- 書名:英語作為第二語言或外語的教學
- 作者:(美)塞爾斯-穆爾西亞(Marianne Celce-Murcia)
- 原版名稱:Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language
- ISBN:9787560058283,7560058280
- 頁數:584頁
- 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
- 出版時間:2006年8月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
- 尺寸:23.2 x 18.6 x 2.8 cm
- 重量:998 g
- 叢書名:聖智英語教師叢書
- 正文語種:英語
UNIT I Teaching Methodology
Language Teaching Approaches: An Overview
Marianne Celce-Murcia
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) for the Twenty-First Century
SandraJ. Savignon
Guidelines for Language Classroom Instruction
Graham Crookes. Craig Chaudron
English for Specific Purposes (ESP): Tailoring Courses to Student Needs——
and to the Outside World
Ann M. Johns. Donna Price-Machado
Syllabus Design
David Nunan
UNIT II Language Skills
A. Listening
Aural Comprehension Instruction: Principles and Practices
Joan Morley
Skills and Strategies for Proficient Listening
Pat Wilcox Peterson
B. Speaking
Teaching Oral Skills
Anne Lazaraton
Teaching Pronunciation
Janet Goodwin
Developing Children''s Listening and Speaking in ESL
Sabrina Peck
C. Reading
Teaching Children Literacy Skills in a Second Language
Anne Ediger
Developing Adult kiteracies
Gall Weinstein
Reading for Academic Purposes: Guidelines for the ESL/EFL Teacher
William Grabe Fredricka L. Stoller
D. Writing
Functional Tasks for Mastering the Mechanics of Writing and Going Just Beyond
Elite Olshtain
Considerations for Teaching an ESL/EFL Writing Course
Barbara Kroll
Grammar in Writing
Jan Frodesen
E. Grammar and Vocabulary
Teaching Grammar
Diane Larsen-Freeman
Cognitive Approaches to Grammar Instruction
Sandra Fotos
Vocabulary Learning and Teaching
Jeanette s. DeCarrico
UNIT III Integrated Approaches
Content-Based and Immersion Models for Second and Foreign Language Teaching
Marguerite Ann Snow
Literature as Content for ESL/EFL
Sandra Lee McKay
Experiential and Negotiated Language Learning
Janet L. Eyring
Bilingual Approaches to Language Learning
Mary McGroarty
UNIT IV Focus on the Learner
Language Learning Styles and Strategies
Rebecca L. Oxford
Supporting Second Language Children''s Content Learning
and Language Development in K-5
Barbara Hawkins
Teaching Adults
Sharon Hilles .Andre Sutton
UNIT V Skills for Teachers
Planning Lessons
Linda Jensen
Textbooks: Evaluation for Selection and Analysis for Implementation
Patricia Byrd
When the Teacher Is a Non-Native Speaker
Peter Medgyes
Building Awareness and Practical Skills to Facilitate Cross-Cultural Communication
Eli Hinkel
The Use of Media in Language Teaching
Donna M. Brinton
Computers in Language Teaching
Maggie Sokolik
Action Research, Teacher Research, and Classroom Research in Language Teaching
Kathleen M. Bailey
Reflective Teaching in ELT
John M. Murphy
Second Language Assessment
Andrew D. Cohen
Keeping Up to Date as an ESL or EFL Professional
JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall