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  • 中文名:苗曉東 
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:山西平遙
  • 出生日期:1975年8月
  • 畢業院校內布拉斯加大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:乾旱區和冰凍區地貌與第四紀地質,氣候與環境演變


1993.09-1997.07,南京大學城市與資源學系(地理系提蘭獄阿), 地貌學與第四紀地嘗肯質學專業,獲理學學士學位
2018.05-起, 臨沂大學資源環境學院,教授。


Miao, X.-D., P.R. Hanson, C.J. Stohr, H. Wang. 2019. Evidence Supporting Holocene Loess in Illinois with New Proxy Data and Historical, Regional Perspectives on Loess Deposition in the Upper Mississippi River Valley. Quaternary Science Reviews 216, 119-123
Liu, X. J., Lu, C., An, F., Miao, X.-D, E, Ch.Y., 2019. Downwind aeolian sediment accumulations associated with lake-level variations of the Qinghai Lake during the Holocene, Northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences 78. 19. 10.1007/s12665-018-8025-y1.
Chen, T.Y., Lai, Z.P, Liu, S.W., Wang, Y.X., Wang, Zh.-T., Miao, X.-D., An, F.Y., Yu, L.P., Han, F.Q. 2019. Luminescence chronology and palaeoenvironmental significance of limnic relics from the Badain Jaran Desert, northern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.03.024.
Miao, X.-D., P.R. Hanson, C.J. Stohr, H. Wang. Holocene loess in Illinois revealed by OSL dating: Implications for stratigraphy and geoarchaeology of the Midwest United States. Quaternary Science Reviews 200, 253-261
Xu, S.-J., Jia, G.-J, Kong, F.-B, Ni, Z.-C., Miao, X.-D., 2018. An integrated OSL chronology, sedimentology and geochemical approach to loess deposits from Tuoji Island, Shandong Province: Implications for the late quaternary paleoenvironment in East China. Aeolian Research 31:105~116
賈廣菊, 徐樹建, 孔凡彪, Miao, X.-D, 2017. 山東大黑山島北莊黃土沉積特她蒸章征及其環境演變. 第四紀研究,37,522-534
Miao, X.-D., H. Wang, P.R.Hanson, J.A.Mason, X.-D. Liu. 2016. A new method to constrain soil development time using both OSL and radiocarbon dating. Geoderma. 261, 93-100
Miao, X.–D., Lasemi, Z., Mikulic, D.G., Falter, M., 2016. Directory of Illinois Mineral Producers and Maps of Extraction Sites. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 584, 51P.
Albani, S., Mahowald, N. M., Winckler, G., Anderson, R. F., Bradtmiller, L. I., Delmonte, B., François, R., Goman, M., Heavens, N. G., Hesse, P. P., Hovan, S. A., Kohfeld, K. E., Lu, H., Maggi, V., Mason, J. A., Mayewski, P. A., McGee, D., Miao, X.-D., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Perry, A. T., Pourmand, A., Roberts, H. M., Rosenbloom, N., Stevens, T., and Sun, J., 2015. Twelve thousand years of dust: the Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives, Clim. Past Discuss., 10, 4277-4363, doi:10.5194/cpd-10-4277-2014.http://www.clim-past-discuss.net/10/4277/2014/cpd-10-4277-2014.html
Wang, H., Stumpf, A.J., Miao, X.-D., 2013. Reply to comments by Curry et al. (2013) on “Atmospheric changes in North America during the last deglaciation from dune-wetland records in the Midwestern United States”. Quaternary Science Reviews 80, 200-203
Wang, H., Stumpf, A.J., Miao, X.-D., Lowell, T.V., 2012. Atmospheric changes in North America during the last deglaciation from dune-wetland records in the Midwestern United States. Quaternary Science Reviews. 58, 124-134
Mason, J.A., Swinehart, J.B., Hanson, P.R., Loope, D.B., Goble, R.J., Miao, X.-D., and R. Schmeisser. 2011. Late Pleistocene Dune Activity in the Central Great Plains, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews. 30, 3858-3870
Anderson, R.C., and Miao, X.-D., 2011, Surficial Geology of Henry County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Henry County-SG, 1:62,500, report, 4 p. Description: One 42 × 35 map sheet contains map and legends; report contains descriptive text with 3 tables.
Lu, H., Mason, J. A., Stevens, T., Zhou, Y., Yi, S. and Miao, X.-D., 2011, Response of surface processes to climatic change in the dunefields and Loess Plateau of North China during the late Quaternary. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36: 1590–1603.doi: 10.1002/esp.2168
Miao, X.-D., Hanson, P.R., Wang, H. and Young, A.R., 2010. Timing and origin for sand dunes in the Green River Lowland of Illinois, upper Mississippi River Valley, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 763-773
Miao, X.-D., Lindsey, D.A., Lai, Z., and Liu, X., 2010. Contingency table analysis of pebble lithology and roundness: A case study of Huangshui River, China and comparison to rivers in the Rocky Mountains, USA. Sedimentary Geology 224, 49-53.
