



  • 書名:英語口語話題王(高級)
  • 作者:優尼創新外語研發中心
  • ISBN:978-7-115-38261-0
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2015-06


《英語口語話題王(高級) 》超強覆蓋55個生蒸再精活工作場景,涵蓋約20000個口語句子;匯集高頻率句型600個,精編對話280篇,知識點約3000個;踏埋開心諺語或小故事55個,以幫助讀者深化對英美文化的理解;詳解365個常用單句,精準解釋句型功能,精選高頻對話,助你攻克口語難關




Chapter 1 The Interview 面試
Work Experience 工作經歷
Interests 愛好
Reasons for the Work 求職原因
Educational Experience 教育經歷
Career Objectives 工作目標
Benefits 福利待遇
Searching Job 尋找工作
Going to Work 上班
Chapter 2 Hospitality Customers 接待客戶捆遙記
Meeting Guests 迎接客戶
Introducing Each Other 互相介紹
Visiting a Plant 參觀工廠
Having a Dinner 會餐
Shopping 購物
Accompanied by tourism 陪同觀光
Seeing Foreign Guests Off 送別外賓
Acknowledgement 致謝
Chapter 3 Fashion Shopping時尚購物
Duties of Salesperson 售貨員職責
Purchasing Clothes 買衣服
Purchasing Cosmetics 購買化妝品
Purchasing Jewelry 購買珠寶
Making Bargains 討價還價
Payment 付款
Returning Lost Articles 失阿鑽店辣物招領
Sales Promotion 促銷
Chapter 4 Business Negotiation 商務談判
Negotiate Commissions 談判佣金
Registered Trademark 註冊商標
Negotiation Agent 洽談代理
Goods Negotiations 貨物談判
After-sales Service 售後服務
Claim Damage 索賠
Price Negotiations 磋商價格屑朵棵
Other Negotiations 其他談判
Chapter 5 Forms of Trade 貿易方式
Transfer of Technology 技術轉讓
Compensation Trade補償貿易形式
Joint Venture合資
Commodity Inspection商品檢查
Package Deal 包裝交易
Commercial Transport 運輸
Chapter 6 Daily Association 日常交往
Examine the Market考察市場
Link Contact 接觸聯繫
Help and Advice 幫助和意見
Come to the Party 參加聚會
Making Telephone Calls 打電話
Advertising 做廣告
To Give Comfort 給予安慰
Product Introduction 產品介紹
Chapter 7 Preparing for Your Travel 旅行準備
At the Airport 在機場
The Journey to Chat 旅途聊天
Customs 海關
Getting Ready to Go 準備出發
Book the Ticket 訂機票
Travel Advisory 旅行諮詢
About the luggage 關於行李
After-sales Service 售後服務
Claim Damage 索賠
Price Negotiations 磋商價格
Other Negotiations 其他談判
Chapter 5 Forms of Trade 貿易方式
Transfer of Technology 技術轉讓
Compensation Trade補償貿易形式
Joint Venture合資
Commodity Inspection商品檢查
Package Deal 包裝交易
Commercial Transport 運輸
Chapter 6 Daily Association 日常交往
Examine the Market考察市場
Link Contact 接觸聯繫
Help and Advice 幫助和意見
Come to the Party 參加聚會
Making Telephone Calls 打電話
Advertising 做廣告
To Give Comfort 給予安慰
Product Introduction 產品介紹
Chapter 7 Preparing for Your Travel 旅行準備
At the Airport 在機場
The Journey to Chat 旅途聊天
Customs 海關
Getting Ready to Go 準備出發
Book the Ticket 訂機票
Travel Advisory 旅行諮詢
About the luggage 關於行李


