Delight
92. 激動 Excitement.
93. 樂觀 Optimism
94. 責備 Blame
95. 厭煩 Boredom
96. 威脅與警告Threat and Warning
97. 生氣和惱怒 Anger and Annoyance
98. 悲觀與失望 Pessimism and Disappointment
99. 恐懼和擔心 Fears and Worrying
100. 後悔與寬慰 Regret and Relief


