- 中文名:英國浪漫主義者詩論
- 作者:袁憲軍
- 類別:文學類圖書
- 出版社:福建教育出版社
- 出版時間:2021年11月
- 開本:32 開
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
- ISBN:9787533477066
Preface .......... 1
William Blake .......... 5
A Vision of the Last Judgment .......... 5
The Ancient Britons .......... 19
On Homer's Poetry.......... 24
William Wordsworth .......... 26
Preface to Lyrical Ballads, with Pastoral and Other Poems (1802) .......... 2 6
Preface to Poems (1815) .......... 50
Essay, Supplementary to the Preface (1815).......... 66
Samuel Taylor Coleridge .......... 93
BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA (1817) .......... 93
CHAPTER XII .......... 93
CHAPTER XⅢ .......... 123
CHAPTERXIV .......... 131
CHAPTER XV.......... 138
CHAPTERXVII.......... 145
CHAPTER XVⅢ.......... 159
On the Principles of Genial Criticism (Essay Third).......... 182
Agreeable .......... 182
Beautiful.......... 183
Recapitulation.......... 187
Thomas Love Peacock.......... 192
The Four Ages of Poetry (1820).......... 192
Percy Bysshe Shelley.......... 207
A Defence of Poetry.......... 207
John Keats.......... 239
Letters.......... 239
To Benjamin Bailey, 22nd November 1817.......... 239
To George and Tom Keats, 21st December 1817.......... 242
To John Hamilton Reynolds, 3rd February 1818.......... 242
To John Hamilton Reynolds, 19th February 1818.......... 248
To James Augustus Hessey, 9th Cotober 1818.......... 250
To Richard Woodhouse, 27th October 1818.......... 251
To George and Georgiana Keats, 16th December 1818.......... 253
To George and Georgiana Keats, 19th March 1819.......... 254
To Percy Bysshe Shelley, 16th August 1820.......... 256
William Hazlitt.......... 258
The Spirit of the Age or Contemporary Portraits.......... 258
Mr Coleridge.......... 258
Sir Walter Scott.......... 269
Lord Byron.......... 281
Mr Southey.......... 293
Mr Wordsworth.......... 302