《芭比之秘密之門》是Karen J. Lloyd執導的一部新的芭比動畫電影,由Kelly Sheridan,Brittany McDonald配音主演
影片講述了芭比扮演的亞歷克莎公主推開了神秘的大門進入了這個奇異的、住著奇怪的生物的、充滿驚喜的世界。在這次經歷的過程中,亞歷克莎逐漸找回了自己 的勇氣,並且用勇氣說明出什麼是正確的。這次經歷也讓她領悟到:友情的力量是遠遠比魔法珍貴的
- 導演:Karen J. Lloyd
- 編劇:Brian Holefeld
- 主演:芭比(亞歷克莎)
- 製片人:Melissa Lee Anderson、Shelley Dvi Vardhana、David Voss等
- 出品公司:Rainmaker娛樂公司
- 中文名:芭比之秘密之門
- 外文名:Barbie and the Secret Door
- 其它譯名:芭比之神秘之門
- 出品時間:2014年8月26日
- 發行公司:環球影片公司
- 製片地區:美國
- 類型:動畫,家庭,奇幻,冒險,音樂
- 片長:77分鐘
- 上映時間:2015
- 對白語言:英語
- 色彩:彩色
- 線上播放平台:愛奇藝,搜狐,搜狗電影等
- 音樂製造人:Gabriel Mann、Rebecca Mneubuhl

- 亞歷克莎演員:芭比一個害羞和安靜的公主,17歲。她喜歡再沒人干擾的情況下下度過整天的時間。她發現了一個充滿了精靈,仙子、美人魚和獨角獸的世界,並在那裡獲得了魔法和友誼。
- 羅密演員:-她是一位來自Zinnia的魔法王國的人魚,友好並且充滿活力。自從被瑪露西亞偷去魚尾和魔法後,適套用人腿走路成了她的大問題。她有草莓金髮和棕色的眼睛。她的衣服是紫藍相間的,上面有一個看起很像她的魚尾的裝飾,她看上去像是背著弓和箭。最後在亞麗克莎的幫助下她重新獲得她的魔法和魚尾。
- 諾麗演員:-她是一位來自Zinnia的仙子,擅長快速思考問題。儘管她被瑪露西亞奪取了翅膀和法力,她還是盡力去保護朋友。她有棕色的頭髮和淡褐色的眼睛。她的衣服是花橙色的。最後亞麗克莎幫助她找回魔法和翅膀,翅膀是橙色的。
- 瑪露西亞演員:-瑪露西亞是被寵壞的統治者,她是這片神奇的土地上唯一一個生來就沒有魔法的人,幸運的是,她有一根能奪走其他生物魔法的權杖,因此她試圖用這跟權杖奪取這片土地的所有魔法。她統治這片神奇的土地。她真的很喜歡掠奪(她的歌曲中甚至都有“I want it all"這樣的歌詞)。
'Cause I really gonna get to chapter three
And see if I'm surprised
Will the princess slay the dragon
Will she save the day
Will she find a brand new world
That takes her breath away
What's gonna happen
I can't wait to see
What's gonna happen
It's all a mystery
I need to turn the page
Prepare to be amazed
See if she's got it made
It's nothing I'd expect
What's Gonna Happen next
All I really wanna do is hide right here
And start on chapter four
Maybe this is where the princess saves her friends
And claims her just reward
Will she shoot a perfect arrow
Will her aim be true
Will she meet her mighty foe
And know just what to do
What's gonna happen
I can't wait to see
What's gonna happen
It's all a mystery
I need to turn the page
Prepare to be amazed
See if she's got it made
It's nothing I'd expect
What's gonna happen next
What if I
Could just dive inside
I could stand tall and it would come easy to me
Like a dream
What's gonna happen
I can't wait to see
What's gonna happen
It's all a mystery
I need to turn the page
Prepare to be amazed
See if she's got it made
It's nothing I'd expect
What's gonna happen next
And be just who I am
Yeah, I'm finally stepping up to center stage
To lent a helping hand
Every princess
Needs a story
This one will be mine
Cause I'm in the perfect place
And now's the perfect time
What's gonna happen
I can't wait to see
What's gonna happen
It's all up to me
I'm gonna turn the page
Prepare to be amazed
Now that I've got it made
Woah-ah oh
It's nothing I'd expect
What's gonna happen next?
Oh, yeah!
It's nothing I'd expect
What's gonna happen next?