



  • 中文名:英語口語超基本句-想說就說
  • 作者:伍美嵐
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787313042439


本書以“意念”或“情景”為主線,設定若干章節.內容覆蓋、滲透現實生活的各個方面.每一章節包含若干“超基本句”——一相應“意念”或“情景”中最基本的句子—一最簡單、最實用、最常用!每一“超基本句”在輕快、流暢的“引言”之後設定有:Dialogues(對話)、Other useful expressions(其他常用表達)、Notes(簡訊)、Useful words and phrases(有用的單詞與短語)等欄目。


Ghapter1 見面 告別
1. Hello!
2. Hello! My name is Tao Hong.
3. Nice to meet you.
4. How are you doing?
5. Fine, thank you.
6. Hi, let me introduce myself.
7. Frank, this is my friend, Lucy.
8. What do you do?
9. Nice weather, isn't it?
10. See you!
11. I'll miss you.
Ghapter2 致射 道歉
12. Thank you.that's very kind of you.
13. Thank you for your nice present.
14. You're welcom.
15. I'm sorry I'm late
16. Please forgive/pardon me.
17. I didn't mean to.
18. It doesn't matter
Ghapter3 求助 請求
19. I lost my way.
20. Help!Help!
21. Would you do me a favor, please?
22. Could you speak a little slower?
23. Would you mind waiting a moment?
24. Can I use your bathroom?
25. Can I give you a hand?
26. Can I give you a lift?
Ghapter4 邀請 提供
27. Are you doing anything this evening?
28. Would you like to attend my birthday?
29. How about staying for dinner?
30. Could I buy you a drink?
31. Lunch is on me.
32. Oh, I'd love to.
33. I'm terribly sorry, but I can't make it.
34. What time would be convenient for you?
35. Can we make it a little later
Ghapter5 宴會 聚會
Ghapter6 恭喜 祝福
Ghapter7 稱讚 忠告
Ghapter8 詢問 疑問
Ghapter9 態度 觀點
Ghapter10 情緒 情感
Ghapter11 打電話 接電話
Ghapter12 交通 出入境
Ghapter13 在餐廳
Ghapter14 在酒店
Ghapter15 在商場
Ghapter16 日常生活


