英文短篇哲理詩101首漢譯並注(英漢雙語)(101 English Short Philosophical Poems, Their Chinese Translations, and Annotations)(Bilingual Edition of English and Chinese)一本書的譯註者從各類英文媒體中選出了101首短篇哲理詩,這些詩篇幅短小,從不同的側面映射出一定的哲理,讀後令人若有所思。譯註者盡最大可能在照顧到原詩的“意義”和“意象”的基礎上,對英文原詩加以漢譯,皆為全新的漢譯。
SHAN Chang, born in 1971, is now a professor and vice-director of Bohai University Research and Teaching Institute of College Foreign Languages, and she is also an instructor of post-graduate students. She has got a master's degree in the English language and literature. At present, besides teaching, she undertakes the research of English poetry, translation, and English education. She has published an academic book entitled "Studies on John Donne's Poetry" and co-authored the book "An Appreciation of Five-character Quatrains from Tang Dynasty and an Exploration of Their English Translation (Part 1/2)" (As the first author). Prof. Shan has got the title of the "2 Group of Core Teachers in Bohai University" and for two times the reward of "1 Prize in Academic Papers Sponsored by Jinzhou City Association of Social Science".此圖為書的封面折頁
WANG Yong-sheng (1967- ), an associate professor of Bohai University, mainly undertakes such professional researches as in the theory and practice of E-C/C-E translation, rhetoric, lexicology, film literature, cultural comparison between China and English-speaking countries, etc.
Thomas Hardy (1840—1928), an English novelist and poet. Much of his work deals with the struggle against the indifferent force that inflicts the sufferings and ironies of life. Notable novels: The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891), andJude the Obscure (1896).
1. funeral: Noun a ceremony in which a dead person is buried or cremated葬禮
2. bear: Verb (of a person) carry(人)攜帶;拿
3. procession: Noun a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony or festival(尤指作為儀式、慶祝的)遊行隊伍;行列(e.g. a funeral procession送葬行列)
4. stranger: Noun a person who does not know, or is not known in, a particular place or community外地人;異鄉人;來客(e.g. I'm a stranger in these parts. 我在這些地方人地生疏。)
5. sweep: Verb (of a person) move in a confident and stately manner(人)昂首闊步地走(e.g. She swept magnificently from the hall. 她昂首闊步地從大廳里走出來。)
6. kindred: Noun [in sing.] [treated as pl.] one's family and relations親戚;親屬
7. gown: Noun a long dress, typically having a close-fitting bodice and a flared or flowing skirt, worn on formal occasions(尤指正式場合穿著的有緊身胸衣和舒展長裙的)長禮服;裙服(e.g. a silk ball gown一件絲綢的舞會袍)
8. garish: Adjective (derogatory) obtrusively bright and showy; lurid(貶義用法)過於耀眼花哨的;絢麗的(e.g. garish shirts in all sorts of colours各種顏色的花哨襯衫)
9. dye: Noun [mass noun] a natural or synthetic substance used to add a colour to or change the colour of something染料
11. attire: Noun [mass noun] clothes, especially fine or formal ones(尤指華麗或正式的)服裝;盛裝(e.g. the usually sober attire of British security service personnel通常為暗色調的英國保全人員服裝)
12. whilst = while
13. consume: Verb (especially of a fire) completely destroy(尤指火)毀滅;燒毀;盪盡(e.g. The fire spread rapidly, consuming many homes. 火勢蔓延得很快,燒毀了許多住宅。)