



  • 書名:英文報刊文章選讀(第二版)
  • 作者:范廣麗 宋長來
  • ISBN:9787566313072
  • 定價:29.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015.5
  • 開本:185mm×260mm/
  • 字數:374千字




Unit 1 Features1
Passage 1 Fuel Costs Could End Cheap Flight Era1
Passage 2 The Tories’ Psychosis over Europe Is Leading Them to Disaster8
Passage 3 Dying with Debt: A Dirty Little Retirement Secret14
Unit 2 Traveling21
Passage 4 Motoring around Britain21
Passage 5 Losing Oneself in Bermuda28
Passage 6 The First Resort35
Unit 3 Life43
Passage 7 Loose Lips Sink Shifts43
Passage 8 If Only the Dollar Were Stronger49
Passage 9 Women Find a Space of Their Own with Mom Caves54
Unit 4 Culture61
Passage 10 Do Different Languages Confer Different Personalities?61
Passage 11 Homeland Finds a Motto: “You Sound Like You’re High”68
Passage 12 Return of the Queen74
Unit 5 Sports83
Passage 13 Russia Eyes Waiving Visas for English Fans83
Passage 14 One Club Wants to Use a Gene-Test to Spot the New Ronaldo.
Is This Football’s Future89
Passage 15 After a Plenty of Pain, Finally a Gain95
Unit 6 Environment103
Passage 16 When Nature Is Nurture103
Passage 17 Lost in the Concrete Jungle108
Passage 18 On the Move114
Unit 7 Education123
Passage 19 What’s New at the E-Library123
Passage 20 A World View Must Be Part of School Culture129
Passage 21 Balancing Prestige and Debt in Choosing a College135
Unit 8 Health143
Passage 22 Are Vaccines the Answer to Addiction143
Passage 23 Government Warned on DIY Cancer Treatments149
Passage 24 Obsessive Thoughts: A Darker Side of OCD155
Key to the Exercises163