Mason , J.A., Lu, H.Y., Zhou, Y.L. Miao, X.-D., Swinehart, J.B., Liu, Z., Goble, R.J., and Yi, S. 2009. Dune mobility and aridity at the desert margin of northern China at a time of peak monsoon strength. Geology 37:947-950
Miao, X.-D., Lu, H.Y., Li, Z., Cao, G.C., 2008. Paleocurrent and fabric analyses of the imbricated fluvial gravel deposits in Huangshui Valley, the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 99, 1-4, 433-442.
周亞利, 鹿化煜, J.A.Mason, 苗曉東.J.B., Swinehart. R.J. Goble, 2008. 渾善達克沙地的光釋光年代序列與全新世氣候變化.中國科學D輯2008(4)
Mason, J.A., Swinehart, J.B., Lu, H.Y., Miao, X.-D., Cha, P., Zhou, Y.L., 2008. Limited change in dune mobility in response to a large decrease in wind power in semi-arid northern China since the 1970s. Geomorphology 102, 3-4, 351-362.
Mason, J.A., Miao, X.-D., Hanson, P.R., Johnson, W.C., Jacobs, P.M., and Goble, R.J., 2008. Loess record of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition on the northern and central Great Plains, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, 1772-1783.
Miao, X.-D., Mason, J.A., Johnson, W.C., Wang, H., 2007. High-resolution proxy record of Holocene climate from a loess section in Southwestern Nebraska, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 245, 368-381.
Miao, X.-D., Mason, J.A., J.B. Swinehart, D.B., Loope, Hanson, P.R., Goble, R.J., Liu, X.-D. 2007. A 10,000-year record of dune activity, dust storms, and drought in the central Great Plains. Geology 35, 119-122.
Miao, X.-D., Wang, X.L., Mason, J.A., 2006. Isolation of the syndepositional magnetic susceptibility signals from loessic paleosols of China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 27, 684-690.
Wang, X.L. and Miao, X.-D., 2006. Weathering history indicated by the luminescence emissions in Chinese loess and paleosol. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 1719-1726
Lu, H.Y., Vandenberghe, J., Miao, X.-D., Tan, H.B., Ma, H.Z., 2006. Evidence for an abrupt climatic reversal during the Last Interglacial on the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International , 154-155, 136-140.
弋雙文.鹿化煜.周亞利.苗曉東 2006 晚第四紀科爾沁沙地乾濕變化的黃土記錄 -中國沙漠 (6)
周亞利,鹿化煜,張家富,周力平,苗曉東,Mason, J.A高精度光釋光測年揭示的晚第四紀毛烏素和渾善達克沙地沙丘的固定與活化過程. 中國沙漠2005年3期
Lu, H.Y., Miao, X.-D., Zhou Y.-L, Mason J.A. Swinehart, J.B., Zhang, J.F., Zhou, L.P., Yi, S.W., 2005. Late Quaternary aeolian activity in the Mu Us and Otindag sand-fields (north China) and lagged response to insolation forcing. Geophysical Research Letters. VOL. 32, L21716, doi:10.1029/2005GL024560
Miao, X.-D., Mason, J.A., Goble, R.J., Hanson, P.R., 2005. Loess record of dry climate and eolian activity in the early to mid-Holocene, central Great Plains, North America. The Holocene, 15, 339-346.
Miao, X.-D., Sun, Y.B., Lu, H.Y., Mason, J.A., 2004. Spatial pattern of grain size in the Late Tertiary ‘Red Clay’ deposits (North China) indicates transport by low-level northerly winds. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 206, 149-155.
Lu, H.Y., Wang, X.Y., An, Z.S., Miao, X.-D., Zhu, R.X., Ma, H.Z., Li, Z., Tan, H.B., Wang, X.Y., 2004. Geomorphologic evidence of phased uplift of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 14 million years ago. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences. 47, 822-833.
Mason, J.A., Jacobs, P.M., Hanson, P.R., Miao, X.-D., Goble, R.J. Sources and Paleoclimatic Significance of Holocene Bignell Loess, Central Great Plains. Quaternary Research, 2003, 60, 330-339.
鹿化煜,苗曉東,孫有斌. 前處理步驟與方法對風成紅粘土粒度測量的影響. 海洋地質與第四紀地質, 2002年3期
Song, Y.G., Fang, X.M., Li, J.J., An, Z.S., Miao, X.-D., 2001. The Late Cenozoic uplift of the Liupan Shan,China. Science in China, Series D-Earth Sciences, 44 supp, 176-184.
