



  • 書名:英美報刊選讀
  • 作者王若維
  • ISBN:9787560938264 [十位:7560938264]
  • 頁數:247
  • 定價:¥24.80
  • 出版社華中科技大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2006年09月
  •  重約:0.318KG




Unit One
Text A Italy's Golden Moment
Text B Hail to the Kings
報刊英語常識 閱讀英文報刊文章的技巧
Unit Two
Text A Jesus-Judas Manuscript Is Genuine,but is Its Story True?
Text B Taking Stock
報刊英語常識 英美報刊的起源、外形特徵和版面安排
Unit Three
Text A Why the Tax System Keeps Getting More Complex
Text B Data to Determine WalI Street's Next Move
報刊英語常識 英文報紙標題語法
Unit Four
Text A Health Care:It's All About the Benjamins
Text B New Secrets for YouthfuI Skin
報刊英語常識 英美報紙的傳統分類
Unit Five
Text A Any Time,Any Place,Anywhere
Text B Putting Tolerance to the Test
報刊英語常識 新聞及新聞要素
Unit Six
Text A Blair-Bush Deal Before Iraq War Revealed in Secret Memo
Text B People Trapped Inside Suffocated and Died
報刊英語常識 新聞來源和世界五大通訊社
Unit Seven
Text A Can Madonna Beat Guy at His Own Game?
Text B Shanghai Surprise
報刊英語常識 報紙的頭版
Unit Eight
Text A At Last,Holiday Insurance That Dares to Take on the Risk of Terrorism
Text B He Likes Bookshops but Prefers to Talk AIbums
報刊英語常識 報刊英語中常見的特殊用詞(一)
Unit Nine
Text A Pesticides Kill
Text B The Third Wave—at a Computer Near You
報刊英語常識 報刊英語中常見的特殊用詞(二)
Unit Ten
Text A“We Want to Teach People to Dream Again”
Text B Silence in C:lass
報刊英語常識 新聞的導語
Unit Eleven
Text A How Cl imate Change Could Ruin Economy
Text B Hot Times All Around
報刊英語常識 報刊英語的句法特點
Unit Twelve
Text A The New Megalopol is
Text B How Population Lies
報刊英語常識 約瑟夫·普利茲普利茲獎
Unit Thirteen
Text A Art:Weaving Art and Winemaking as One
Text B International Artists Make TaP Their Own
Unit Fourteen
Text A Is Party Over for Onl ine Gambl ing?
Text B Why Does Private Data Wind Up on Laptops?
Unit Fiffeen
Text A Surprising Jump in Tax Revenues Is Curbing Deficit
Text B In Putin We Trust?
Unit Sixteen
Text A What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage
Text B Forget the Second Helpings It's the First Ones That Count


