苗連英: (1966.11-),女,山東莘縣人,教授,博士生導師,中國礦業大學運籌學與控制論研究所所長,校學術帶頭人,校百佳本科教學教師,徐州市“巾幗建功”先進個人,中國運籌學會圖論分會理事,曾獲中國科學院獎學金。獲中國礦業大學校級優秀教學成果三等獎一項,指導的本科生的畢業論文獲江蘇省普通高等學校本專科優秀畢業設計(論文)三等獎一項,主講的《運籌學》被評為校級精品課程,主持2014年度江蘇省研究生教育教學改革研究與實踐課題一項,主持2014年精品資源共享課課題一項。主編《圖論及其算法》、《運籌學》教材2部。
- 中文名:苗連英
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1966年
- 畢業院校:聊城師範大學
- 任職院校:中國礦業大學
近年來已陸續在J.Graph Theory;European Journal of Combinatorics;Discrete Mathematics;Ars Combinatoria;Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series;International Journal of Computer Mathematics;Journal of Systems Science and Complexity等國內外核心期刊發表SCI論文27篇。發表教學法論文4篇。
1. LianyingMiao,Shiyou Pang,Fang Liu,Eryan Wang,Xiaoqing Guo On the extremal values of the eccentric distance sum of trees with a given domination numberDiscrete Applied Mathematics,Volume 229,1 October 2017,Pages 113-120
2. LianyingMiao,Qingbo SunOn the size of critical graphs with maximum degree 8Discrete Mathematics,Volume 310, Issues 15–16,28 August 2010,Pages 2215-2218
3. LianyingMiao,Shiyou PangOn the size of edge-coloring critical graphs with maximum degree 4Discrete Mathematics,Volume 308, Issue 23,6 December 2008,Pages 5856-5859
4. LianyingMiao,Jibin Qu,Qingbo SunOn the average degree of critical graphs with maximum degree sixDiscrete Mathematics,Volume 311, Issue 21,6 November 2011,Pages 2574-2576
5. LianyingMiao,Qianqiu Cao,Na Cui,Shiyou PangOn the extremal values of the eccentric distance sum of treesDiscrete Applied Mathematics,Volume 186,11 May 2015,Pages 199-206
6. Liao-ying Miao,Shi-you Pang,Jiang-liang Wu,An Upper Bound on the Number of Edges of Edge-Coloring Critical Graphs with High Maximum Degree,Descrete Mathematics,Vol.271,2003,321~325
7. Lian-ying Miao,Jian-liang Wu,Edge-Coloring Critical Graphs with High Degree,Descrete Mathematics,Vol.257,Issue 1,6 November 2002,169~172
8. Lian-ying Miao,Gui-zhen Liu,Edge-Covering Coloring and Fractional Edge-Covering Coloring,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2002,Vol. 15,No.2,187~193
9. Lian-ying Miao,A Sufficient Condition of the Four Color Theorem,J. Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,34(2000),pp. 203~206
10. Miao Lian-ying,Liu Gui-zhen,An Extension of One Theorem of Critical Edge-Chromatic Graphs,套用數學,12卷第3期,1999,67~71 (MR:2000g:05066)
11. Wu Jian-liang,Miao Lian-ying,The Linear Arboricity of Graphs,數學進展,27卷第6期,1998,561~562
12. Pang Shi-you,Miao Lian-ying,On Some Results of Critical Edge-Chromatic Graphs,數學進展,28卷第1期,1999,81~82
13. Miao Lian-ying,Pang Shi-you,Edge-Covering Coloring,數學雜誌,21⑷(2001),368-372