



  • 書名:英語學習指導
  • 作者:楊恭才
  • 出版社:人民衛生出版社
  • ISBN:9787117064620


為了更好地使用全國高等職業技術教育衛生部規劃教材《英語》教科書,在教科書的主編和主審的大力支持下編者著手編寫了這本英語學習指導。《全國高等職業技術教育配套教材:英語學習指導(五年一貫制臨床醫學專業用)》,分為50個單元。每個單元分為A、B兩部分。每部分包涵三項內容:Ⅰ:Language points. 主要是針對課本上未注釋而又存在一定難度的語言點給予注釋。 Ⅱ:Key to Exercises. 有的練習題可能有幾種正確答案,編者選擇最通俗,最符合學生水平的一種。Ⅲ:Reference Translation.


Unit 1
Text A The Importance of English
Text B American English and British English
Unit 2
Text A Education -- a Means to an End
Text B Creativity
Unit 3
Text A Something Better than Money
Text B What Money Is For?
Unit 4
Text A Mind Your Manners
Text B Making Friends in the U.S.
Unit 5
Text A Children and Television
Text B Television and American Children
Unit 6
Text A The American Concept of Time
Text B The Value of Time
Unit 7
Text A The Human Brain and Computer
Text B Artificial Intelligence
Unit 8
Text A American Family
Text B Family Life
Unit 9
Text A Jogging
Text B A Healthy Way of Life
Unit 10
Text A Welfare Program
Text B Taxation
Unit 11
Text A Vitamin D
Text B Too Much Vitamin--Harmful
Unit 12
Text A Work and Labour
Text B Attitudes Towards Work
Unit 13
Text A Why Do Women Not Get Sick as Often as Men?
Text B Genes and Cancerous Cells
Unit 14
Text A Happiness Is a Choice
Text B Why Do Americans Keep Animals?
Unit 15
Text A Stress Prevention
Text B The Effects of Noises on Human Health
Unit 16
Text A Endow Your Child with Beauty & Intelligence
Text B Intelligence
Unit 17
Text A Using the Mind Against Disease
Text B The Healing Power of Belief
Unit 18
Text A Is Love the Best Drug?
Text B Anger - Harmful Emotion
Unit 19
Text A Memory
Text B Old Age Trouble
Unit 20
Text A A New Problem for Doctors
Text B Euthanasia: Pros and Cons
Unit 21
Text A Who Are at Fault?
Text B Psychological Care
Unit 22
Text A Viewing VS. Reading
Text B The Pleasure of Reading
Unit 23
Text A Laugh, Teacher, Laugh!
Text B The Personal Qualities of a Teacher
Unit 24
Text A Examinations-Anxiety-makers
Text B Adult Education in the U.S.
Unit 25
Text A Nursing Services in the Future
Text B The New Doctor
Unit 26
Text A How to Live to 100
Text B Never Too Old
Unit 27
Text A Gulf War Syndrome -- A Medical Mystery
Text B Are Mobile Phones Safe?
Unit 28
Text A Diet to Prevent Cancer
Text B Rich Living Brings New disease
Unit 29
Text A The First Woman Doctor in the World
Text B X-rays Penetrating a Century
Unit 30
Text A Computers in Health Care
Text B Computer-based Patient Records
Unit 31
Text A How to Cope With Insomnia
Text B Self-medication
Unit 32
Text A Generation XXL
Text B Obesity - an Issue for Debate
Unit 33
Text A The War Against Stroke
Text B An Effective Method of Relaxing
Unit 34
Text A Diseases Plague Humanity Again
Text B Do You Have Hepatitis C
Unit 35
Text A Four Medical Revolutions
Text B Applied Bionics
Unit 36
Text A The War on Disease Goes Miniature: Nanomedicine
Text B World's First Digital Hospital
Unit 37
Text A New Minimal Invasive Techniques
Text B Mechanical Arm Guides the Surgeon's Hand
Unit 38
Text A A Child Without a Parent
Text B Are Test-tube Babies Risky?
Unit 39
Text A How to Live Like a Millionaire
Text B Childless - And Free
Unit 40
Text A Does Brain Exercise Work
Text B Battling Alzheimer's
Unit 41
Text A The Quest for Artificial Blood
Text B Artificial Skin Goes on Trial
Unit 42
Text A New Weapons Against Pain
Text B Jagged Little Pill
Unit 43
Text A Conversation with a Gorilla
Text B The Cooperative Spirit in the World of Animals
Unit 44
Text A The Pill for Men
Text B Japan May Finally Swallow the Pill
Unit 45
Text A What the Future Has in store
Text B How Gene Transfer May Save Lives?
Unit 46
Text A Thalidomide Is Coming Back
Text B Aspirin: Not Just for Your Heart
Unit 47
Text A AIDS: Global Lessons from a Global Epidemic
Text B The Nation's Worst Public Problem
Unit 48
Text A On the Horizon
Text B Healing the Brain
Unit 49
Text A New Hope for Cancer
Text B Cancer still a Tough Issue to Solve
Unit 50
Text A Reaching Out for World Health
Text B Dial F for Fear