賴忠平,苗曉東,周杰,張景昭. 2001. 沙漠黃土邊界帶風成沙再生法單片技術等效劑量分布. 核技術, 12期
苗曉東,孫有斌,鹿化煜. 2001. 黃土高原晚上新世紅粘土粒度的空間變化. 沉積學報2期


1、 中國科學院王寬誠科研獎金項目,中國科學院地球環境研究所。2010年
2、Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student. Geography Departmental Award 2004-2, The Holocene, 14, (2005) pp. 339-346. One graduate student is awarded among over 90 graduate students in the department. Geography Departmental Award 2004-2005, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2004年
Xu, S.-J., Jia, G.-J, Kong, F.-B, Ni, Z.-C., Miao, X.-D., 2018. An integrated OSL chronology, sedimentology and geochemical approach to loess deposits from Tuoji Island, Shandong Province: Implications for the late quaternary paleoenvironment in East China. Aeolian Research 31:105~116
賈廣菊, 徐樹建, 孔凡彪, Miao, X.-D, 2017. 山東大黑山島北莊黃土沉積特徵及其環境演變. 第四紀研究,37,522-534
Miao, X.-D., H. Wang, P.R.Hanson, J.A.Mason, X.-D. Liu. 2016. A new method to constrain soil development time using both OSL and radiocarbon dating. Geoderma. 261, 93-100
Miao, X.–D., Lasemi, Z., Mikulic, D.G., Falter, M., 2016. Directory of Illinois Mineral Producers and Maps of Extraction Sites. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 584, 51P.
Albani, S., Mahowald, N. M., Winckler, G., Anderson, R. F., Bradtmiller, L. I., Delmonte, B., François, R., Goman, M., Heavens, N. G., Hesse, P. P., Hovan, S. A., Kohfeld, K. E., Lu, H., Maggi, V., Mason, J. A., Mayewski, P. A., McGee, D., Miao, X.-D., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Perry, A. T., Pourmand, A., Roberts, H. M., Rosenbloom, N., Stevens, T., and Sun, J., 2015. Twelve thousand years of dust: the Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives, Clim. Past Discuss., 10, 4277-4363, doi:10.5194/cpd-10-4277-2014.http://www.clim-past-discuss.net/10/4277/2014/cpd-10-4277-2014.html
Wang, H., Stumpf, A.J., Miao, X.-D., 2013. Reply to comments by Curry et al. (2013) on “Atmospheric changes in North America during the last deglaciation from dune-wetland records in the Midwestern United States”. Quaternary Science Reviews 80, 200-203
Wang, H., Stumpf, A.J., Miao, X.-D., Lowell, T.V., 2012. Atmospheric changes in North America during the last deglaciation from dune-wetland records in the Midwestern United States. Quaternary Science Reviews. 58, 124-134
Mason, J.A., Swinehart, J.B., Hanson, P.R., Loope, D.B., Goble, R.J., Miao, X.-D., and R. Schmeisser. 2011. Late Pleistocene Dune Activity in the Central Great Plains, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews. 30, 3858-3870
Anderson, R.C., and Miao, X.-D., 2011, Surficial Geology of Henry County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Henry County-SG, 1:62,500, report, 4 p. Description: One 42 × 35 map sheet contains map and legends; report contains descriptive text with 3 tables.
Lu, H., Mason, J. A., Stevens, T., Zhou, Y., Yi, S. and Miao, X.-D., 2011, Response of surface processes to climatic change in the dunefields and Loess Plateau of North China during the late Quaternary. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36: 1590–1603.doi: 10.1002/esp.2168
Miao, X.-D., Hanson, P.R., Wang, H. and Young, A.R., 2010. Timing and origin for sand dunes in the Green River Lowland of Illinois, upper Mississippi River Valley, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 763-773
Miao, X.-D., Lindsey, D.A., Lai, Z., and Liu, X., 2010. Contingency table analysis of pebble lithology and roundness: A case study of Huangshui River, China and comparison to rivers in the Rocky Mountains, USA. Sedimentary Geology 224, 49-53.
Mason , J.A., Lu, H.Y., Zhou, Y.L. Miao, X.-D., Swinehart, J.B., Liu, Z., Goble, R.J., and Yi, S. 2009. Dune mobility and aridity at the desert margin of northern China at a time of peak monsoon strength. Geology 37:947-950
Miao, X.-D., Lu, H.Y., Li, Z., Cao, G.C., 2008. Paleocurrent and fabric analyses of the imbricated fluvial gravel deposits in Huangshui Valley, the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 99, 1-4, 433-442.
