《劍橋國際英語詞典》所利用的語料庫的規模是科林斯詞典(初版)的5倍,達一億詞次,這個被稱為“劍橋語言調查”(CAMBRIDGE LANGUAGE SURVEY)的語料庫不但包羅了以英語為本族語的人們的地道的書面語、口語、俚語等不同文體形式的表達方式,而且包括了多個地域和國家的英語,如美國英語、澳大利亞英語和加拿大英語等,能反映上述各國英語和英語中各種方言在表達上的異同,因而,它所反映的語言現象無疑更正確、更真實,更具有全球性。?
snipe SHOOT /snaip/v. [I] to shoot at someone from a position where you cannot be seen, or (fig) to criticize someone unpleasantly
由英語導向詞SHOOT,讀者可理解到snipe是SHOOT的同義詞,可能比 SHOOT更具體。接著看釋義:to shoot at someone from a position where you cannot be seen,就能理解snipe表示一種射擊的方式,含有“偷偷摸摸”地射擊的意義。後面的(fig)表示“喻義”,從to criticize someone unpleasantly 可以理解snipe表示用一種令人不快的方式來批評別人。
在所收詞條中,有不少反映新科技或時代風尚的新詞,如:car?jacking(劫車),global warming(全球性升溫),multimedia(多媒體),hand?held(手掌上的),video conferencing(遠程電視會議),VCR (video cassette recorder攝像機),blank videos(空白的攝像磁帶),video arcade (a place where there are machines on which video games can be played when money is put into the machine(設有投幣電子遊戲機的商店或遊樂場)等。?
gear/.../ n. 1. An apparatus,esp. one consisting of a set of toothed wheels, that allows power to be passed from one part of a machine to another so as to control the power,speed,or direction of movement... 2. (a) A set of equipment or tools, esp. used for a particular purpose (b) Clothing or an article of clothing,esp. for a particular purpose...?
gear/.../ v. To allow to be dependent on or influenced by ?這對於讀者檢索多有不便。而本詞典的處理方法使讀者能一目了然:?
gear [ENGINE PART]/.../n. ...?
gear (obj)[MAKE READY]/.../v. ...?
gear[EQUIPMENT]/.../n. [U]...?
camping /fishing /walking gear?
police in riot gear [protective clothing]?
When riding a bicycle,you should wear the proper headgear [protection for your head].
She spends a lot an clothes and alway wears the latest gear.[Extended meaning]