



  • 中文名:苗偵楨
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:數學教育的跨文化、大數據定量研究、定量與定性研究結論
  • 任職院校:江西師範大學





已發表SSCI論文1篇(第1作者)及國際知名數學教育期刊 (Scimago期刊) 論文1篇 (第3作者); 以第一作者身份, 出版關於中英數學教學比較的英文專著1部 (2017, Taylor & Francis Group 旗下的世界社科類頂尖學術出版社: Routledge出版社); 以第一作者身份在英國教育研究學會 (BERA)、歐洲教學研究學會(EARLI)會議和國際學校效能與改進會議 (ICSEI) 發表會議論文4篇, 以第3作者身份 (ICMR項目助理研究員) 在英國教育研究學會 (BERA) 和英國數學與套用學會組織的有關數學學習的會議發表會議論文2篇; 以第2和第4作者身份在《華人如何教數學》及《國際教育效能與改進》兩本英文專著中發表英文專著篇章共2篇, 其中《華人如何教數學》中文版 (十三五國家重點圖書) 已於2017年5月由江蘇教育出版社出版。


Miao, Z., Reynolds, D., Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2015). Comparing performance: A cross-national investigation into the teaching of mathematics in primary classrooms in England and China.Asia Pacific Journal of Education[SSCI期刊]
Fan, L., Zhu, Y., &Miao, Z.(2013). Textbook research in mathematics education: Development status and direction.ZDM–The International Journal on Mathematics Education[國際知名數學教育期刊, Scimago期刊]


Miao, Z., & Reynolds, D. (2017).The Effectiveness of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools: Lessons from England and China. London and New York: Routledge.
Taylor & Francis Group 旗下的Routledge出版社為全球社科類最高等級學術出版社之一,總部位於倫敦和紐約。
Fan, L.,Miao, Z.,& Mok, I. A. C. (2015). How Chinese teachers teach mathematics and pursue their professional development: Perspectives from contemporary international research. In L. Fan, N. Y. Wong, J. Cai, & S. Li (Eds.),How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders(華人如何教數學) (pp. 43-70). Singapore: World Scientific.
Reynolds, D., Caldwell, B., Cruz, R. M.,Miao, Z., Murillo, J., Mugendawala, H., . . . Ramon, M. R. R. (2015). Comparative educational research. In C. Chapman, D. Muijs, D. Reynolds, P. Sammons, & C. Teddlie (Eds.),The Routledge International Handbook of Educational Effectiveness and Improvement (pp. 246-282). London: Routledge.


Miao, Z., & Reynolds, D. (2018, January).Improving mathematics teaching in primary schools: A review of studies utilising the value-added approach (1960-2017).Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Singapore.
Miao, Z., & Reynolds, D. (2015, September).Uncovering classroom-level factors for the performance gap in mathematics between England and China: a synthesis of results and findings from an international teacher effectiveness study. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of British Educational Research Association (BERA), Belfast, UK.
Miao, Z., & Reynolds, D. (2014, September).The effectiveness of mathematics teaching: A cross-national investigation in primary schools in England and China. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK.
Miao, Z., & Reynolds, D. (2014, August).A comparative study on the effectiveness of mathematics teaching in England and China. Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 18 Conference, Southampton, UK.
Martin, H., Gallacher, A., &Miao, Z.(2015, September).Children’s mathematical reasoning: Scottish schools and the state of play. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of British Educational Research Association (BERA), Belfast, UK.
Martin, H., Gallacher, A., &Miao, Z.(2015, June).A review of literature on mathematics educational research in Scotland (1960-2015). Paper presented at the First IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths, Glasgow, UK.