周亞利, 鹿化煜, J.A.Mason, 苗曉東.J.B., Swinehart. R.J. Goble, 2008. 渾善達克沙地的光釋光年代序列與全新世氣候變化.中國科學D輯2008(4)
Mason, J.A., Swinehart, J.B., Lu, H.Y., Miao, X.-D., Cha, P., Zhou, Y.L., 2008. Limited change in dune mobility in response to a large decrease in wind power in semi-arid northern China since the 1970s. Geomorphology 102, 3-4, 351-362.
Mason, J.A., Miao, X.-D., Hanson, P.R., Johnson, W.C., Jacobs, P.M., and Goble, R.J., 2008. Loess record of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition on the northern and central Great Plains, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, 1772-1783.
Miao, X.-D., Mason, J.A., Johnson, W.C., Wang, H., 2007. High-resolution proxy record of Holocene climate from a loess section in Southwestern Nebraska, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 245, 368-381.
Miao, X.-D., Mason, J.A., J.B. Swinehart, D.B., Loope, Hanson, P.R., Goble, R.J., Liu, X.-D. 2007. A 10,000-year record of dune activity, dust storms, and drought in the central Great Plains. Geology 35, 119-122.
Miao, X.-D., Wang, X.L., Mason, J.A., 2006. Isolation of the syndepositional magnetic susceptibility signals from loessic paleosols of China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 27, 684-690.
Wang, X.L. and Miao, X.-D., 2006. Weathering history indicated by the luminescence emissions in Chinese loess and paleosol. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 1719-1726
Lu, H.Y., Vandenberghe, J., Miao, X.-D., Tan, H.B., Ma, H.Z., 2006. Evidence for an abrupt climatic reversal during the Last Interglacial on the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International , 154-155, 136-140.
弋雙文.鹿化煜.周亞利.苗曉東 2006 晚第四紀科爾沁沙地乾濕變化的黃土記錄 -中國沙漠 (6)
周亞利,鹿化煜,張家富,周力平,苗曉東,Mason, J.A高精度光釋光測年揭示的晚第四紀毛烏素和渾善達克沙地沙丘的固定與活化過程. 中國沙漠2005年3期
Lu, H.Y., Miao, X.-D., Zhou Y.-L, Mason J.A. Swinehart, J.B., Zhang, J.F., Zhou, L.P., Yi, S.W., 2005. Late Quaternary aeolian activity in the Mu Us and Otindag sand-fields (north China) and lagged response to insolation forcing. Geophysical Research Letters. VOL. 32, L21716, doi:10.1029/2005GL024560
Miao, X.-D., Mason, J.A., Goble, R.J., Hanson, P.R., 2005. Loess record of dry climate and eolian activity in the early to mid-Holocene, central Great Plains, North America. The Holocene, 15, 339-346.
Miao, X.-D., Sun, Y.B., Lu, H.Y., Mason, J.A., 2004. Spatial pattern of grain size in the Late Tertiary ‘Red Clay’ deposits (North China) indicates transport by low-level northerly winds. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 206, 149-155.
Lu, H.Y., Wang, X.Y., An, Z.S., Miao, X.-D., Zhu, R.X., Ma, H.Z., Li, Z., Tan, H.B., Wang, X.Y., 2004. Geomorphologic evidence of phased uplift of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 14 million years ago. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences. 47, 822-833.
Mason, J.A., Jacobs, P.M., Hanson, P.R., Miao, X.-D., Goble, R.J. Sources and Paleoclimatic Significance of Holocene Bignell Loess, Central Great Plains. Quaternary Research, 2003, 60, 330-339.
鹿化煜,苗曉東,孫有斌. 前處理步驟與方法對風成紅粘土粒度測量的影響. 海洋地質與第四紀地質, 2002年3期
Song, Y.G., Fang, X.M., Li, J.J., An, Z.S., Miao, X.-D., 2001. The Late Cenozoic uplift of the Liupan Shan,China. Science in China, Series D-Earth Sciences, 44 supp, 176-184.
賴忠平,苗曉東,周杰,張景昭. 2001. 沙漠黃土邊界帶風成沙再生法單片技術等效劑量分布. 核技術, 12期
苗曉東,孫有斌,鹿化煜. 2001. 黃土高原晚上新世紅粘土粒度的空間變化. 沉積學報2期


1、 中國科學院王寬誠科研獎金項目,中國科學院地球環境研究所。2010年
2、Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student. Geography Departmental Award 2004-2, The Holocene, 14, (2005) pp. 339-346. One graduate student is awarded among over 90 graduate students in the department. Geography Departmental Award 2004-2005, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2004年


